I know not who hes the bitch of now but this is Karma time.. For symptoms. On Thursday, authorities found three bodies: Shanann was buried in a shallow grave about 40 miles east of their home at a work site belonging to her husband's former employer (which fired him. It also meant he would necessarily need to use the Lexus himself, and Shananns Facebook does show Watts often behind the wheel, while she is in the passenger seat. Even Chris mistress, Nichol, was toxic in the sense that she preferred being in a relationship with a married man. I wish I could be there the day he does it to you, like he did it to his wife. Published on August 17, 2018 07:45 PM. Shame on you !! Why didnt they just move back to NC,! Hasty reporting? If so, whose children are these anyway? the report writer should have put the information (that he did not observe, but was rather told) about activities early the prior morning in brackets or parenthesis, because otherwise the report is a contemporaneous write-up of what the officer himself observed Tuesday evening. If Oscar wanted to sell his story, could he, and if he could, why doesnt he, and if he has, how has he? What the hell was going on in that family? I think she was abusive to Chris and the girls and saw through this fake facade from the first video i watched of her. Where did they come from and what has really happened to them? Apologists say it was for surgeries and medications fine but if she has Munchausen and Munchausen by proxy, these amounts make sense. The murders were a very crass and grotesque way of doing that. This is excellent investigative work and analysis, Nick. So many Businesses ,So Many Stores! a car accessory company based in Fayetteville. She was obsessed with looking wealthy, and spent money she couldnt afford on stuff. As far as Cindy is concerned, she didnt like her from the day she met her, that was way before she had her children with the food allergies, before she knew of anything health related to her most likely. Chris Watts: What possibilities exist for his Defense Case? Maybe thats why the neighbor saw him leaving through the side gate. I would, wouldnt you. An Amber Alert was not issued due to Shanann Watts' car being found . Their brains become calibrated to constant gaslighting, belittling and bullying. In February 2019, CNN published a video taken from the Watts' front door camera that captured Shanann walking into her house at 1:48 a.m. with a car pulling out of the driveway. Shananns name was/is often misspelt as its so close to the more common Shannon. Shannon Ruzeck King -Watts IS her real name. Rohde Crime Scene Schematic: What else are we missing? *that is the information this report from the surveilling officer is conveying about what he observed Tuesday evening*. I wouldnt understand that of course, because I dont judge people for their actions as a mother or father. They wanted to recover the bodies for evidence. The PATERNAL grandfather wanted to FaceTime but due to the rift in the family he and Chris decided it would be better not to. Nothing this woman said seems to be true, all of it a lie. At What Point Was Chris Watts DONE With THRIVE? Should have tried writing Mills and Boon shockers She would have done well.. Rohde Trial: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is Character Assassinating Who? That brings me to the part in the book where you discuss societys relationship with social media and how it makes a mockery of real life because it places the value in the photo/video/etc and not on the actual experience. Ive checked North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey Jersey Colorado and nothing turns up. Share ; Tweet ; . Yes, she was murdered. He could not get an apt. This may mean he was in the dark about their finances, or he was pretty reckless too. Pingback: Chris Watts: Complete Cast of Characters - CrimeStopNews.Com. To prove her innocence once and for all. He was very young, about 9 or 10, when I was 8, I think. Then, it reads that while they were watching him, he had the Lexus hatch up and the truck doors open. Well said Nick. Watts, a 33-year-old Colorado oil worker, killed his wife, Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant, along with his two daughters aged three and four on August 13, 2018. Most likely many marriages, poor darlingso phony. The babysitter said once that Bella was v upset because her mum ( Shanann) had told her CeCe could die if she ate cocoanut. I doubt their actions would have been any different if he had tried to marry NK and God knows how that would have ended if they hated her too. State Seeking Leave to Appeal on #OscarPistorius Sentencing Hearing, August 25 [LIVE BLOG], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 1 [LIVE COVERAGE], Henris Humiliation lies at the heart of the Triple Axe Murder Motive [WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO], Judge Desais incredible final question to Henri, Henris incredible answer and the secret it reveals, Van Breda police statement vs Plea Explanation. Its not hidden info and surprised you didnt know that. Facebook For 23 hours a day, Watts is on lockdown. It does not change the fact that someone snuffed out the life of their wife and children in cold blood, after cheating on them for months, with no regard at all that they were their own family who thought they were safe with him. You should be thanking this man for his hard work exploring the truth without biased. Do you think he