I had a nihihghtmhare! I know. He cooed, pressing a gentle kiss to Y/Ns head. Im right here. After accepting the Elemental Alliance's invitation to become allies, you meet a man that forever changes your world. Margaret Scully/William "Bill" Scully Sr. Season 5 from Glimmer and Bows perspective! The Uncanny Ship (Tmnt x Male!Reader) You were sleeping peacefully next to me, and one of my hands were around your hips and, I took it away and looked at the clock. Disclaimer: Mature language and references could be usedI DO NOT CLAIM THE STORYLINEI made the cover but the images AREN'T mineALSO: if you are male and would like to read don't let the female/feminine pronouns stop you!lol, also there's like ten chapters that doesn't involve Lloyd or [name] because they're captured so uhhh bare through it :/. "And when will that day be, Y/n? #newyork I wipe away a couple of tears on his cheek and Lloyd grabs my hand towards his cheek. "My Lloyd," he purred, combing his fingers through Lloyd's hair, his green eyes meeting with Lloyd's terrified red ones. Its an ability she's had her entire life and the experiences she has with them vary. Hope u read :p (Story wrote by friend of owner, credit goes. Ongoing. Little do they know, this coincidence will be (Y/N) and Lloyd has always been best friends since they were kids. warnings are fluff, teasy!Kai, normal ninja ( ahem ), Hey there, I was wondering if u would write some ninjago headcanons for Kai with a s/o that has social anxiety? Child: new name, Eret, son of Eret x reader: it's been a minute since prologue. Through it all Y/N and the Winchesters are targeted by demons and angels alike, who warn that each brother has a special and terrible role to play in the coming devastation. I smile and shake my head. Reader part 3, Gally TMR x reader we lived shanks part 2, Alex Alvarez (Odaat) x reader Periods and stuff. . "Yea it was AMAZING!" He asks.-I don't know. we are together so I'll guess we'll never know, I say. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. What if Troy got on that boat? Lloyd gave Zane a questioning look, placing his bowl beside him on the counter. IN WHICH, [y/n], the Master of Whisp, returns to Ninjago City after about four years of isolation and finally meets the infamous saviors of the city.Somehow, they find themself hopping on a fishy boat to an even fishier island in the middle of nowhere to find someone, not realizing they would make some new friends along the way. Reader: The baby project part 3, Older! Warnings:- cursing- bad writing- incorrect storyline- sexual references. -The first one was that I came to school one day, and you were flirting with this other guy. I don't know, it's hard to explain. so the reader will be GN instead of male! Part 1; Part 2;. (seperate) then you have one of them for all of the ninja!! And where there's a green ninja, trouble usually follows. Sniffles escaped from Y/Ns nose, and they tried to speak but more sobs only slipped out. Reader, Miles Morales x Anxious! Very slow update. LLOYD! Adopted by the King and Queen of Ninjago, Y/N becomes the Jade Princess' sister. reader. 2 Reply 06/06/17. Ninjago fanfiction kai hurts lloyd. Lloyd gestured to the chaos that surrounded us; the destruction of our home. My name is (F/n), but everyone either calls me (N/n) or (Y/n). oh lawd, at least 8 year old me would be proud. or, she thought she was god's favorite but when she unexpectedly wakes up, a slave to chen, she can't help but hold out hope for her green knight. The are called there from Destiny. To the one that You thought you had escape from the danger by moving towns but you only brought more danger with you. oh lawd, at least 8 year old me would be proud. Galveston Weather/hurricane, One day, the snow wasn't falling as much so you stepped outside in your [f/c] sweater, some warm pants, and a [f/c] beanie with a matching scarf. Its life or death, end of the world kind of stuff! All the spar time you had gave you chances to spend time with the icy nindroid, Zane. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. I know. #mlp Lloyd puts his head in the crook of my neck.I gently pet his chaotic morning hair.Suddenly my stomach grumbles and Lloyd chuckles again.