kinetic power plant hoax

However, everybody should get his/her own idea of it. Neither is there a patent for such a type of power plant (for perpetual motion no patents are granted), nor is there a proven working prototype. 8, see also Refs. these cookies we know about are named "rememberme", "NID", "PREF" and "PP_TOS_ACK" This suggests that the idea of treating the quantum vacuum as a dynamic medium capable of supporting oscillations might be valid. How it works: A complex controlled pneumatic filling added a container system in permanent rotation. I was not able to find a single one. We met the management of Rosch AG as a competent and reputable partner. It requires 38s for a full revolution! The compressor makes the injection of air into the floats, extremely effective. Thanks to our partners and stakeholders, we are launching new green energy initiatives with ocean PSI-generated electricity to . was established in 2015 to support research, development and commercialisation of the breakthrough energy developed by our partners. And here you have another problem: The pump will heat the air when compressing it to the desired pressure! The further functions of the generator are patented. The answer from Rosch returned promptly less than 2 hours later on a Friday afternoon. Papers about such an advanced and little-known approach are also published in established science journals, see e.g. Low land requirments The land requirements for the 1 MW is 300 m2. casing for the water column and the chain drive is made of acrylic It comprises a consideration of the existing forces and their Is that really your partner of choice for the peaceful energy transition? According to Rick Parish, Executive Chairman of Aquarius Global, an investment incubator behind Voltage Enterprises, Kinetic 7 produces fuel 80% cheaper than current energy sources. At the beginning of the cooperation between Rosch and GAIA, Rosch was willing to make the 5 kW power plants commercially available. The power plant has therefore in any case, a negative Several scientists who are working at the Rosch The diameter of the steel tube is 1,3 m. This former 60 kW pilot plant was several years available at a Rosch site in Germany. expecting even for a second to get an answer (now I know this practice is already very good): nicely and slowly your house of cards falls apart. Located at the top of the steel tube was the compressor, a gear and the generator which generated three-phase electric power with a voltage of about 400 V. The weight of the complete system without water was about 300 kg. Video about the demonstration model which was presented at this congress (language in German):, [6] Website of the Austrian Association GAIA: . So all in all, NO EXCESS energy is gained in this process. The details of the operation principle of the kinetic power plants from Rosch is still a Sketch of the buoyancy part of a kinetic power plant (KPP). We build and operate power plants to supply power directly to final consumers through long-term Power Purchase Agreements. thing is not working. permanently produces significantly more energy than it needs to be supplied. ROSCH LATAM. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? generator, an electrically-operated compressor, and a control unit. and forces of nature. it's equivalent to liftig the original water out of the bucket to the surface), Energy Conservation in Kinetic Power Plants [duplicate]. However, theres a solution if you cant pay for building the system. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? The Kinetic Power System is a program that is supposed to show you how to build a secret flywheel device that can generate almost unlimited power for you use, just by starting its spinning cycle once, and it would generate electricity forever. And I'm just convinced of the opposite. Because the best company in the world. The apparatus consists of a vertical conveyor belt with buckets attached to it. The gravitational potential energy of an object is affected by three factors, which include mass of the object, height to which it is raised, and the pull of gravity at that point. of funds before arranging a visit at the Rosch site in Thailand. In order to facilitate things a bit: You do not even need to show a functioning power plant to me. In a practical application it is even necessary to put in a little more energy than can be recovered by the buoyancy force. This cookie is essential for the site software to work correctly. without any fuels, wind power or solar energy. It should be mentioned that the internal design of the electromagnetic generators of the power plants from Rosch deviates from a standard type design. However, these costs do not include local +43 699 11702749 For various reasons an industrial size power plant at a publicly known and visitable customer site does not yet exist. After about two hours operation the demonstration model was switched off and They promote the program, like other similar programs, to people who are desperate of getting rid of their high electric bills. Their large project experience Renewables Now is an independent one-stop shop for business news and market intelligence for the global renewable energy industry. I'm really not to accuse you of any bad intention. 11 - 14. It should be noted that small kinetic power plants such as the 5 kW type are less economic than large kinetic power plants such as the 1 MW type. The modules are scalable and can be customized to fit any demanded capacity. It is not a well-known, proven system, such as a car. [11-14]. and 500 kW power plant can be viewed and inspected. Mexico. Heres How 1,000s of US Homeowners Get Almost $0 Bills! Reason: If there is air blown into a submerged tank, which is filled with water, then contained water inside the container has to be moved to the outside (i.e., into the surrounding And this energy gets reduced again through the expansion on the way up. provides the necessary technical and economic security in order to produce small systems for our GAIA-project, that are technically sophisticated and durable. brings 1m of additional water into a certain depth, then one also has to displace 1m of the surrounding water. I want to protect these people to not invest their money in something that does not work with probability bordering on certainty. ): The values are always less than 1. I hope that my Kinetic Power System review was helpful and saved you the time and trouble before you get into this program. Pictures on the left: Sketch of the buoyancy part of a kinetic power plant, the 100 kW demo plant in Thailand, and a former 60 kW pilot plant. Not shown in this picture are other parts of the KPP like an electric Could you actually check whether the demonstration power plant in Belgrade delivers continuously Expires according to user-chosen session duration. new Forum and Private messages are indicated to you. Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? The buoyant force is converted into kinetic energy via a gear system driving a generator, which generator acts as a braking system and converts the equalized energy into usable electric current. This cookie will probably never see you. The 5 kW pilot plant consisted of a steel tube, an electrically operated compressor, an electrical generator and a control unit. But that's not true. Your browser provides you with the ability to inspect all cookies stored on your PC. Such devices are usually not considered within the Gestern: 275 Finally, you write even under point 4 that "firstly it always needs a functioning base available before it can be made available to the public for further These cookies are set to records the id for the current poll in a multiple Poll block. Can you build this machine by yourself for under $200? The claims about generating electricity out of nothing in the Kinetic Power System video are no where near the truth. the global engineering, procurment, and construction company Ki-TECH for the KPP technology and the German company E-Cat Deutschland GmbH . On the one hand that is understandable because he transported the demonstration model to the conference location, put it into operation, supervised it, prepared it for removal, and transported it back to the company Rosch. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is the most important part of the question. energy from an hitherto untapped and everywhere available energy form Compared to the Rosch kinetic power plants the cryogenic magnet motor of Walter Thurner is a simpler system because for the accomplishment of the self-running motion only magnetic fields and forces have to be considered. Therefore, a patent for such a construction will also never ever be granted. After the termination of the cooperation between Rosch and GAIA it would have been possible that Rosch alone offers the 5 kW power plant. And if this wasnt for you, then I will tell you about a legit alternative where you can generate very cheap electricity and never worry about your bill again. There are several potential customers for the industrial size kinetic power plants. She wears a necklace with her name on it: intimidation. The question is very interesting, much more interesting than all the crazy quantum/string/gravity/etc questions. Potential industrial customers This cookie will probably never see you. If you are interested in getting a free quote for your solar energy system, and for guidance on how to get finance for it, you can visit SunPowers website here, fill in your areas zip code, answer a few questions about your house and current bill. I already wrote the GAIA association a mail 2 days ago, in which I warned that people buy a pig in a poke when they make payments on a small power plant for a detached house, but is desirable to make the 5 kW power plant again available. Wolfgang S The KPP is a breakthrough energy solution that produces cheap and clean energy.See more: our knowledge, we are making an invaluable contribution to solving energy problems!Our revolutionary Kinetic Power Plant (KPP) technology is capable to be installed at any location in the world - as may be required and to provide the required electrical energy without the use and consumption of fossil fuels.The result thereof is 100% green and thus clean energy. A 4180 Zwettl/Rodl The power plants are pneumatic systems. The GAIA newsletter from 2014-07-28 states literally: Their [Rosch's] buoyancy power plants are installed primarily abroad in large numbers. The author of this report and website did ask the Rosch staff member who prepared the demonstration model for removal why it was switched off and prepared for removal after about 2 hours. On your website a lot of pictures can be seen allegedly showing a working power plant. If the vacuum is indeed mutable and degradable as was explored, then it might be possible to do / extract work on / from the vacuum, and thereby be possible to push off of the quantum vacuum and preserve the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum ". They can be installed just about anywhere. the best thing is if I say nothing to this point. This company, which immediately intimidates anybody who doubts since not a tiny piece The buoyant force is converted into kinetic energy via a gear system driving a generator, which generator acts as a braking system and converts the equalized energy into usable electric current. After the [11-14]. +49 2241 253660 0 Fax +49 2241 253660 80 Mail Monat: 474 I for myself am not a professor or sworn expert. Since there Well, now a little physics. [8] and the home page of this website. Please give me feedback. The power plants offered by ROSCH INNOVATIONS are modular scalable in size and are supplied from a power output of 200 kW to what ever the need may be. non-members (guests) and it is essential for the site software to work correctly. He is then able to proudly announce to have reached an efficiency of 99%. They will contact you later to give you free advice, and maybe, set up a free appointment to meet face-to-face. Please get in touch for more information from tests and facts on the KPP system. Nevertheless, he / she decided not to purchase such a power plant because she / he still believes that a self-running device which provides usable energy and power cannot exist. Is there any patent Depending on where you live, you can see a return on investment in just six years, and then the electricity will be virtually free. gain of usable energy, see Ref. did generate an electric power of a few hundred watts for about two A video from the disassembling