The Spirit of the Ruler – Part II

Last week we began this series by establishing that the Believer is destined to rule, just like God our Father, the Creator and Ruler of all. Since God is a Spirit (Genesis1:1; John 4:24), Man, who is created in the image and likeness of God is also a spirit. We learned that ruling and subduing the earth begins and ends with the condition of your spirit. The first essential ingredient for ruling and subduing the earth we looked at is that you must be born again.

John 3:6-7
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

The second ingredient we began to look at is that you nourish your spirit by feeding on the Word of God, and this is what I would want to go explain in more detail in this concluding part of the series.

Spiritual development: the infrastructure to receive the wisdom of God
Luke 2:40 \”And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: . . .

Wisdom is like software that God installs in your spirit. I call wisdom God\’s installed capacity in your spirit. The weight and impact of the wisdom of God requires that you develop a strong spirit. Spiritual strength is necessary to host the wisdom of God. If you are not spiritually prepared for the glory wisdom will bring to you, you will end up as a casualty.

Proverbs 8: 15, 18
15 By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.
18 Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.

Many have abused the honour and riches God has granted them because they lacked the wisdom to manage them, and have brought unnecessary trouble to themselves and their loved ones as a result.

Release the Word of God from Your Spirit
To influence the spirit and physical realms you must learn to release the Word of God from your spirit. When your spirit takes hold of the Word of God it begins to produce whatever the Word says – just like seed in the soil. However if your spirit is underfed and malnourished it will be incapable of bringing forth the Word û the same way a soil which lacks the right nutrients, cannot yield a good crop, irrespective of the quality of the seed planted in it.

 Cultivate Your Spirit
Do not leave your spiritual nourishment to chance. Invest time in studying the Word and in prayer. Do not let proximity ALONE be the reason for your choice of place for fellowship. Many people will endure being in traffic for two hours every morning and evening to and from work, but will think it unreasonable to spend half that time to go to church! If you are not fed spiritually where you fellowship, ask God to lead you to a fold where you will be fed and engaged (John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28).

You are a spirit. Please do not joke with your spirit life – that is the real you. Do whatever it takes to receive spiritual nourishment. You rule from your spiritual self so take responsibility for your spiritual development.

Rule for God!