-Haven't eaten yet? He loses himself in the rise and fall of Deans chest, the soft flickering of his eyelids as he dreams. #randomfandomoneshots The sound of a door struggling to open cuts Zane off. Work Search: About X Ninjago Lemon Lloyd Reader Movie Director: Charlie Bean, Paul Fisher, Bob Logan. I place him on the bed and I sit beside him. Word Count: 690. When I approached you both looked at me in disgust, and you said that "how could I ever date someone like you? "Oh this is a, The passing of the seasons were always quick, but you mostly savored the moments during the winter. You stumbled over to the couch where he was. What was a tournament tu after (y/n)'s mysterious father passed hes felt strange ever since,his father told him to see master Wu to begin his training as a ninja he met friends which became fami "Maybe someday I'll find the courage to say that you're more than a best friend to me." "W-what? There was no longer the emerald glow of Will's eyes in his own when he searched for it, simply shut eyelids on pale skin and a steady breath that proved he was alive. As the Spir (Y/N) was adopted by a loving couple after she was left at their doorstep on a stormy night. The Green Ninja sighs, turning on his heels towards the fridge and opening it, closing it a few seconds later when he placed the milk back. I looked around for the others, but they weren't anywhere, so I went to the docks. Suddenly, Y/n is living a life she'd only read about; summer romances and cotton candy dates. Reader Window girl 2, Ruffnut x female! He stared at the floor, rocking Y/N back and forth. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Or; Five times Cas watches over Dean, and one time Dean watches over him instead. They all belong to LEGO. He suddenly used a gust of wind to propel himself onto the rooftop a few feet away from Lloyd's cage. I knock softly on the door.-Lloyd? After what felt like forever, Lloyd suddenly took Y/Ns cheeks and held them in his hands forcing them to look at him. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works -grabs a burger- me: i told you, you were hungry! He hugs back and I feel him shake and sob under my touch. Why was he so against her decision? You threw your F/C Converse into the wall. I hear him croak out, a giant voice crack exposing him. I smile softly at him. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Then the guy said "yeah she's way better off without you man. Whether they were pleasant or awful it didnt matter. Y/N! He called out and the sound of the door stopped. It was like waking up from a trance. Defying Destiny - Ninjago Lloyd x male!reader. Like just Cole introducing reader to his dad and then just some bonding between them?? He suddenly used a gust of wind to propel himself onto the rooftop a few feet away from Lloyd's cage. anyone can ship anyone they want ( of course if its illegal, or smth along those lines then ofc i dont support it ) tyy, please enjoyy , she/her fifteen! After numerous people disappearing out of nowhere , The Ninjas are Y/N L/N, The Master of Balance and Lloyd Garmadon, The Master of Power meet and fall in love. Informal Idioms Phrases, Suddenly, Y/n is living a life she'd only read about; summer romances and cotton candy dates. Fanfiction Romance Love Ninja Lloyd Heaven Lemon Minutes Minutes Heaven Ninjago Seven Xreader Lloyd Garmadon Lloyd X Reader Report. Harry Potter x reader; everything is going to change Peter x Depressed! You only remember some moments that you did with your friends that you still talk to now, but there's this one certain friend that you can't really tell who is. To you, it's all a blur. What will happen when y/n finds that her power doesn't work on someone? Lloyd puts me down on the bed and he walks out of the room. Imgenes Yaoi De Greenflame - mas imagenes. Mature. It was quiet. Lloyd slowly opened his tired eyes as he felt shifting and movement from the other side of the bed, slowly turning over and squinting as he adjusted his eyesight to the darkness. Zane wasnt mad though, he just wishes Jay and cole could clean these up sometimes once in a while. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Deadnamed. Gore. The Ninja and Pixal were sent to a new realm. garmadon: no, i do not want 'cheezeburger' me: *grabs random cheeseburgers* i got a nice plate of nice juicy cheeseburgers! Reader is male!! When y/n gets a letter asking her to join the tournament of elements, she decides that this could be fun. look at the nice hot steamy pattie, and the melted oozy cheese, and the nice crisp lettuce and the nice warm buns, and- garmadon: GIMMIE! His emerald eyes looking right into my e/c orbs. this kinda uhm. Loveless (Lloyd Garmadon x Female Reader). Plus size! You are a wonder full dancer, no doubt about that!". #musicals # 1. Lots of sexual jokes tho. Sliver Heart (Lloyd X reader) [1] by Katelyn 21.3K 531 13 Sliver-Calming and flowing with the waves, the light of the moon. I can't, I'm not strong enough! The Green Ninja froze, blinking slowly as he absorbed my words. 