As the number of people on ESA increased, including people being reassessed from Incapacity Benefit, the percentage of people in the Support Group increased. Between January 2011 and February 2021, less than 1% of people in the ESA Support Group exit each month. For reporting purposes, the conditions as recorded on DWP systems have been mapped to reflect as closely as possible the appropriate ICD10 code. As per current process only one request for written medical evidence should normally be made and at review only one telephone attempt to chase the evidence is required. The data in this evidence pack comes from a range of sources that are referenced in the accompanying data tables. but subject to paragraphs (2) to (4). This is my response.. Over time, the proportion of ESA WCA assessments with FfW outcomes has been falling and the proportion with a SG outcome has been rising. Between December 2020. The publication covers information on working age health and disability benefits in Great Britain. Well be interested to see how DWP respond, thanks Daphne, 18 January 2022, 11:07 am At 51, I could be dead before they pay out.. Not all claimants qualify, and it applies only to Fit for Work disallowance decisions, not decisions such as disallowance due to Failure to Return a Questionnaire or Failure to Attend a WCA. In this quarter, there were 14,000 ESA initial WCAs resulting in WRAG decisions. I wouldn't mind having a reassessment but it's just the thought of having to go and explain everything again sending me worrying about it. Hiya thank you for your post. With the suspension of face-to-face assessments, DWP focused on individuals who were more likely to attract a higher benefit award rather than in date order which is usual practice. Claimant already has LCW or LCWRA You have accepted additional cookies. At the moment reviews are on hold because of the backlogs of claimants waiting for their first work capability assessment. Musculoskeletal disorders accounted for 12, nervous system diseases for 5% and circulatory diseases and neoplasms for 4% each. In the quarter ending January 2022, approximately 56% of MR decisions were made on disputes on ESA group allocation. The DWP decision will include MRs where there is a completed decision. Read the methodology note for more detailed information on these statistics. Note: As a result of High Court decision in July 2020, MR has been discontinued for any claimant who, having been found Fit for Work (FfW) following a WCA would, if they appealed, be paid ESA pending the outcome of that appeal. the country's only news agency specialising in disability issues, By John Pring on 24th February 2022 Category: Benefits and Poverty. We have had one recently when told to contact CHDA and CHDA said they can only take referrals from UC/DWP. Editor, Marcus Herbert,, I once managed to find a decision maker who overturned a fit for work determination and replaced it with LCWRA once the evidence was produced. There will no doubt be some interlocutory hoops to jump through but its far from impossible. I have two related cases at the moment - both had WCAs done years ago, where one ended up with LCW and the other was refused. #2, Information and advice resources - Age UK. If you feel your condition has worsened and you have medical evidence to support this, you could try to call the Centre for Health and Disability Assessments to see what they advise. Less than 30% of people leaving ESA in 2013 to 2014 from the Support Group have a record of employment in subsequent years. Information on PIP new claims and DLA reassessments include only clearances which award PIP or which disallow PIP following assessment. Of the 4.9 million ESA claims with a start date between October 2013 and June 2021: 66% had a completed assessment; WCAs for the remaining claims are either still in progress or were closed by the claimant, 400,000 MRs have been registered, following a completed WCA, 99.7% of these MRs, which were raised after the WCA, have been completed, with the original decision revised 17% of the time, 26% of claimants who raised an MR after the WCA went on to complete an appeal, of the 100,000 appeals completed, 34% had the DWP decision upheld at hearing while the remaining 66% were ruled in favour of the claimant. 1 ESA Regs, Parts 4 & 5; UC Regs, Part 5; 2 reg 41(2)(b), 21 January 2022, 03:49 pm #5, Welfare Rights Officer with SWAMP Glasgow. For people in the WRAG group, since April 2013 the proportion of people leaving ESA has fluctuated between 1% and 3%. LCWRA is an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise. I was thinking JR was more appropriate looking at it as a failure/neglect to deal with the supersession at all or causing unjustifiable delays in dealing with it. Please note that percentages shown within the release are calculated using figures prior to rounding. woodfoxmoss 2 yr. ago. Filework HCPs should not default to calling a claimant to an assessment if the evidence required to meet the criteria is not available. It is replacing 6 other benefits. 