brandon davis judge mathis update

"Yeah, I know that now..". As your next Circuit Court Judge, I will work to ensure that every litigant that appears before me, will leave knowing that they were treated fairly and that they will also have additional tools to improve their lives. Changing and challenging conditions in the daytime syndication market to which theyre unable to adjust. The family is not swayed by the frivolous filing. Judge Mathis is not a stuffy, uptight judge. 4. Judge Mathis and The People's Court will soon deliver their final verdicts. Nora Webb. I received the community alerts and the moment I read them I knew it was all true. 39:23. Esmeralda if youre reading just go to the courthouse and let ether know it was forged and you will be free from this joke legally. Search. Knowing this dude is suspect you agreed to put a small child in his care? My wifes direct boss is Glenn Hegar TX State Comptroller and works in legal as the Lead Analyst for Oil/Gas sector. Therefore, myself and many veterans will be present in large support to ensure the judge recognizes the seriousness of your scam. Have a blessed day. The cast actors of the family reality tv series are 1. To see others have figured you were a scam too is a relief. Moran plunged from the balcony of his 24th floor apartment in Chicago. Skum bag and stollen vallor. Brandon Davis was born on 9 December 1980 in the USA. Twenty years later in 2018, the show earned a Daytime Emmy for outstanding . Ive been speaking with many of your once closest confidants about your scam. He also possesses three credits under his name as an actor. Perhaps he had an issue with striking for a rating, there was a hardship, medical or some issue with his next duty assignment. You must be referring to The Application for Protective Order?? Last election November 8, 2022 . When Brandon became a teen father, he knew that his life changed forever. What judge? Brandon Davis was never a RECON Marine, not ever. Linda Fenton shame shame shame. He was physically in Baltimore the entire time. "Act as if what you do makes a difference. IF YOU HAVE A CASE OR WANT TO SUE SOMEONE, GIVE US A CALL AT 1-888-VERDICT! If the amount of time in the service was wrong on the dd214, what else could be wrong. I matriculated to Central Michigan University at 17 years old. But I know who is! Youre about to receive a post directly addressed to you. Wow. Someones going to take these guys to court if they arent careful what they are publishing. Judge Mathis 20,000 Dollars Wasted. Judge Greg Mathis. Brandon Michael Davis; Phony Recon Marine : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here,,,, Richard Elmer Johnson US Army, US Marine SNCO, Purple Heart, POW, Blog of Shame, Theodore James Kosin US Army SGT, Purple Heart, DSM, Two Tours in Afghanistan, Blog of Shame, Leslie R. Coward U.S. Navy SEAL, U.S. Army CIB, Blog of Shame, Jose Carlos Montanez Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame, Thomas William Cole US Army SGT, Two Purple Hearts, Operation Urgent Fury, Blog of Shame. Hearing was 25th. Very threatening and i will speak on those specifics youve shared with me during both jury trials. (no further entries). The only question why? Loved his straight forward way of dealing with people. Then, if this is true it is grounds to conclude that the records are inconsistent so therefore Davis may be all he says he is? Type in the Facebook search: BMD aka Marine Phony. Nor did it mention his sharpshooter badge. The popular daytime reality courtroom series have both been canceled after more than 20 years on the air, reports Deadline.They will close their doors after the end of Judge Mathis' 24th season and The People's Court's 26th season.. Judge Mathis, which premiered in 1999, centers around titular arbitrator Greg Mathis . Instead of showing some sign that he may have any pride left and manning up to his bullshit he lets this go on. . Why would you voluntarily offer that into evidence if youre alleged to be a pedophile and rapist? RETURN POLICY | SHIPPING POLICY | CANCELLATIONS | FULFILLMENT | PRIVACY POLICY A hearing happened in 11/2015 due to his allegations where Brandon made severe misteps under oath. As a single custodial parent, Brandon has been blessed with the opportunity to do life with his two biggest cheerleaders. Hello, "You ain't nothing to me!" Brandons testimony has he and his lawyer refusing and objecting to answer multiple questions if he ever was in combat and if ever deployed. Movies. Former member of the Shannon Rovers Bagpipe Band of Chicago. Hes had plenty chances to come fwd. You all have believed too many lies and you all know Brandon comes from a family of mental issues. Tamyra is a 16 year old junior at Mona Shores High School. 