Multiple Sources of Income is Unscriptural

No matter how tough or difficult an environment is, there are a people that can still remain relevant in that same environment. The Bible talks about how persecution broke out in Jerusalem, but the Apostles, in spite of the persecution and hostility in the environment they were living in, still remained relevant. There is a way we can package and orient ourselves to be part of the few relevant people in our spaces. I would like to share with you a few salient thoughts that I believe will help you be indispensable regardless of your setting.

Relentless Learning
One writer said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” This means, when you become rigid you will break. Resolve to be malleable and pliable in the hands of God in order to stay current with Him and updated in the knowledge market. Jesus puts it this way in Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls (Emphasis mine).” That means when you pursue learning you will definitely find; and in this particular context, you will find rest for your souls irrespective of how tight and hostile the circumstances may be.

Philippians 4:19 KJV

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Emphasis mine)

One Source
The above scripture implies that God is the only source for His children. James 1:17 declares, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” If God is the supplier of all your needs, then He is not the source of diseases, lack and calamities but your source of every good and perfect gift. This means if there is anything you require, God is the approved, certified and sustainable source. In the light of this scripture, multiple sources of income is unscriptural but multiple channels of income are scriptural. As a child of God, your business or the organisation in which you work is not your source, but a channel of income. When you see God as your source, you become big enough for the various channels of income to flow into you.

Multiple Channels
God is your source as a child of God, but He wants you to have different channels. In order to be a vast receptacle for multiple channels of income, it would be vital to consider three major thoughts.

First of all, it is important to consider whether what you are doing is needed, wanted or valuable. You need to come to a place where you are persuaded that whatever you are involved in, pursuing or delivering is needed. This implies that one of the markets you should be engaged in is the needs market. Thus, answers to these evaluative questions are critical: Is there a need for what I do? What are the needs I can satisfy? There is also a wants market where consumers have gone past what is needed to what they want, therefore, the questions above can be applied if you want to serve in the wants market. However, to be distinguished in the needs or wants market, engaging in the value market, where you serve premium products and services that deliver value is imperative.

Secondly, it is important to consider whether you have the ability to do. This raises the question, “Do I have the ability to do it?” This is a call to mastery. On the path to mastery you may go hungry, but when you become a master, you won’t go hungry. As hinted in previous articles, developing your skill-set is crucial. Nevertheless, your mind-set, that is, your belief system has an impact on your outcome. This means you need to develop a huge belief system, such that you are convinced and confident about your capabilities. Push yourself till you become the best at what you do. Stand out in your ability to do.

Finally, consider whether you are irreplaceable or not. In other words, ask yourself, “Am I difficult to be replaced?” The answer will determine how valuable and useful you are in your environment. Knowledge is very vital in order to remain relevant. However, one of the outmoded ways to be relevant is to hoard knowledge. The best way to rectify this, that is, using knowledge to remain relevant and irreplaceable is continuous improvement. How can you serve an omniscient God and not seek knowledge? Keep reaching for more. Keep improving.

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