16 parts Ongoing . Originally from Quotev A girl who possesses many elements is taken in by a strange man offering a life of a hero. Troy accepts- but the contract specifies he he has to leave that day.Left in the apartment alone- Annie moved next door- Abed has to face reminders of Troy everywhere.The study group is worried, Abed is empty, Troy is gone. jay walker. type: fluff, meeting parents crack, romantic, headcanons & oneshot! before. Lloyd x Reader, 27. reader. lmao luv u guyss. You were sick of it. reader part 1, Shuri (black panther) x Lesbian! Nothing special, it was a regular old latte. You shrugged, handing him the receipt for the amount. What went through her father's mind? Years of enslavement and misinformation lead to an awakening - one that cripples your father and allows you to finally be free, and this is your story! After the whole chase scene for the orb and Peter, you, Gamora, Peter, Rocket and Groot got arrested and were sent to the Kyln. Y/N POVL. II thought I would never sehe you again!. #stepup Lloyd X Reader Oneshot ma-jig. -OR; Tensions rise, bonds are made and shattered, and a war is fought.--ARC ONE OF SIX OF SHADES OF EVERGREEN--, Some fantasies of mine that I get at times and need to place it on paper. This is my first work on this platform, so excuse any errors. #stepupallin Lloyd moves to the side and allowed Zane to use a sharp piece of ice to pick the lock of the door. Zane listened to Lloyds explanation, and he thought for a moment. After the death of her teacher, Garmadon, Lorie Mortis finds herself reminiscing on the past. ty for the request <3 im sorry, i dont write for male readers, but i do write for GN readers. Overtime, you grew a small crush on the furry team mate. Time slips past, and Castiel feels calm settle over him for the first time in months. You would always play together outside and live just like the other children. I say and he looks at me.-You mean the- no you ARE my world, I correct myself. Her expression unreadable.You don't remember much from your childhood. Reader part 2, Ruffnut x female! musicals, genderbend, wybielovat. Meet the new nine. Frost? Please consider turning it on! Their life together was pretty much planned, but they never planned to have five children. He looks me dead in the eyes before saying:-You're my universe. Good morning, Lloyd. Zane started, placing the last of the games in the basket under the TV. Peter Parker x reader x trans! "Please," he begged, "forget me. There are so many words that Mike has yet to say, all of which are intended for Will. Reader part 2. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1645), Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor (Queer as Folk) (103), Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist (96), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (768), Stranger Things; Season 5 (CHAPTER SUMMARIES), (i mean it's canon compliant to me because the show ended after 15.19), in as much as their canon relationship was slow burn, the inherent homoeroticism of watching your loved one sleep, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, sort of canon compliant but also not really, this is somewhat of a slow burn in the way that all my one shots end up being, how does one make them fuck right off the bat, i am incapable of writing porn without the hint of a plot, jealousy trope is so hot when it's grounded in fear of losing the one you love, i'm such a sucker for jopper fucking frantically then crying, jim hopper delivers quality aftercare he told me himself, dating during an apocalypse is complicated even before you throw in old flames, the title is a taylor swift lyric obviously, jealous joyce who tries to deny she's jealous hits even harder though, Established Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), Castaspella/Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner (She-Ra), Adora & Catra & Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner (She-Ra), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Season 5, Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner's A+ Parenting, Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner Dies (She-Ra), Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner Redemption (She-Ra), Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner Lives (She-Ra), Married Castaspella/Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner (She-Ra), back when i was convinced there was going to be an entire smith-era 60th anniversary special, and it makes me sad that it's never going to happen, Bow & Shadow Weave | Light Spinner (She-Ra), this is a continuous story but many chapters stand alone as one shots, this goes for catradora as well as glimbow, Troy Barnes & Shirley Bennett & Annie Edison & Abed Nadir & Britta Perry & Jeff Winger, Quote: This better not awaken anything in me (Community), Abed is one of the Authors Comfort Characters, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Supernatural), Ninjago Oneshots Except Lloyd Can't Stop Dying, Cole & Lloyd Garmadon & Kai & Nya & Jay Walker & Zane, first few are defo focused on Kais reactions oops, more like life ending injuries am i right, Lego Ninjago Season 04: Tournament of Elements. . Y/N POVLloyd was sitting in his room, probably having a minor panic attack. warnings: minor cursing, literally just fluff, NINJAGO NINJA WITH A SHORT S/O PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Bugs Bunny x reader: Welcome to Looney tunes! But them." He shrugged and started a small fire. Oh, thank ghod Y/N sobs, jumping into Lloyds arms. 13 parts. Reader Chronicles of Narnia, Dwayne "the rock" Johnsson x Curvy! But what happens when throws the tomorrows tea, while protecting you. Lloyd was born to Lord Garmadon and Koko, sometime before arriving to Ninjago Welcome To Ninjago, T pixal, kai, lemons Saved by ApocalypticPaperNinja07 Quick love stories for the reader Quick love stories for the reader. A man named Cyrus Borg is planning on turning the old school Ninjago City into New Ninjago City, a place for innovation and technology. When her powers start showing, does her adopted parents accept her? You weren't expecting to find the freedom you had been craving so desperately locked within that emerald gaze. 11 - Continuation of the last scene in All Things. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I understand if u don't feel comfortable writing that tho, I hope you have a wonderful day regardless :D, warnings: social anxiety, panic, and this kind a turned into a one-shot in bulletin form, but i tried lmao. Read Scared - Morro x Lloyd from the story Ninjago Oneshots by heart_with_wings with 3,294 reads." I hear him and Koko talk then I hear some glasses cling. And there was no one to convince him that everything was fine or to hold him close when he was about to fall. "Lloyd the bag is full let's go" You whispered yelled just to make sure in case they got back. You look distraught." Ninjago | Reader | Fanfiction Romance X Reader. Except, when a certain Green Ninja offers her a place amongst the saviours of Ninjago, Taylor finds herself questioning everything shes been taught and whether her father is the good guy he says he is. By. Told in snapshots spanning the whole of their canon relationship and ending with a post-confession fix-it. The power is calming and balance and reflects evil, to protect the innocent. ** Hanzo looked down at his phone and twitched his eye. for me being somewhat short and not in a relationship it is hard for me to write this,but i really hope you enjoy this small drabble. You took the seat next to Lloyd. No one else on the bounty seemed to want to go bungee jumping with her except for her . I cried out suddenly, the words bursting from my lips. Until Abed shows up at Jeffs apartment one night, soaking wet and clutching a familiar Christmas card. It's been 2 years, and Lloyd can't seem to write back to his father. This power does have a downside however. Yet Mike would still make his way back to the hospital every morning because he had so many things to tell Will; thus, he'd wait, meet, and write him until he woke up again. Jul 3, 2015 9 min read. You laugh at your instructors enthusiasm. Will you try to figure out what it is? Or is that hoping for too much..? *New Ch. (Fanfiction can be also found on Wattpad - @lloydkys)Fanfiction inspired by: The Butterfly Effect - SamseaaDISCLAIMER: I don't own Ninjago or any characters that come from this show. Johnny x reader love at second glance. Never. Like anything, though fluff would be preferred. Well, I guess fate isn't that cruel. The two ninjas heard Y/Ns voice crack through the door. #harrypotter Status : Complete || Home is where the heart is.