8 weeks of Recruit training at Great Lakes. What do you think? After college, Dezi plans to follow in Brandon's footsteps by going to law school and pursuing a career as an attorney. Heck I still remember my first Chief of Station in Afghanistan or my Team Leader in Iraq. Gladly post my address if you promise to come chat. Judge Mathis Show (May 22, 2018) - Alkin vs Burke. Weird from this 7 month point forward his civilian wage earnings started to accrue. Xerox copies dont count. After a long and tedious recovery, Davis made the decision to give music another shot. Mathis tweeted that he had finished production on season 24 in November and has presided over more than 13,000 cases. Everything believable until its time to see the docs. I also serve on the Pastoral Staff for Church of the Living God Muskegon. Warner Bros. has canceled Judge Mathis, which will end after its current 24th season, and The People . I dont know this guy, never met him to my knowledge. Possibly. COVID-19 Update. Brandon the Texas Workforce Commission release filed with Wilco court #2 would confirm all your employment with Time Warner Cable, gas stations, Rudys bbq and the car lot you filed unemployment benefits from. You think William James going to reference this site to Judge McMaster? 36 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Brandon J Davis: Judge Brown and Mathis ain't got shit on me! The case writeup essentially states that Davis claims are not supported by his official military records. Putting My Experience You dont remember me but I remember you from playing paintball and inviting me to your gun range. The guy I knew that grew up like this is Korean and loves his family. He did not do any of these jobs and never once was he physically active. Almost a pleading to come to court to denounce the allegations against you and show support for you as a father and military career. Events. Joseph Wilson Campbell, Needless Embellishment, Poser Blog of Shame. Or authorities can view this call me 512-925-3392 and Ill direct them to the neighbors who witnessed it all and told me. Slowly they start realizing they were or still in the presence of a lying pedophile who cowardly stole valor. They state that he would not have a scuba bubble. 2. Sorry try again. If he joined back into the USMC to become Recon or Force Recon it would have been 2004-2008 because he was arrested in 2008 in Round Rock for writing bad check (hints the mug shot). There is some concern about local businesses in the Austin Texas area and the importance of the community being aware of this case. Scam is up. If you guys cant see it then you too are as crazy as she is! When Brandon became a teen father, he knew that his life changed forever. 132,079 talking about this. Tamyra enjoys spending time with her friends and volunteering with our local church. We all know the truth, and once you realize that Brandon has had you fooled, you will look like the jackass lol!!! . I was curious if you truly posted this? I can bet on my life youve only heard one side clearly by your make believe events you were told happened. The Bronze Star (with possibly a V for valor) is not in his service record. By Jenna Anderson - February 21, 2023 09:00 pm EST. The hit program returned with Judge Marilyn Milian as its star in 1997. Worse of all he stated he had ex parte communication with judge McMaster about special orders for him dealing with the child. He cannot provide things you never forget, what his Platoon Leader, platoon Sgt or company commanders name. He was a fuck up then. The People's Court originally aired with Judge Joseph Wapner as its presiding judge from 1981 to 1993. My son was in Iraq during the invasion but someone failed to check the box on his dd214 and he had to wait over 5 yrs to get help for his PTSD. According to his official military records, Davis got out of the USMC as an E-2. The Certified transcript of that hearing 11/24/15 details Brandons continued harassment of his ex and spouse. KBW83.. Were you not secure in the fact your son would still love you no matter what lies you told or truths about you surfaced? If you cant show it, then you are the fraud that you truly are. Milk had to be label out in the fridge. Make it more professional and people will pay more attention to it. He got you now move on. Sort that shit out somewhere else. The only 2 suits on file for Brandon in Wilco, TX was a failed application for A Protective Order against his ex wife and her husband. You have been outed AGAIN!!!!!!! This is about getting a dangerous person off the streets and in jail before more people are hurt. Dezi is now 19 years old and pursuing a Bachelor in Criminal Justice at Benedict College in Colombia, SC. You are a fraudster and you cant control your behavior. My name is Brandon Davis and I am running for Governor of the State of Nevada. Again just a website with no legitimacy! I really didnt care beyond knowing they existed, But if Jameis Ether appeared on them I apologize for not noticing. Along with The People's Court, the 20-year-old law-entertainment series has been dropped due to the network "getting out of the judge show business.". An investigation has been launched. Lets get to the meat of it. I am so thankful for your work with this. 6136. About Me. You look stupid defending a psycho in public space. There are credible reports that claim that Davis is well known to several businesses in the Austin Texas area whom are convinced ofhis veteran status as a highly decorated Marine. Its highly frowned upon and now has cost him his freedom, $3500 fine, and custody of his son. He would have had to struck for a rating before becoming a Petty Officer Third Class (E-4). Definitely one of the most punch able I've seen. Brandon Davis was never awarded a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, or a Combat Action Ribbon. Honestly the worst thing ever is when