Can I romance her as a male character regardless by using the girdle of feminity to trigger it or something, or are is the romance totally based on female-female?Come on this has to be a fucking joke I already pictured my neutral-evil war mage travelling around with Hexxat and his other friends and this just ruined it man. You have two ways to build him if you're going to use him past level 12: you can either have him switch to Flails for the Flail of Ages or take Maces to Mastery and beyond. With Hexxat in your party, go to The Zephir in Amkethran to meet up with Cabrina. Unless you leave for Spellhold when your main character has either around 800,000 XP or 1.2 million XP she will be behind your party from an experience standpoint during the game. Oh well, they made her character the way they did, so I'm sure it makes sense in terms of plot and character development. Assuming you acquire Cernd with enough XP to reach level 13 (achievable if you don't rush to get him), you will obtain him roughly at his peak when he's just unlocked the Greater Werewolf transformation. Background: *This can be changed to True Neutral in the Throne of Bhaal segment of the game if you are in a romance with her. They are two skilled Diviners and two Fighters. Subsequent dialogue is dependent on either being or resting outside. Inc. All Rights Reserved. He lacks anything other than brute strength and Jaheira, for example, is one belt of Hill Giant Strength away from being a much more effective fighter. Her weapon proficiencies are a bit all over the place. I don't know about anyone else here but in my Faern there is no lesbian people (no offense to the lesbian people but this is just how I roleplay) and it makes me very sad having to play a female character now to enjoy the romance with Hexxat. She also conflicts with no fewer than four companions which means that you'd only take her over Jan for reasons of personal preference. I'm just going to briefly describe some of the important changes made that relate to NPC's and player characters in BG2EE compared to the original game. 2023 Overhaul Games, a division of Beamdog. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. That, and her special abilities make her really good. He has two particular problems. Hexxat is a neutral evil vampire thief and a potential companion in. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. 10 :5 badass female two katana swinging war mage. Speak to him before you speak to the person who caged him and you can buy his freedom. It may seem there is simply no convincing her not to go through with this deal but if you allow her to have her say, and then agree to kill her if she asks, she will stay a vampire for you and remain in the party. You will have to progress in the related quest to have Edwin offer to join your group. Speak to him and he'll offer to sell you his special ammo. His attributes are mostly garbage, but it doesn't matter: he's a caster not a fighter. His Wisdom is lacking for the medic role and his personality is extremely grating. You can have edwin disarm all the traps with his face and unlock stuff as well. Taking back the Piece of Silk will not reactivate these traps, so read on to see what they do before making that decision. Thief skills: OL: 95, FT: 95, PP: 35, MS: 35, HS: 25. Valygar is the best scout that you can recruit and his very high Dexterity makes him a respectable front-line fighter as well if you are able to increase his AC. I'm about to finish Watcher's Keep after escaping Saradush. Credit to Dee here (a member of the BGEE development team) for pointing this out on the, He becomes either lawful good or chaotic neutral depending on how his knighthood trial, This will change to 16 if he is accepted into the order, His access to these abilities and protections will depend upon the outcome of his quest line in Shadows of Amn, His access to spells will depend upon the outcome of his quest line in Shadows of Amn, To travel in sunlight these values will need to be reduced by the Cloak of Dragomir. Cover for him when he is confronted by a tax official and he will join your party. His Strength is also sub-par, but not so sub-par that you'll give him one of the strength-boosting items. He is the best thief by far, however. Note that one of Minsc's quick use slots is occupied by his pet hamster, a useless joke item. When you return him to his friends, he will be captured again. I'm forced now to roleplay myself as a female to embrace the romance path with Hexxat. After level 9, you can start taking points in War Hammers since there is a good throwing hammer available and you can have him wield the Hammer of Thunderbolts later. RecruitmentViconia is tied to a stake outside the prison in the Government District. When choosing companions, pay attention to their roles and whether they enhance the party or diminish it. The three "enhanced" companions from Baldur's Gate, Dorn, Neera and Rasaad, also make a return. RecruitmentAnomen is in the Copper Coronet and will join you without any reservations. The room behind it contains two Beholders and Phreya with the same procedure as every time. Press J to jump to the feed. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, New items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. The following characters benefit most from the Strength boost: Jaheira, Valygar, Viconia, Aerie. He has excellent Strength and stellar Constitution which makes him one of the sturdier front-line fighters you can recruit. If you don't cover for him, you will have to bail him out of prison. This is more of a gimmick than anything else, so replace it with the Army Scythe that Bernard sells; Jan can even steal it. RecruitmentJan is in the Government Park in the Government District. He also won't be returning in Throne of Bhaal. So scratch that idea. Rasaad is located in Tradesmeet - make sure to pick him up early in order to allow time for the romance to unfold. Killing two shade thieves at the Dragomir's Tomb entrance, head southwest to dispatch a Shade Wolf and disarm a trap, continue the way you'll encounter more Shade Wolves plus Devil Shades who can drain levels, and when they are close to death, spawn two Shadow Fiends. If you do, you're not missing much. Head south, then turn down a hallway west, send Clara the barrier will vanish. If you're not using Korgan, you can take points in axes (and she can use Azuredge to good effect) or you can maybe give her points in long swords. You'll also want to take a point in shortbows at level 12 since decent throwing daggers are hard to find. Hexxat, on the other hand, is a trash character that is so shoddily written my blood pressure rises every time I see one of her chat windows come up. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! ''Enjoy your childhood while you can''. in the U.S.A. and other countries, and are used with permission. November 2013. Can I romance her as a male character regardless by using the girdle of feminity to trigger it or something, or are is the romance totally based on female-female? The big problem with Imoen is that she's absent for a significant portion of the game. 2/day: Haste self for 3 rounds + 1 round / level, 2/day: Immune to fear and Bless effect for 5 turns. Although she can fill two party roles, you're better off with a dedicated medic and magic user, especially later in the game when you really want to be nuking foes with the highest level magic. LT1-LT9 can occur before completing his personal quest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Not only does her class combination limit her front-line capabilities, it also makes her a significantly worse ranged fighter than Imoen, Nalia and even Jan. RecruitmentAerie is trapped in the form of an ogre in the Circus Tent in Waukeen's Promenade. * Crossbow, ** Long Sword ** Two-Handed Sword ** Crossbow, * B.astard Sword ** Long Sword ** Two-Handed Sword ** Crossbow, ** B.astard Sword ** Long Sword ** Two-Handed Sword ** Crossbow, ** Two-Handed Sword ** Mace ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, * Axe ** Two-Handed Sword ** Mace ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, ** Axe ** Two-Handed Sword ** Mace ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, * Short Sword * Dagger * Quarterstaff Fighter/cleric/mage maybe?, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. So, this is the first time I've played the EE version of BG2 and I've triggered the Hexxat romance. It is only visible to you. Atari and the Atari logo are trademarks owned by Atari Unfortunately, this won't remain useful for long and then you have a companion stuck in one of the worst character classes with horrible physical attributes. I'm sorry in case it is forbidden, will not repeat. The unofficial reddit home of the original Baldur's Gate series and the Infinity Engine! Creature file is OHHFAK##.CRE. He has decent strength (which increases every eight levels to a maximum of 23) and slow regeneration, but he has a not-very-good AC that you can't improve because, being a bear, he can't equip anything. Cabrina will only approach you at night time while in the streets of Athkatla - any district other than the Graveyard District will work. Annoyed that you are actually alive she will attack. 15 :7 Turns out Haxxet figures out and slaps Dorn, who in turn stomps Haxxet and there is nothing my female character can do about it because well she is not male so how could she take on Dorn to protect Haxxet? When "killed" she takes gaseous form, goes to her coffin and regenerates in a few hours. Unless you give her the Girdle of Fortitude, Neera will always be one failed save against Horrid Wilting away from death. She's not human so level 1 NPCs wouldn't do much. Hexxat is my least favorite addition to any of the EE games. Head over to the large tomb just east of the starting zone (x=2400, y=1850), where youll encounter two shade thieves, you may avoid them showing up by picking the 2nd option in dialog with Clara. and yeah, dorn romance has been quite simplistic this far. Two-Handed Swords aren't an ideal proficiency for a Ranger character, since it wastes the free points in Two Weapon Style. You can clear out the spiders and traps in the corridor south of the entrance before the battle if you need a place to retreat from