Exchange Time for What You Want

I wish all of you readers a Happy New Year. I am pleased to be able to come your way once again with the Rulers World weekly newsletter, and I trust that through our articles you will be empowered to become the person God has ordained you to become. By the way what makes 2017 new?  It is your new input in the year which will make it new. However, you need new information or a new commitment to do an existing knowledge to make new input in the year. I would love to share a brief but extremely important message with you. A message that, I believe if you embrace, will deliver outrageous value for you a year from now, than you have ever witnessed in your life in a given year.

What do you want out of life?
This is one of the most important questions you could ever ask yourself. Very few people know what they really want out of life. Anybody doing anything worthwhile in society has a clear vision of what they want. The truth is, your vision is your share or space in life. Living without a clear vision is pathetic.  Life really is not about what there is or has been done; it is about what YOU want. If all we do is repeat what there is or has been done, there will be no real progress in life. Life was designed to be progressive. Have a clear vision of what you want out of 2017 and go for it. It is that simple.

Time is your greatest resource
Time is your greatest resource. It is the purchasing power for whatever you want. Time is the only resource the rich and poor have in common; yet the use of time is what makes them different. Your time is your life. If you waste your time you have wasted your life. Time is a limited and depleting asset. Therefore trading time directly for money all your life is not a wise use of time. In the creation account we see God trading six days (time) for everything He created. Time is the raw form of what it takes to create whatever you want. Whatever you require to succeed can be acquired by exchanging time for it. The whole of 2017 is time. What are you going to exchange it for: salary? That would be an unfair trade.

Convert time to be fruitful
You would have to, at a point in your life, convert your time into products or systems that deliver services and then exchange these for material wealth. The successful conversion of time is what makes the difference in life. Don’t just watch time fly, take hold of it and convert it into anything you want. A wise man said, ‘what you don’t have is what you have been unwilling to exchange time for.’
Become the highest version of yourself this year. Use time to create depth and capacity in yourself. Increase your value by exchanging time for wisdom.

Joel 2:25
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. [Emphasis mine]

Get rid of modern locusts and cankerworms, caterpillars and palmerworms that eat your years. Any gadget, ‘friend’ or platform that eats your time is stealing your life. Watch it!

Live Boldly
You require boldness to take a hold of time and use it profitably. You can have what you want. Don’t live at the mercy of another human being. You have a destiny that is intended to make you a net contributor.

Do you really want it?
You cannot afford to consume your time by watching television and being in every social gathering. You just can’t afford it. Anyone who will spend his or her time on negligible things will end up poor even if they started rich. Do you really want to live your highest life?  Then place value on your time and you would have placed value on your life.
Rule and subdue the earth!