20 January 2022, 01:09 pm In 2015, only women aged under 62 would commonly receive working age benefits. With COVID restrictions and COVID-specific support coming to an end it should not be impossible for the government to grant access to reassessments to those individuals who need them.. Mental and behavioural disorders were also the most common primary health conditions as PIP clearances between April 2013 and January 2021. This may involve sharing this information with relevant authorities to ensure we comply with our policies and legal obligations. This was extended to include other decision types from September 2020. Out of people awarded Support Group on ESA following an initial WCA in 2016 to 2017, fewer than 1% per month subsequently left the benefit. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. In terms of making a no reassessment recommendation, the DWP says: Where further evidence is considered necessary to enable advice regarding review or no review for a longer term prognosis further medical evidence review should always be chosen. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help you with some of the extra costs if you have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability. Claim registration date is the date the claimant has first contact with the department when making a claim to ESA. Most people on PIP are not in employment, and the proportion not in employment increases during the first year of their claim. Personal Independence Payment, which can help people with some of the extra costs associated with long-term ill-health or a disability. In 2013 to 2014, 40% of people who left ESA had a record of employment in the following year. Of all PIP clearances, mental and behavioural disorders account for 29% of primary health conditions. Most ESA WCA MR decisions in the quarter to January 2022 were made on disputes about ESA group allocations. Stainsby: Are you effectively going to rely on the tribunal to treat the (nonsensical) advice/comments from lower level DWP staff as a decision to refuse to carry out the supersession, and thereby allow an appeal to go ahead? Source: Stat-Xplore: ESA Work Capability Assessments under ESA WCA by Claim Start. Yes i get uc and pip but basic standard rates as my stoma bag limits my life basically. This article was amended in April 2022 to take account of the end of the SDP gateway and the rules regarding the SDP transitional element Until the 15th May 2019 mixed age couples (MAC) where one The number of ESA initial WCAs resulting in Support Group or WRAG decisions reduce from April 2018 due to the replacement of income-related ESA by Universal Credit. These are: People on Universal Credit (UC) who have had medical evidence checked as they have a restricted ability to work, or are assessed as LCW or LCWRA. Source: Data tables: ESA WCA experimental cohort statistics for initial and repeat ESA assessments, by period of claim start, October 2013 to June 2021. She said she was really angry about the whole system. The proportion of the people who left ESA in 2013 to 2014 and who are in employment in the years after this decreases slightly each year. I note you mention LCWRA so you must be claiming UC. Other reasons for being assigned to WRAG (with 15 points or more) are: Upper Limb, Sensory, Continence, and Lower Limb. A full list of descriptors for both SG and WRAG groups and a guide to the ESA Work Capability Assessment can be found on the GOV.UK website. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. This can be calculated by using the State Pension calculator. There are many people being treated like this and it is so wrong. If youre on a low income and need help to cover your living costs, you can apply for Universal Credit instead. People receiving ESA and UC* are, on average, getting older. She said: I have been under so much financial and emotional stress, not eaten well, and got into debt over the two years. #12, Welfare rights adviser - Plumstead Community Law Centre, Far from being unable to re- assess, they MUST re- assess, If they refuse to re- assess they will effectively refusing an application for supersession, A refusal to supersede is automatically appealable (R(DLA) 1/03(Wood v. Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2003] EWCA Civ 53). When they do refer you for another assessment you will receive a letter onto your journal, a few days later you should receive the forms in the post. Since January 2020 the monthly median clearance times have fluctuated but have not risen above 15 days. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Over 45% of this group of people had a record of employment in each of the subsequent 6 years. reduce the need for the Department or CHDA to conduct unnecessary assessments when resource could be better focused. This does not include reassessments of claimants who were previously in receipt of Incapacity Benefit (IB) or repeat WCAs for claimants receiving ESA. Hello C , thank you for your message re WCA, & your worsening condition. In more recent months, it has steadily increased from 2 days in March 2020 to 25 days in March 2021, increasing to 26 days in the month to September 2021. People can be in the assessment phase for health conditions that limit their ability to work for both a long and short length of time. My PIP is until 2023, but it didn't say anywhere on my LCWRA entitlement letter when I would be reassessed for this. She tried to tell me to send you my further evidence and to show that at court. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. The new DWP Severe Conditions Guidance says that: "The new re-referral period will apply to those with LCWRA ONLY. If we become concerned about you or anyone else while using one of our services, we will act in line with our safeguarding policy and procedures. If it were me Id be filling out the sscs1 and digging out the caselaw that MR doesnt apply unless the claimant is told it applies and appealing the refusal to supersede. Current WCAs and PIP assessments are trying to determine the impact of a range of conditions, ESA initial WCAs awarding Support Group have increased over time but PIP new claim Enhanced awards have not, The Support Group and LCWRA are making up an increasing share of the people on ESA and UC, Fewer than 1% of people awarded the ESA Support Group leave the benefit each month, People who close an ESA claim usually do not go into employment, 14% of working age people on PIP are employed, Thousands of assessments are completed each month to determine awards for ESA/UC* and PIP, ESA awards are reviewed less than once every 2 years, and PIP awards are getting longer, Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Shaping Future Support: The Health and Disability Green Paper, evidence pack, July 2021,, Chapter 4 of Shaping Future Support: The Health and Disability Green Paper, Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (A00 - B99), Diseases of the Blood and Blood forming organs and certain diseases involving the immune mechanism (D50 - D89), Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases (E00 - E90), Mental and Behavioural Disorders (F00 - F99), Diseases of the Nervous System (G00 - G99), Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa (H00 - H59), Diseases of the Ear and Mastoid Process (H60 - H95), Diseases of the Circulatory System (I00 - I99), Diseases of the Respiratory System (J00 - J99), Diseases of the Digestive System (K00 - K93), Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous System (L00 - L99), Diseases of the Musculoskeletal system and Connective Tissue (M00 - M99), Diseases of the Genitourinary System (N00 - N99), Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium (O00 - O99), Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96), Congenital Malformations, Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00 - Q99), Symptoms, Signs and Abnormal Clinical and Laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00 - R99), Injury, Poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00 - T98), External causes of morbidity and mortality (V01-Y98), Factors influencing health status and contact with health services (Z00 - Z99), Unknown or person without diagnosis on the system, health conditions of people assessed at Work Capability Assessments and PIP assessments, the number of people awarded ESA and PIP following an assessment over time, the number of people receiving a working age health and disability income-replacement benefit, the proportion of people who leave ESA each month, the employment status of people receiving PIP, the number of Work Capability Assessments and PIP assessments completed, the length of time between Work Capability Assessments and PIP assessments, thousands of assessments are completed each month to determine awards for, income-related Employment and Support Allowance (. She was told last week on her UC online journal a message DNS has seen that DWP are still working on new claims and the reassessments will not be taking place for foreseeable. I wonder how long they have stopped reassessments. From October 2013 to October 2019, more than half of requests to reconsider ESA WCA outcomes were not revised at MR stage. Regulation 4 of the UC regs 2013 states Note: percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. #3, We raised this issue with the local partnership manager who has advised that they will carry out the supersession if our customer can provide evidence of the deterioration. Since then, SG outcomes have been more common. NOTE: The LCW Element was abolished from 3rd April 2017, so someone found to have a LCW after that date (or who has a break in claim . If the claimant disagrees with this decision, then depending on the nature of the decision they will either (i) have to request an MR (before they can appeal); or (ii) be able to appeal straightaway. The median end-to-end clearance time is a measure from the claim registration date to the final DWP award decision. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In September 2021, the median time between referral to the AP and their recommendation was 72 days. The number of monthly MR registrations remains low and stands at 410 in January 2022. Delays and backlogs across the assessment system have even led to DWP refusing to carry out any repeat work capability assessments (WCAs) for claimants already receiving universal credit (UC) who need a higher level of support. These assessments include new claims and DLA reassessments. Hiya everyone I have been receiving lwrca for 2 years due to chrons disease (I'm 6 stone and quite unwell) however I have heard that after 24 months I'm due for a reassessment am I due one soon? She said it can take a long time to go through court but is she correct about me not being able to be reassessed? 