his KID sees this. What do you have to do with case? Blew your cover bro. Also, you claim to be a proud marine, BUT, there was an incident in 1996 at a military ball where you insulted the marines to a group of cadets with the Marine Corps JROTC from Round Rock High School. Check out the Facebook page dedicated to the phony. Youre obligated to prove youre who you say youre. Joe Brown was the second highest paid daytime television personality behind Judge Judy during the time the show was running. Well damn.. Haha this sure did escalate in a hurry. If someone involved with this case would share the hearing results, or court decision here, or sent to our admin email, we would greatly appreciate it! The gavel will soon come down for the last time on two long-running, syndicated court shows. the people's court audience the people's court announcer the people's court accident anger the people's court application the people's court athens the peopl. Hes to be deposed soon for the civil suit he filed alleging damages from slander/defamation. He is a fraud, period. Contact. Syndicated TV shows: canceled or renewed? Camara Mathis Webb. Ryan Webb. Obviously, both Brandon and Maggie are not mature enough to to handle their personal issues outside of here, so they get their friends to throw shade at each other. Judge Joe Brown's long divorce court case is finally over, and he's officially a single man. Now thinking about it what the hell is wrong with you to allow such a phony even around your grandson? Good news -- if Brandon successfully completes the program, both charges . If you listen to the way he talks i could bet you that his father talked the same way. You came out in public space to defend a worthless lying valor stealing pedophile on your own. Judge Mathis Show (may 23, 2018) - Davis vs Yockey. Just like mom shortly before. How can we chat? Would you agree that this is a far stretch? So he is falsifying or exaggerating about his experience for profit this is in violation of Stolen Valor act 2013. Since that time, I have worked diligently to serve others by advancing equity and pursuing justice both inside and outside of the courtroom. Let the government take care of this if it needs to be handled. As a young man, he was involved with gangs, dropped out of school, spent time in jail and then, as a promise to his dying . My work extends beyond the courtroom. Judge Greg Mathis is unlike most adjudicators you'd see in a courtroom. Several veterans were highly skeptical of Davis based on some inconsistencies and inquired into hisbackground. Now can you top that, no youo cant!!!!! What again did you view and be advised all attorneys creep this site regularly so was West Short or William A James at this sit down? The Combat Action Ribbon and the Purple Heart claims may put Davis in direct violation of the Stolen Valor Act of 2013, especially if he has benefited from the use ofthose claims. He is an actor, known for Amsterdam (2022), Undressed (1999) and First Monday (2002). Ether. I do know that one of the signed documents was a restraining order against Brandons ex-wifes ex-husband. Many of the young people in my neighborhood got in trouble and dropped out of school. Fraser Gouert vs. Nathan Posso Former friend for $4,217 - car damage/Counter for $700 - defamation & property. Any perceived challenge to his authority was an immediate argument while I was there. I could care less about his domestic problems, if this guy thinks he can pass off by using the term, incomplete records he is doubling down on stupid. Elections and appointments. This is what I see. Prior to his time on the Judge Mathis show, Moran was active in . (Transcript coming). Amir Mathis. He seemed like a genuine, nice kid. To be cont. but if he didnt have that when we first confronted him was provide a date. Very Few choose the Marines, the few and proud the Marines. Erin Napier paid tribute to producer Brandon Davis on Instagram, revealing he had passed away . 5. The Judge Mathis Show 5 . Dont you agree? ". They recently contacted me again to get me to produce evidence for your defense. You sorry piece of trash, you are crazier than a soup kitchen. Legal documents, obtained by TMZ, show that the TV judge certainly got his fair share from the split . Also states all his injuries while enlisted. and . During that time I was able to examine the contents of a binder he had compiled containing copies of most of the military records several of you here claim dont exist. A: Actor Brendan Anthony Moran, known as the bailiff on the Judge Mathis television show, died Dec. 19, 2002. SHOW # TAPE DATE CASE # CASE NAME AIR DATE; 21144R: 10/23/19: 427: Burt vs. Ramirez: 9/4/20: 8/15/19: 253: Marzett vs. Grover: 10/22/19: 419: Johnson vs. Rojas . At this point I cant tell you how to reconcile what you provided me with the documents presented to me by Brandon Michael last week, which clearly indicated Force Recon training and assignment experience (among numerous other things). Ive got plenty more facts to provide them about your phony punk hero. You know you cant ever address me straight up. Youre only online to point fingers and slander people. I suggest you visit the Facebook page we dediicated to Brandon Michael Davis which is titled BMD aka Marine Phony at So what better excuse than injured in combat to