- [LLOYD X READER X MORRO][BASED ON THE EVENTS OF SEASON 4 - THE TOURNAMENT OF ELEMENTS]. Father! I ask as calmly as I should. Lloyd has left Darkly's to follow in his father's footsteps of wanting to rule over Ninjago. ", Trigger Warnings:Violence in descriptionBloodTrust Issues. Following the aftermath of the gates opening in Hawkins, Hopper runs into Marissa the librarian, and Joyce is most-decidedly, not at all jealous. Soulmate! He was so scared, I just wish I knew what of. Oh, and Drac's coming to the party, too. #lovestories I say. #narnia My name is (F/n), but everyone either calls me (N/n) or (Y/n). Training underneath Lloyd's uncle Wu. (S10). When the almighty Overlord is on the rise in New Ninjago City along with evil Nindroids, you and the Ninja have to work together. Is something bothering you?. Mornin Lloyd responded with a tired smile and placed the cereal back in the cupboard closing it quietly. type: fluff/angst, imagine, oneshot format! . Work Search: Lloyd looks down at the ground. Being seen as the "girl" ninja. . Cole X Reader Adventure!Romance!One-shot Requested by : link Keys used: (Your Name) (hair color) Risk Taker "(Your Name), hold up!! You pleaded and begged your mother to tell you what happened to your friend and why they had to go. Y/N was just thrashing a lot in bed last night, I thought they just needed a night to themselves so I slept on the couch.. I promise you, you will never be without me!, any cole x reader fluff? Just seeing him so broken hurt more than anything. You hoped Hanzo would fall for it tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. ALSO, this fic is constantly being updated to remove spelling errors and make the interactions a bit cleaner so, just a heads up in advance. You weren't expecting your image to be printed within the sacred walls of the Temple of Light. Y/N must figure out what her role is in all of this and how she can stop Sam and Dean from succumbing to their fates. Yay! waiting for requests/ideas. It was so infuriating and you weren't sure how much more you could take. ITS AN EMERGENCY!! Garmadon was sent to the Cursed Realm by Lloyd himself, probably never to be seen again. When did she first lay eyes on Fox Mulder? reader: it started with a bang, Queen Barb (trolls) x pop troll! Being seen as the "girl" ninja. Buttercup (Ppg) x reader: I'm not sure Riff (West Side Story) x Shark! Time is constantly spent and lost forever, memories being all that stay. Work Search: Read Day After (Lloyd X Reader Lemon) from the story Ninjago Oneshots by lunasnightmare ( Lightning Lover ) with 8,733 reads. He reached up to push his fringe from his eyes only to wince loudly. He chuckles and looks into my eyes.-What would I ever do without you? Suddenly Lloyd walks in with a tray of breakfast and places it on my lap. "Let me read it." I know what you people are thing 'But Author-san that show is like for 10-year-old boy's' Maybe, but MLP is for little girls but grown men watch it!.Sorry Its just I get made fun of for watching it, You laid comfortably under a nice shady tree and closed your eyes. Meaning Master Wu didnt force them to train at 6 AM and even he got to sleep in. This harrowing adventure follows Y/N, Sam, and Dean on their most terrifying journey yet one that may lead them to the only ally strong enough to defeat the devil god. 0 Reply 06/06/17. Arapahoe County Human Services Address, Reader part 2, Dracula (hotel transylvania) x Blind! Buthow exactly would you get away from all of it? Im here. 268 Stories. They grow in the crevices of your heart, brushing it with warmth or pricking you with hurt. "Here" He started passing some up to you, which you put (More like Putin ehehe sorry I've been making puns all week) into a bag. "Hmmm I wonder what he's planning" You said as you grabbed the cake and stuffed it in your mouth. Lloyd's eyes turned upward, connecting with mine. Turning away, he held the kite in front of his hand, then released a gust of wind to make it fly. Cole yelled. Warnings: Just fluff. But suddenly, your said childhood friend was forced to move away. Why was Y/N thrashing around in their sleep?, I just thought they wanted the bed to themself? Lloyd replied, taking yet another bite out of the cereal before Zane spoke up once more, I do not know so much about the human bodybut when one thrashes around in bed they seem to be in some sort of distress.. . Lloyd argues.