Winning in Uncertain Times

God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, so we will have dominion on the Earth. I want to encourage you to keep your focus on the mandate (dominion on the earth) and not on any other thing. As you take action in line with the mandate, you engage the backing of Heaven and you become undefeatable in the earth.

Genesis 31: 38-42
38 This twenty years have I been with thee; thy ewes and thy she goats have not cast their young, and the rams of thy flock have I not eaten.
39 That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I bare the loss of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether stolen by day, or stolen by night.
40 Thus I was; in the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night; and my sleep departed from mine eyes.
41 Thus have I been twenty years in thy house; I served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy cattle: and thou hast changed my wages ten times.
42 Except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty. God hath seen mine affliction and the labour of my hands, and rebuked thee yesternight.

How you think is an asset in difficult times

The blessing gives you that capacity to deliver under any circumstance. We see that Jacob the blessed man guaranteed his performance to his employer. Clearly the blessing is an empowerment that alters how you to think. The truth is, for the blessing to positively impact your physical space it must first shape how you think. Remember the blessing and how you think, are more important than what you have or don’t have physically.

Think victory, take action

There is a victory consciousness that flows from your very breath when the blessing takes a hold of your thinking.
Verses 38-42 reveal that if you will not make an excuse the blessing will produce divine results. The blessing energizes the blessed. Jacob kept going for twenty years under very difficult and unpredictable circumstances. The blessing gave Jacob a focus. His wages were changed ten times in six years after working for 14 years for his two wives.

What will make a man win under such volatile market conditions? The blessing! The blessing is not imprecise. It is crystal clear and unambiguous. It is an empowerment to rule and subdue the earth.

Stable minds in unstable situations

The blessing is dominating the earth with the grace and endowments of God within you; that is the essence of living on the earth. Failure is not an option to the blessing. Indeed the blessing is not just a favourable condition or situation; more importantly, the blessing empowers you to win in spite of contrary and ferocious forces in your world.

This is why how you think is critical. The blessing renews your mind and installs a mentality that is disposed to winning; a mindset that sees victory as the only logical option.

You are here to win

A blessed man therefore is able to handle difficulties in his domain because he has a character that stems from his mandate to subdue the earth.
Rule and Subdue the Earth!