62% of initial WCA decisions resulted in a Support Group outcome in the quarter to September 2021. Claimant completes and returns questionnaire. People continue to get their existing award until a new decision is made following a repeat WCA. Decisions on WCA outcomes were impacted by the operational changes implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the temporary suspension of face-to-face assessments. People leaving ESA in 2013 to 2014 whose claim was closed before assessment had the highest proportion of people in employment out of people leaving the different phases of ESA. The median average time taken to clear MRs peaked shortly after to stand at 37 calendar days in May 2014. reduce any unnecessary disruption caused to claimants by a repeat assessment when we do not expect re-assessments to tell us anything new for the purposes of administering their benefit. Source: Stat-Xplore: ESA Work Capability Assessments under Appeal Outcomes by Claim Start. Between December 2011 and July 2020, the monthly median clearance time from claim registration to referral has remained under 10 days. Mental and behavioural disorders are made up of the following categories of conditions: organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders including Alzheimers disease, dementia and brain damage; mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use; schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders; mood [affective] disorders including manic episodes, bipolar disorder, and depressive disorders; neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders including anxiety disorders, obsessive disorders, stress disorders and dissociative disorders; behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors; disorders of adult personality and behaviour; mental retardation; disorders of psychological development; behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence; and unspecified mental disorder. Since then, it has steadily increased to 231 days in July 2021, which marks the highest median end-to-end clearance time in any month. LCWRA is an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise. In most cases your capability for work will be assessed with a Work Capability Assessment before deciding which group you should be in. The number of PIP new claim assessments where people were awarded the Enhanced rate of the Daily Living component of PIP, the Standard rate of the Daily Living component, and Enhanced or Standard rate of the Mobility component, has varied over time between March 2017 and March 2021. From July 2016 to April 2021 there were between 58,000 and 100,000 PIP clearances awarded or disallowed following assessment each month. I got awarded LCWRA back in January, and PIP recently. policy. The appeal is irrelevant because its about a decision made previously. Over time, this leads to a larger proportion of people on ESA and UC* having serious long term health conditions, and being in receipt of the highest rate. WCA can be by telephone, video call or face to face. Since May 2020 approximately two thirds of MR decisions led to a change in award. the level of function will always meet LCWRA criteria; the condition will always be present (some lifelong conditions are present from birth, but others will develop or be acquired later in life); no realistic prospect of recovery of function (with advice on this being based on currently available treatment and not on the prospect of scientists discovering a cure in the future); unambiguous condition (following all relevant clinical investigations a recognised medical diagnosis has been made). UC was applied for in December 2019. Unfortunately I dont know how that one was resolved following our advice that this was nonsense. So my advice is if your wondering about your ESA award and that your overdue a reassessment, ring them up, like me they may have done a paper based review internally and extended your awardbut you won't know if you don't ring them. She used the word think several times. As you can imagine, we have an unprecedented amount of work at the moment, across all depts, due to the ongoing pandemic. Of these claimants, 91% had an Adapting to change condition and 88% scored points in the Social interaction group. Forum Home Discussion Covid-19 issues Thread, Welfare rights service - Lancashire County Council. Mental and behavioural disorders were the most common primary health condition at PIP clearances between April 2013 and January 2021. 20 January 2022, 05:20 pm In 2014 and 2015, Support Group decisions increased to 60,000 per quarter before reducing to 40,000 in September 2016. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Finn Keaney, welfare rights team lead for Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham Forest, told DNS that one of their clients had been in the same situation as Osborn, and had been waiting for a year for a reassessment that would allow them to move from the LCW group to limited capability for work-related activity (LCWRA). Replied by BIS on topic LCWRA , PIP reviews. Source: Stat-Xplore: ESA Work Capability Assessments under Clearance Times for Initial Claims. This is his message to me about what the job coach told him If you are new to Internet forums, you might find it useful to read our Easy Guide to Using the Forum. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: And also poppy I thought we didnt need evidence? Of these, 99.6% had been cleared. ), 24 February 2022, 11:07 am On repeat assessment decisions 81% resulted in a SG outcome. At this time, I am unable to refer your case for re-assessment. The proportion of MR decisions resulting in a change in award rose from 53% in February 2020 to 82% in April 2020, reflecting the new operational approaches as well as COVID-19 impact. Heres what she has been advised after asking if they can direct her to or supply the instruction not to send cases for re assessment and if she will be paid arrears. The total clearance time therefore includes the time taken to transfer the case to DRT. Being found FfW at initial assessment is the primary reason for claimants disputing a decision. MR clearance times have significantly decreased from their peak, and typically range from 4 to 16 days. You could receive up to 111.65 a week if you're in the support group. Work and Health Programme, personal support to help people find and keep a job if they are out of work. Over the same time, people with less serious short term conditions have claimed ESA or UC* before leaving the benefit shortly after. Even if they have, it doesnt sound like DWP have made a decision to refuse to superseede, in which case the remedy is JR, no? It is listed on your claim, call and ask, but the maximum is usually 3 years. You can no longer make a new claim for Income Support. To qualify for the Universal Credit carer element of 168.81 a month you must care for the person for 35 hours or more a week and the person you care for must also be getting: Attendance Allowance, or. She has been asking to be re- assessed sine at least September 2021. VAT no: 127880492. Those found eligible for ESA are either placed in the WRAG, which offers support in preparing for work, or the SG if they are unable to work or complete work related activity. Figures in this release reflect disruptions caused by the Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic, which led to changes to operational procedures. DWP continues to refuse to provide statistics that would show how many universal credit claimants have been put through the WCA process, how long they have had to wait for a WCA, and what level of benefit they received following their assessment. Initial assessment WCAs assess a claimants entitlement to ESA. The monthly total number of ESA WCAs, including initial assessments for new claims and repeat assessments, has varied between 39,000 and 93,000 each month between April 2013 and March 2020. Since March 2017, the following rounding policy has been applied to the statistical release. For claimants allocated to WRAG with 15 points or more, the most common categories for scoring points this quarter were Adapting to change and Social interaction. Were going to take this up but wonder if others have seen anything similar. The amount paid to a person claiming Universal Credit can be cut by 343 per month if the DWP decides that person must now start preparing to go back to work. Meanwhile, the Benefits and Work website reported this week that PIP renewals were in a state of chaos, with claimants left terrified that their PIP is suddenly going to stop because a new decision has not been made by the time their award is due to end. The Universal Credit carer element is for people who provide full-time care for someone with a physical or mental health disability. When an assessment may be carried out Disability Living Allowance, which is being replaced by PIP and helps with the extra costs associated with long-term ill-health or a disability. The end to end clearance time is calculated by measuring the time taken for a claim to clear 3 distinct stages: The majority of time is taken up by the second stage, which usually includes the waiting time for the claimant to return a questionnaire and for the provider to conduct the assessment itself. Face-to-face assessments were resumed in May 2021 and they now take place alongside telephone assessments and a small number of video assessments. For more information on these statistics, or to provide feedback on our publication, please email, For further enquiries, you can contact Press Office: 0203 267 5144. #15, Just a thought on the last post.when the claimant makes the fore mentioned Journal entry, rather than choosing the radio button A message for my Work Coach choose A Change and it will bypass the Jobcentre and go to a UC Case Manager who tend to be better trained on Benefits than Work Coaches ( tongue not in cheek! Another universal credit claimant, Barbara*, from Sussex, told DNS this week that she had been waiting for more than six weeks for a 7,000 backpayment that was now owed to her by DWP after she had been forced to wait nearly two years for a WCA. In the quarter ending January 2022 the new re-referral period will apply to those with LCWRA.! Through but its far from impossible year of their claim people continue to get their award... Evidence and to show that at court, 91 % had an Adapting to change condition and 88 % points. You use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services physical or mental health.... Some interlocutory hoops to jump through but its far from impossible requests to reconsider ESA WCA outcomes were not at! Wonder if others have seen anything similar ill-health or a disability they can only take from! They now take place alongside telephone assessments and a small number of video assessments and... 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