did have a plan for it that was thwarted by NA? Has Judge Greenland Become Persona Non Grata? I paid for his lawyer. Please dont spread false info. You dont even know the charges you claim exist, yet you post this idiocy in defense of what? I have never cheated with a married man out of respect for my sisters but this marriage was all ready wrecked like chris and this monster. WTF? A cursory glance at Shananns Facebook profile provides confirmation of this. They met at a car dealership where she was a sales agent and CW was a mechanic. And Shanann, 15 charges? Intelligent eyes. They become addicted to the trauma. After the murders, no one was living in it and it was put on the market. Shanann, 34, and daughters Celeste, 3, and 4-year-old Bella were reported missing Monday afternoon, . Ironically, since Shananns nightmarish murder and burial on a leased oil site, rather than taking a knock, Thrive seems to have reaped a whirlwind of positive publicity. With Nates security camera, there is zero chance he could have gotten away with trying to get rid of her car, even if every other detail had gone according to plan. Even if she hadnt been considered missing as early as Monday, neighbor Nates door cam would have shown Chris at home, then her car leaving (probably even could have been enhanced to show Chris driving), then Chris coming back somehow. Im sure her ex-husband might have some thing to add but he seems to have maintained a dignified silence. I wouldnt be surprised if Chris isnt on work release at the same hospital soon. He has said he planned to kill Shanann. Anyway, the book is great and definitely makes me want to read your other work. Was Chris Watts having an affair with another man? Squirting water at a trapped Bella on their balcony in Frederick , when Bella was desperately trying to escape and grandmum Sandra teasing Bella about the rain coming for her, when she knew Bella didnt want to go out in it. I imagine that embezzling involved juggling the books so she could take advances to support her lifestyle. That is all I know about that. He had power ranger figures, they had to be set up in a specific and certain way on his bedside table. . Its pretty much standard practice when it comes to MLM companies: The dirty little secret promoters wont tell you, is that far from the auto bonus being a reward for hard work, the promoters are required to get a lease when they reach a particular milestone. 5:09-CV-32-D. Why unless your getting paid for then why why why. Her children were innocent and their tragic deaths should force us to think about the issues that were raised about the relationship between Chris, his family, his wife and her family. . Constantly. Love this place, btw! They both seem to be consumed with keeping up with what everyone else is doing and using other peoples lives as a measuring stick for their own lives if that makes sense. And they did not facetime chris would not let them cuz he 2as worried shanann would find out since she was still mad about the allergy thing. Its vulgar too. True Crime, Why Journalists Must Remain Neutral, and What It Means. Oh and re the potential prior arrests of ShanannI think I too saw where I thought she had been arrested around 15 times and then compared information and determined it was a Shannon Watts/a different woman. . Did he think this would all go away and he could take Nichole out on another date? My step father owns a Subaru dealership and as long as mileage is low, you can lease a car at any year. Her friend that came from Hawaii to Colorado to help care for her and the kids after her neck surgery. At 5:37 in the clip above, HBOs John Oliver refers to the dangling of vast lifestyle improvements, especially flashy cars, and luxury travel, as being at the heart of the MLM pitch.. just bc NK went to bed with a married man does not make her a murderer. He had a giant weeping willow tree that was full of ticks. And in fact he goes straight there with no stops. + 5 Easy Insights from the Carte Blanche Show, Based on Bothas Arguments, will Judge Desai Grant Convicted Triple Axe Murderer an Appeal? He was living with a woman who had a 2 year old child and the charges stemmed from him battering the child on the face. View Case Cited Cases Adrian & Blissfield Roaring Fork 6742 (ex SP) LW economy baggage car renamed Watts Creek . This means technically, neither Watts nor his wife were actually vehicle owners in their own right. Hahaha. She was murdered by her husband Chris Watts who admitted to killing her while being interviewed by police. Technically, Chris still owns it. If Chris knew Shanann was going to be dead, why would he care if they facetimed, b/c it was impossible, they were already dead. They met in 2010 and were married in Mecklenburg County on November 3, 2012, according to online records. The criminal record / charges that are being referenced in this bs article are not for the deceased ShanAnn Watts. Its marketing gold, and it mainlines into the greed/envy/ego aspect of a person. One way to address that, besides through the semantics in the Discovery Documents [the word lease isnt used multiple times accidentally], is to look at former employees and to see what they say about their experience with MLMs. Justice Eventualis, Oscars Sentence Extended [Documents], The Dark Matter of the Oscar Behind the Great Pretender [Review of White Horse II], Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius Part 1, Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius Part 2, SCA Sentencing Appeal of Oscar Pistorius LIVE Blog November 3, 2017, Expert Psychologist Discusses Oscars Narcissism, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE III #OscarPistorius, [FULL DOCUMENTS] Notice of Application for Leave to Appeal #OscarPistorius July 21, 2016, 4 True Crime Writers Join Forces to Interrogate Oscar, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE II #OscarPistorius, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE #OscarPistorius. Shanann also took a huge amount of painkillers at times it seems. This is for Shanann. On August 21, when detective Baumhover contacted Atkinson, she was getting ready to do a night shift as a nursing assistance at Mesa Vista Nursing Home in Boulder, a short drive west of Frederick and Erie. Chris confessing to exactly what the CBI told him happened? What Shanann and other MLMers say about the luxury car bonus. Omeprazole is given for indigestion and peptic ulcers. Chris Watts, 33, is charged with three counts of. God Bless !!! So far I dont believe details have emerged about this dark period in Shananns life in North Carolina; however, it seems to mirror her approach to finances and life in Colorado. ), One last thing-I did a quick search on Shananns old address for the home she owned in Belmont NC and found an old listing with photos that definitely include some of her furniture and decor. In his mind. What freakin difference does it make at this point.. get a life and let this beautiful, caring friend, daughter and sister rest in piece. How did they afford their Lexus? Strange family? Bella appeared to be a deep thinking, intelligent, v thoughtful child, even at such a young age. . Rumors are circulating that Shanann was having an affair with her boss, and that this is what ended her relationship with the anonymous Mr. King. One can also apply the same psychology to MLMs. Shanann Watts was about 15 weeks pregnant when police say her husband, Chris Watts, killed her and their girls Monday, Aug. 13, 2018. Is THIS Casey Anthonys motive, timestamped, in her own words? your= possessive (bite your tongue). Was I wrong? There is also reason to believe her financial situation at the time she lost her first house could have led to credit card impairment and debt related charges. Might she have in a mixed message sort of way conveyed to him that he was still flawed in her mind because he came with extra baggage children? And yes, it does read ambiguously and not very clearly. I currently am a brand Specialist at Williams Subaru where I . View shakedowntitles profile on Facebook, Christopher Watts: What else do we know? I looked again at the right side of the house and the line of sight from that side would be partially obscured by the tree in the Watts front yard then you have the tree partially obscuring Nathans camera but still in all, hed be crazy to carry bodies out in the open. He couldnt afford a lawyer, most likely, because his wife was the one doing all the work, earning a living, while he played around, cheated on her(with you & lots of others) and she got sick of his abusive, cheating, worthless ass. Or is he supposed to be pleased with himself now cause she was not an angel? Shanann did not deserve to be murdered. NK must have let him know this at some point, and I bet he hated Shannan for that. You Watts twats kill me . Shanann Watts died Intestate Is A Court Battle Looming in Probate Court over LifeInsurance. Shanann Watts: I refuse to let anyone take over my body, or my life. I also have a bf with an ex-wife who took every penny he had. What is Henri van Bredas ring of power and pain? Wow, you must not have much of a life if you spend your time researching Shanann past . Chris Watts strangled and smothered his pregnant wife Shanann, 34, to death, before strangling their daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, with a blanket in 2018. ANALYSIS, WATCH: Henri van Bredas application for leave to appeal. It was a 2016 Lexus SUV, it was only 1 1/2 years old upon her death, that is not too old to be leased again. Rohde Trial: Can a body bruise after it has died, even one prone to bruising? Munchausen? Who f* cares. To start, why dont you read the article: Women Who Hate Other Women: The Psychological Root of Snarky. Reading the transcripts again and honing in on the things Nichole K. said it sounds like she gave mixed messages to the investigator but more importantly to Watts. Im a Catholic too, but lord, grandmother Rzucek ( Sandra) is a bit off the planet about it. If it is how they met, one can understand how she might want to keep this aspect of her life under wraps from the fairy tale obsessed Thrive crowd. His passive personality seems to have made him vulnerable to being taken advantage of, but it was also up to him to set boundaries. . To me, its bizarre. Watts said: "When I got home . . He obviously knew about Nates security camera, hence the display of backing his truck up the driveway that morning. Anyway, he was like one year older than me and we played in his backyard all the time. Were actually vehicle owners in their own right his hard work exploring truth. Another date rohde Trial: can a body bruise after it has died, even at a... It mainlines into the greed/envy/ego aspect of a person and 4-year-old Bella were reported missing afternoon. Sandra ) is a bit off the planet about it apologists say it was for and. 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