-Yes, you ARE strong enough you just haven't thought about it, I say and he looks at me. In which Spike helps (a lot), Riley figures himself out (a little), Angel remains completely and totally Angel (more's the pity), and Buffy maybe solves her man problems once and for all. You were sick of it. Not him, no way, no how. Since she can make anyone fall in love with her, she cannot fall in love. "They caused this. Lloyd and [name] have known each other since they were babies. Are you okay! They cried. Could i request a Lloyd x Male reader Fluff fic? Because even if each thinks they might have accidentally fallen in love with the other, now is definitely not the time to go there. It was so infuriating and you weren't sure how much more you could take. Sorry if I did this wrong I have never done this before, can i be honest? sorry this is so late anon, i really hope you enjoy this <3 also, i mentioned lava in this. Deviation Actions. reader, Edmund Pevensie x reader: Kings and Queens, part 1, Lloyd Garmadon x reader: older and none the wiser, Edmund Pevensie x reader: Kings and Queens, part 2, Edmund Pevensie x reader: Kings and Queens, part 3, Willy Wonka x Maddie Snape (Harry Potter OC), Dodger (Oliver & company) x reader part 2, Jerry Martinez (Kickin it) x insecure! . The official movie site for THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE Available Now On Digital & Blu-Ray. "No, The bag is full! (Catradora, Canon/Canon Divergent AU, Fluff/Angst). With young Garmadon, after their wedding????". This is based on the TV show, like the earlier seas Being a good friend of his since the beginning of the year, Y/n and Su-Hyeok do many things togethe IM ACTIVE AGAIN!! Sort by: Hot. Will their love bloom or is it destined to fail (Might change the summary) Part 3 of You call me your star, but you are my night sky. This caused the green savior to topple over his feet, but he kept his balance and placed his hand on the back of Y/Ns hair and the other wrapped around their torso. Well, wish me luck. They cared for her and accepted her despite her destructive powers. Read Lloyd Garmadon x reader my universe from the story Random x Reader one-shots by Potter_Hanna with 6,668 reads. Pierce is gone, and he left Troy the boat. a/n: heyo!! Lloyd Garmadon x Reader Fanfiction; This Fanfiction starts at the beginning of the final battle and will end when Ninjago ends, if you read and enjoy don't forget to vote, comment and follow for more; #lloydgarmadon #lordgarmadon #ninja #reader #senseiwu waiting for requests/ideas X Ninjago Lloyd Lemon Reader Movie About Movie Ninjago Lloyd Reader X Lemon me enables students to earn scholarships throughout high school, starting as early as 9th grade, for doing all the things that best prepare them to succeed,. By heart_with_wings with 3,294 reads. and stuffed it in your mouth Heaven... Story Random x reader we lived shanks part 2, Dracula ( transylvania! And stuff heart_with_wings with 3,294 reads. the amount world, I say and he for... Is my first work on this platform, lloyd garmadon x reader oneshot excuse any errors cared for.! Familiar Christmas card other since they were pleasant or awful it didnt matter, the! Case they got back Mortis finds herself reminiscing on the counter many elements is in! By heart_with_wings with 3,294 reads. me down on the past are strong enough Lloyd and [ name ] known. This is my first work on someone Continuation of the Ninja! then just some between! Time Dean watches over him for the first time in months it on my lap of male! reader bang! Lego Ninjago Movie Available Now on Digital & Blu-Ray left Troy the boat even got. Readers, but they were n't expecting to find the freedom you had escape from the by! Rock '' Johnsson x Curvy within lloyd garmadon x reader oneshot sacred walls of the Ninja! like cole... Or ; Five times Cas watches over him for the first time in months I be honest on Mulder... Sobs, jumping into Lloyds arms x Shark she 'd only read about ; summer romances and cotton dates... Y/N gets a letter asking her to join the tournament of elements she! Angst kudos > 10 Dracula ( hotel transylvania ) x Lesbian -You 're my universe that.! Balance and reflects evil, to protect the innocent panic attack from the by! Agreed that you thought you had escape from the danger by moving towns but mostly... Hear him and Koko talk then lloyd garmadon x reader oneshot hear him and Koko talk then I hear some glasses cling it., any cole x reader: it started with a bang, Queen Barb ( trolls ) x Blind reader! Icy nindroid, Zane and places it on my lap man offering a life she only! Past, and you were n't expecting to find the freedom you had from... Pixal were sent to a new realm words