their high-level spells (including Time Stop, GateandAbi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting). He's chaotic neutral but gets along fine with the evil characters and is the best recruitable NPC in the entire game hands down. The following characters are good-aligned and hence no . This time you can kill Phreya as well as the Lich for Ring of Infravision and Boots of Stealth. D&D, Forgotten Realms, Baldur's Gate, Wizards of the I never used Hexxat before (I know about her condition) but a single class thief without any kit seems horrible. She needs the Gauntlets of Ogre Power to fix her main deficiency (inability to equip the best armour and shields) while he needs Gauntlets of Dexterity. She comes equipped with a non-removable Hexxat's Amulet, which provides 1 HP/round regeneration, immunity to Charm creature, Panic, Berserk, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Poison damage, Disease, Level drain and Ability Score Drain not caused by illithids.[1]. I got into this game for hexxat and her romance so this means a lot to me. 1. Beyond the headline superhuman attribute scores, Hexxat is basically a single-class human Thief, which is among the worst class / race combinations. RecruitmentYou will meet Hexxat in the Copper Coronet. Along your way you will encounter a few Greater Mummys until you enounter Phreya for the second time. These are each of them pregnant with smaller spiders, which will burst out and attack when the Bloated Spiders die, unless the mother spiders are killed out of sight (e.g. Thief skills: OL: 65, FT: 100, PP: 25, MS: 60, HS: 50, ST: 35. You you cannot be serious or? Press J to jump to the feed. The enabling of the chest container is accompanied with sound effects that may run in an endless loop. When taking additional proficiency points, you can take a point in Two-Handed Weapon Style or Two Weapon Style. Hasbro and its logo are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. and are used But something isn't right. Not sure how I feel about having Viconia as my only divine caster, though. Nalia is presumably intended as an understudy for Imoen since she has practically identical capabilities. Does Level 1 NPCs work with EE? By how much will depend upon how many secondary quests you do before going to Spellhold. All clerics and paladins (as well as Mazzy) will try, to her chagrin, to get rid of her, as a vampire is considered by them a being of pure evil to destroy at all costs. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If he fails, he becomes nihilistic. Baldur's Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Ah, yes. Send someone with thieving skills into the sarcophagus (theres no limit how many people you may send, but you need to do it one at a time), disarm the trap down the way then talk to Burich. In the base game, Haer'Dalis is an OK companion. If she is the only Thief in your party, you will have to tank a fair number of traps which isn't a lot of fun. The points in Dexterity and Constitution go some way to improving his survivability. If you pick him up then, he will also have two pips in Long Swords. Yes. Throne of Bhaal only, if Hexxat hasn't finished her TOB quest: If Hexxat is wearing the Cloak of Dragomir: Throne of Bhaal only, if Hexxat is wearing the Cloak of Dragomir: Throne of Bhaal only, after Hexxat finished her TOB quest: Throne of Bhaal only, at dusk or during night: If there's no romance with Hexxat or Viconia going on: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! As a dual class Fighter -> Cleric, Anomen has the potential to be the best undead killer you can recruit. As a Bard, he will never have the casting capacity even of Jan but he does typically have a 3 or 4 level advantage over your other magic users so that his Skull Traps hurt that much more. You're balancing one extra spell per level against increased HP, greater utility and no wild surge. David Gaider has confirmed him as bi-/pansexual, and he is selectable to hire a male drow prostitute in the Underdark. If I made it seem otherwise - well, I'm good at making it seem otherwise. Some characters or pairs of characters either hate or end up hating each other and will come to blows meaning that long-term it is not feasible to keep them in the party, although sometimes you wouldn't want to: Deficient Dexterity can be made right using the Gauntlets of Dexterity, sub-optimal Strength can be fixed using the Gauntlets of Ogre Power or the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength and below-par Constitution can be fixed using the Girdle of Fortitude. I really have no problems with the decision. Full story: everything games have to offer.---Tumblr: https://danaduchy.tumblr.comSecond channel: https://www.youtub. 2023 Hasbro, Alternatively, since he lacks the ability to inflict crushing damage, you may want to give him points in Maces with a view to the Mace of Disruption. He says he will honour the agreement and that Cabrina will be in touch. Me, on the other hand, I LARP my way through the game, because I convince myself that my character and I are one in the same. 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