Be Relevant or Be Forgotten

It is not unusual these days to interact with people who have accepted as their fate, the fact that they are consumers, and nothing more. The harsh reality is; consumers don’t have a future. The priceless virtue of contribution as a personal culture must be embraced by everyone who believes in the dignity of becoming a blessing and not a burden to their world. A contribution mentality is what harnesses your creativity and resourcefulness until you become a massive difference in life. I am speaking to you if you are one of those who is ashamed to beg for a living. There are people begging today who have had a lot of money once upon a time in their lives. So if you have money today, it is not a guarantee that you will have money always.

What I am talking about today goes beyond having money. I am talking about a lifestyle that makes you eternally relevant. Even after drawing your last breath on earth, you will still be a significant contributor to your world. I am talking about becoming such a rare commodity that even if you lose your locomotion your handlers see it as a prized privilege to care for you. You literally become a blessing as burden just because of your standing and the sheer quality and quantum of your continuous personal contributions. If you commit to the three major thoughts I am going to share with you, you will be the best or among the best in your space.

Add value to yourself
It seems that the best place to hide something is in the open, because the majority of people are not aware of their environment. They have not trained their eyes and ears to spot what they require for their destiny. They cannot see opportunity. Consequently, spending a fortune to keep success secrets under lock and key is becoming an unwise investment. This I largely because many people do not do what they know. There is therefore no point keeping the secrets away from them. Why is there such an inertia whenever action is required? Planned action is the labour room for success. Success is born out of action. Many have misconstrued adding value to ones’ self to mean going to school.
Do you see why we have some Master’s degree holders who have not mastered anything. What they have done is, they have been to school but have not added real value to themselves.

Adding value to yourself involves two things; getting the knowledge, and doing the knowledge.

Get knowledge
Do the hard work of gathering relevant knowledge. Do not spare yourself in this regard. God is all-knowing and so you cannot claim to represent Him if you know nothing. A crisis of knowledge is the reason for the malfunction in our society.

Do what you know
When what you know becomes what you do (your personal culture), knowledge evolves to power. It takes more to do what you know than it takes in gathering what you know. But it is doing the difficult things in life that makes you a rare breed. Decisions and actions are the authentic doors into your future. If you cannot do it, you do not know it.

So when you have people in this country who have been through formal institutions of learning and all they have to show for it is a certificate, then you know we have a real problem on our hands.

Decide to become a contributor and take action today.

I will conclude this article next week God willing.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!

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