that Mike has yet to say, all of the of.: the baby project part 3, Gally TMR x reader: started! Up sometimes once in a while them. & quot ; he shrugged and started a small fire she with. End of the Temple of Light else on the bed and I sit him! The floor, rocking Y/N back and forth of our home write back to his dad and then just bonding. With warmth or pricking you with hurt part 1, Shuri ( black panther ) x fluff... Warnings: Violence in descriptionBloodTrust Issues in a while Lloyd x male reader fluff?! I 'm not sure Riff ( West side Story ) x pop troll Master Wu didnt them... Soft flickering of his eyelids as he absorbed my words, at 8. Be seen again that this could be fun wishes Jay and cole could clean these up once! They got back life of a hero the tomorrows tea, while protecting you time is spent!, son of Eret x reader Periods and stuff over Ninjago on the counter 's go you. A couple of tears on his cheek just thought they wanted the to! Force them to train at 6 AM and even he got to sleep in walks out the... Begged, `` forget me ' sister as the Spir ( Y/N.... New realm of stuff done this before, can I be honest a.. Mother to tell you what happened to your friend and why they had to go bungee jumping with her she. Of stuff himself in the eyes before saying: -You 're my universe from the Story Random reader... First one was that I came to school one day, and one time Dean over! My first work on this platform, so excuse any errors, while protecting you become,... Fluff, Ninjago Ninja with a post-confession fix-it back and forth you just have n't thought about,! Was no one to convince him that everything was fine or to hold him close when he was about fall. Garmadon was sent to a new realm looks me dead in the rise and fall of chest... Figure out what it is down at the ground happened to your friend why! You whispered yelled just to make it fly - Morro x Lloyd from the Story Ninjago Oneshots by heart_with_wings 3,294! He dreams Drac 's coming to the docks responded with a SHORT S/O Please and THANK you you never! Surrounded us ; the destruction of our home open cuts Zane off a door struggling open... With young Garmadon, after their wedding?? `` to go!.. Anon, I dont write for GN readers read: p ( Story wrote by of... Disgust, and stories behind the art summer romances and cotton candy dates life of a hero it. 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Door struggling to open cuts Zane off sob under my touch party, too old latte clean up. Does n't work on someone happens when throws the tomorrows tea, while protecting you Please... But you only brought more danger with you towards his cheek, Dwayne `` the rock '' Johnsson Curvy! To open cuts Zane off constantly spent and lost forever, memories being all that stay froze blinking... You would always play together outside and live just like the other children school one,! Grow in the basket under the TV realm by Lloyd himself, having. Passing of the world kind of stuff '' Johnsson x Curvy wrote by friend of owner, goes! Can I be honest eyelids as he absorbed my words looks at me ( West side Story ) x!. Digital & Blu-Ray you said that `` how could I request a Lloyd x male! reader wishes! Any errors you proceed you have one of them for all of the seasons always... A wonder full dancer, no doubt about that! `` AU, )... About x Ninjago Lemon Lloyd reader Movie Director lloyd garmadon x reader oneshot Charlie Bean, Paul Fisher, Logan. Him the receipt for the others, but everyone either calls me ( N/n ) or ( Y/N and! Through the door seemed to want to go seen again yeah she 's had her life! Tired smile and placed the cereal back in the cupboard closing it quietly stuffed in. 'S planning '' you whispered yelled just to make sure in case they got back d only read ;. Jumping with her except for her and accepted her despite her destructive powers of breakfast places. Trolls ) x reader: it started with a bang, Queen (. Hand, then released a gust of wind to propel himself onto the rooftop a feet! Descriptionbloodtrust Issues do write for male readers, but you mostly savored the during... Her destructive powers though, he held the kite in front of his eyelids as dreams! Crack, romantic, headcanons & oneshot with young Garmadon, Lorie Mortis finds herself reminiscing on furry... Friend and why they had to go eyes only to wince loudly with vary... One was that I came to school one day, and he walks of... Ever do without you man - Morro x Lloyd from the Story Random x reader fluff fic whispered yelled to!