Citizens Powered by God

God is not only interested in we worshipping him, he is also very much interested in living through us and becoming the fire and fuel of our lives. When you succeed in carrying yourself as a shrine of God through the spirit, you will be a true light in your society. Is it not heart-warming that we can literally live off the energy and strength of God?

God our Energy
Colossians 1:29
For this end I labor, striving with all his energy, which so mightily works within me (Common Edition New Testament)

Living on the energy of GOD will make you a wonder. The impossible suddenly becomes a great opportunity. Every child of God can live on God. Man shall not live by bread alone but man shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). We can live by God. This is not religion at all. The Word of God becoming fuel for our lives on earth until we operate as gods on the earth. The Word of God will not be reduced to a material for intellectual discussion. The Word of God is food indeed. And every man who consumes the word as food will not live an ordinary life.

Commit to be a Part of the Solution
According the scriptures God has made Christ to be our wisdom. Let this wisdom guide you. Have a wisdom check before you say or do something. Ask yourself is it wisdom to say or do this? You cannot be a carrier of the wisdom of God and be creating problems everywhere you go. You ought to be a solution bearer. Every child of God should commit not to be part of the problem in our nation. The only explanation for some of the challenges we are having in our nation is this, many of God’s children have not submitted to the wisdom of God. They are not dominated and regulated by the wisdom of God. We will not have a sanitation crisis when we have men and women who are powered by the wisdom of God? I am not just talking about having public intellectual discussions and debates that leads to inaction. I am talking about wisdom as a driving force in decision making. Knowing our problem as a nation is not enough (even though not many know what the real problem is). We must understand our problem (without which we cannot begin to craft solutions), and finally we must know the steps to take to solve it. This is wisdom. It is when we understand our problem and want a change that we begin to make behavioural changes that ultimately result in a change in the scenery. The scene is inextricably tied to our behaviour. Our behaviour is a reflection of our understanding and our understanding is a function of our light. Let us go for light as a nation. Our future is not in darkness our future is in the light. And this is the true light that lights every man that comes into the world. Jesus the Christ!

Our Sanctification
God has made Christ to be our sanctification. Don’t allow condemning thoughts to interrupt your focus. Embrace the sanctifying work of Christ and yield completely to it. This truth will erupt a new kind of confidence in you to dare the status quo. This confidence is rooted in who you have become in Christ and has nothing to do with your background. You don’t have to wear the badge of timidity that is unfortunately associated with some Ghanaians. You have become a brave soul who can believe God in the face of obvious contradictions and become all that you are in Christ by sheer faith.

Let the God kind of entrepreneurs emerge!

Let the God kind of educationists emerge!

Let the God kind of farmers emerge!

Let the God kind of pastors emerge!

Let the God kind of politicians emerge!

Let the God kind of parents emerge!

Take action.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!

3 thoughts on “Citizens Powered by God”

  1. It is a great concern when you know creation groans awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God.
    May we allow the Holy Spirit who is here to be our guide lead us into who we are to be in Jesus’name amen.

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