Man Means Dominion

Multiplication is a strategy for dominion. Multiplication is how your presence is felt even in your absence. Everything God says to us or gives us is for the sole purpose of dominating, subduing and influencing the earth for Him. When God thought ‘man’ He thought dominion The conception of man in the mind of God […]

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Towards an Effective Marriage: What I wish I knew before getting married in 2005 (Part 3)

I am bringing you part 3 of the Towards an Effective Marriage Series. I trust you will be greatly helped as I share with you what I wish I knew before getting married in 2005. Married yet alone and lonely Ephesians 533 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence

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Towards an Effective Marriage: What I wish I knew before getting married in 2005 (Part 2)

I am bringing you part 2 of the Towards an Effective Marriage Series. I trust you will be greatly helped as I share with you what I wish I knew before getting married in 2005. Marriage is hard, hard workEphesians 525 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for

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Towards an Effective Marriage: What I wish I knew before getting married in 2005 (Part 1)

God made the male man and then the woman and instituted marriage in His holy presence. What God has to say about the marriage institution therefore is the operational manual for its effectiveness.  Any marital breakup is traceable to the noncompliance of both parties to the laws of marriage. Everything God made is governed by

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