is available in Ref. and have learned a lot. the research and development (R&D) laboratory of Rosch And it does some work: $mg\Delta h$, where $m$ is the mass of the water displaced by the air. [6]. However, potential industrial customers or potential licensees can visit and inspect an operating 100 kW and 500 kW power plant, on condition that they have provided a letter of intent and a proof of funds. The gas expands on the way upwards. Nor is it shown where a functioning system can be viewed that produces continuously more energy as is supplied. Public viewing dates were available in the period from 25 April 2015 to 6 May 2015, Another public viewing event took place on 13 May 2015. prepared for removal. Is there a granted patent for your power plant? Really ????? principle to your members. Perhaps it did run for 2 hours by batteries which were placed in the control cabinet. The payback period for the system makes it worth the investment, even if you pay the cost of the system in advance. Ki-TECH Global AS (global distribution partner) sells emission-free Kinetic power plant (KPP). You, Mr. Gerharz, claiming that your power plant would not be a closed system. By careful studying our website, you could on the one hand have found the location of the functioning power plant, on the other hand also a video of it being in operation. I only like the fact that theres a money back guarantee on the price of the Kinetic Power System plans if you get them through any of the links in this review, nothing else. Electricity Production. If anyone knows how to find such things out, I would really welcome this! not doing this, you should report the matter to your browser's authors. Kinetic Power System is a downloadable blueprint offering stage process instructions for designing your power plant. It is used to restore the vertical screen position And then it runs for a time "in standalone mode" left alone until its kinetic energy is converted into heat through friction. I wrote literally, " In the first place I assume that you do not act fraudulently " This is a clear statement and no accusation. Just to collect money in order to abscond abroad subsequently ? knowledge and understanding. In a video of GAIA, showing a prototype or a model of the lift power plant, one or more persons Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Confusion over plant's "magnetic field" being used to reduce wastage of pesticide, Conservation of kinetic energy in collision, Disprove this violation of conservation of energy setup, Conservation of Energy with Chemical and Kinetic Energy. Even if there are some above-mentioned reasons why such an industrial size power plant does not yet exist, the author of this report and website assumes that it would have been possible to have it already now, if It is used by the site software to ensure that features such as indicating A pilot plant was developed and is located at In April and May 2015 Rosch and the Austrian Association GAIA have presented a self-runniing and zero emission 5 kW pilot plant at a Rosch site nearby Cologne in Germany. It would have been better if the 5 kW Rosch / GAIA pilot plant were not installed and inspected at a Rosch site but at an external non-Rosch location. This is just a trick, or, if it is meant seriously, a lie -- and upon visiting the site I tend to think, that it is meant seriously. In addition your browser Login with username, password and session length. The apparatus consists of a vertical conveyor belt with buckets attached to it. This question you have still not answered. The 100 kW and 500 kW power plants are located at a Rosch site in Thailand where they power that site and feed electricity into the grid. Yours sincerelyKlaus-Peter GerharzGeneral Counsel, SaveThePlanet AGHolding company of Rosch GroupEinfangstrasse 14. ? On the one hand it is important to ask critical questions. KPP - Kinetic Power Plant (Long Animation), Ki-TECH.Global/Save The Planet AG Ki-TECH 545 subscribers Subscribe 56K views 3 years ago Ki-TECH KPP Animation of a Kinetic Power Plant.. Their engineer teams did not detect indications for a hidden external power supply. And the energy needed for this is exactly the amount that is gained by It is set on portal actions like click on a page number. It is NOT explained why it is thought to function at all, since all principles of physical knowledge are contradicted. Through a compressor, air is blown into the upturned buckets which decreases their density and allows them to rise. Energy can be It would be favorable to have already now an industrial size power plant at a publicly known and visitable customer site. The result thereof is 100 percent green, and thus clean energy. Maybe you are just a bona fide person with little understanding of physics, which is totally convinced that ROSCH is the ultimate I wouldnt say that the Kinetic Power System is a scam because you can get your money back within sixty days of purchasing the program, but remember that they dont refund you on the tools and material you buy, and on your time. (And 3 Other Benefits!). The 5 - 100 MW power plants comprise many 500 kW units but a working 500 kW pilot plant was not available and under construction over several years. and should be automatically removed when you close the browser window. Would this not count as a perpetual motion machine? The chief executive officer (CEO) of Rosch Innovations and his team had developed a kinetic power plant that used the buoyancy force of air in water to generate electricity. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? Please think about it for a little while, because your members surely do not want, that their money is "burned". An extended operating time would have been possible if the correspondingly extended working time had been spread over several staff members. These cookies are set to records the state for a Opac-Fader block. My supplied sketch presents the key elements of the "lift power plant" of Rosch: ROSCH claims (see inter alia in the mail from yesterday) that their power plant is not a closed system. All rights reserved. The system was further examined with an endoscope and the entire water column was drained in order to ensure that there is no fraud here. Troisdorf Fon: Is there someone in your association who understands how this works? takes so long to make entirely novel and environmentally friendly The Kinetic Power System claim that the generator built with it uses the flywheel concept, which can be spun using any external force, manually or using an electric motor for example, just for few seconds, and then the kinetic energy stored in it will generate electricity forever for you, so that you use it to run different appliances. The land requirements for the 1 MW is 300 m2. It is set for both members and In the featured Rosch power plant air is blown into one (or more) container at its lowest point with a compressor. The upthrust converts kinetic energy via a gear system. Any real evidence that it is a motor? It really tears me off @Qmechanic: ah, I followed the link, no it's not duplicate! Very believable!! A control measurement [1] Website of the company Rosch Innovations / Save The Planet AG:, [2] Website of the global engineering, procurment, and construction company Ki-TECH for the KPP technology and distribution partner of the company Rosch Innovations / Save The Planet AG:, [3] German-language website of the German company E-Cat Deutschland GmbH, a distribution partner of the company Rosch Innovations / Save The Planet AG: . For the 5 MW system it is 1500 m2. And if you then will have built a number of plants with a height of 5 meters, then you will notice that you come to an efficiency of 98%. system is not closed, then where is the "hole" through which energy enters, which is then available as an eternal energy source??? Our revolutionary Kinetic Power Plant (KPP) technology is capable to be installed at any location in the world - as may be required - and to provide the required electrical energy without the use and consumption of fossil fuels. 1.) These cookies are set to records your display preferences for the site's Portal page if a panel It appears unsatisfying that it does not yet exist. Firodia Group. It is assumed that The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? as before the click. Today the company is a leading player in Battery operated vehicles- 3 Wheelers, scooters, E-Cycles and Buggies. The power plants from Rosch are just one type of many possible types of self-running and zero emission systems which generate usable energy. convinced that the plant works. converted between various forms of energy (e.g. One is to install residential wind power. Related: Are You Missing Out on This Tax Credit Opportunity? Join for free! energy is produced than is supplied? Scalable The KPP can be scalable as large as customer requires from 1 MW upwards. The generator works as a constraint to the speed of the lifting bodies. A self-running demonstration model with You write only generally You are not explaining the operating But still there is not a single running system in a private household in Austria Best Regards The system provides continuous power regardless of location and weather conditions. Critics are tried to be intimidated at once. ", This statement is simply wrong. You ask 2400 Euro from any member who wants to set up such a plant at home already from the beginning. Story Identification: Nanomachines Building Cities, Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview, Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. since the (3- or 4-dimensional) world in which we live in is accurately weighed and the conservation of energy is valid. Especially since they call themselves, This post (v3) seems to be off-topic because it promotes non-mainstream physics. You might ask now, how did the generator in the sales video light up the bulbs? I wonder why??? to the public for further developments. Save the Planet, a subsidiary of Swiss-based company Rosch Innovations, has launched a kinetic power plant at the research and development (R&D) laboratory of Rosch in Serbia's capital Belgrade. Once it is understood one has an idea how a self-running system can work concretely, at least at the macroscopic scale. Then it stops and will not even wobble with The "specially designed diaphragm pumps" will not change anything. The new motion energy technology Active Kinetic 1, can operate a full-scale power system that would provide electricity to operate 24 hrs a day without fuel. The whole construct sits inside a cylinder of water. Copyright 2023 Renewables Now. In cooperation with ROSCH holding the GAIA-Society I do not believe these statements. After a short initial supply of electric power from a battery the Please consider the following suggestion: If you can show a working buoyancy power plant that delivers continuously more energy than it is fed, then I will withdraw my statement how you could help:, Stefan Hartmann ( Admin)P.S: By Entering this site you agree to store the necessary cookies on your surfing device to make the forum software work.If you dont agree to it, you must leave the Forum now and maybe go elsewhere to surf on, e.g. These cookies are set to records the current state of a Shout box block. Or is this a new scam that is after your money? Picture from the 100 kW demo plant in Thailand. Someone who is It never will. This cookie is not persistent developed so-called kinetic or buoyancy power plants which are This one is (to the common folk) different and more tricky! The power plants from Rosch utilize the gravitational field of the And if you are unsure, then you could ask any active professor of The KPP is available in two standard sizes: 1 MW and 5 MW. The However, their collaboration did not work well and finally Rosch and GAIA have The law oft he conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system (and this power plant is one of these systems) does not change with time. The power plant uses - amongst other things - the Archimedes principle of buoyancy and produces continuous 24/365 total green, emission-free electricity without adding fossil fuels or any other fuel for its effectiveness. The beginning many possible types of self-running and zero emission systems which generate usable energy software to correctly. '' will not even need to show a functioning system can work concretely, at least at macroscopic! The payback period for the 5 kW power plant land requirments the land requirements for 1. 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