justify why he never returned. Clearly you have doubts about your work as a father too. Your 1st victim read your comments and called you out rather quickly. Reasons his wife cant bring him around her family. You provided a childs personal journal you have been hanging on to for almost 15 years that implicates you had sex with a child. Its only a matter of time till the State and Feds come for you. It is also worth noting that the Navy wanted to increase its MA force from 3000 special law enforcement personnel to 30000 K Force protection personnel. You care for him then do whats necessary for his sons sake. Press J to jump to the feed. Your downfall doesnt begin and end with me or your victims. Please read the sidebar below for our rules. The former Detroit-area district court judge infuses his court sessions with a generous dose of humor as he listens to diverse litigants plead their small-claims cases in his TV . What happened to Brandon from Judge Mathis? 926k Followers, 154 Following, 2,656 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Judge Greg Mathis (@judgegregmathis) judgegregmathis. He will remain on the Wall of Shame. I honestly told them i believe youre a con man and this is just the tip of the spear on all your criminal activity. Lol. You were on here talking quite greasy then you screwed up and made slanderous assumptions of your own that brought attention to yourself. Like he did making claims on your behalf like he did at Caligo Belli, where he stated to all staff who had TS-SCI that your company Remote Viewing would be sponsoring clearances, which turned out to be a lie. Paid for bytheCommittee to Elect Brandon Davis. Or made rank fast and then was let in. This casts doubt that hewas awarded the Combat Action Ribbon twice, nor theBronze Star with a V for valor sincethese are ribbons awarded for actions as a result of armed conflict. I will be speaking with them this week but would love to speak with Austin Talley and KBW83 first. Barely making it out of Boot camp only totaling 7 months is why you live a lie. Update: Additionally, I am a proud member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in addition to my work in those spaces, I also leverage my legal skills to host and/or assist with Clean Slate Expungement efforts across West Michigan. The only combat you saw is probably swatting a fly or playing hide and go seek as a child. Nothing more. It was only a matter of time and my family appreciates you. The big reason he is on here is because of his Marine stuff two Bronze Stars and a PH. He brings experience from both the ecumenical and industrial spheres, having 14 years of ministry . Brandon is a proud father of two beautiful daughters, Dezi and Tamyra. The show will highlight the 62-year-old judge's life outside of the courtroom . Wait his fam law attorney typed up one and fraudulently disguised it as filed with the court but that was nothin to do with this site. Stop lying you fraud!!!!! The walls are caving in. If he spent those 3 years at CG than what experience does he have in Force Protection none. More bad news for you Davis. Neither are two Combat Action Ribbons or two Purple Hearts. Brandon cant provide anyone who deployed with him or who was at the CIA, DIA or Force Recon with him. . Surely to prove slander you 1st must provide evidence youre not a phony. Signed docs signed by who? So you wouldnt know up from down even if you had a compass. Also he is posing on here as Linda Fenton. Repeat after Gunny I was lied to. You exposing your incompetence to the situation here does absolutely ZERO for his credibility. Telepictures Productions, Inc. | In partnership with Warner Bros. Entertainment Let all your friends and other vets know!!!! 8. Their favorite activity is snuggle time with their humans. Pray for forgiveness and mercy because there is no mercy being considered in the efforts to bring you to justice. Linda Mathis. February 21, 2023 10:00am. Hopefully one was why havent you come fwd with this proof if you filed a civil suit to be rewarded damages? What? How will you explain the attempts to destroy his mother? When he finally realizes youve made a fool of him he will ruin your life. Now we know you were invested with him. So the Navy started to change and bring in recruits for this. All rights reserved. The 11 show cancellations that hurt the most in 2022, . I was taken advantage of. Just tired of the anonymity and accusations. Tell Jarod check his FB other folder. Im suspecting your lawyers are still working this pro Bono from the 1st time i spoke with them. I wanted to point out some basic problem solving concerns about your serious issue here. The DD-214 clearly states the dates of the schools and the lengths. Cultural differences are funny. The moral police has arrived and hypocritical as usual. Leave me out and off of your website please. I, myself, am an Air Force vet who resides now in Atlanta, Georgia, and BRANDON MICHAEL DAVIS, I was advised by a fellow member of the American Legion who resides in Austin, TX!!!! His specialty victim is small children you know that right?? Just like all his step siblings. I wonder what the hold up is?? Anyways, you once said you used to pick him up at the airport everytime he returned home. Davis US Navy DD-214 did not list his prior service with the US Marine Corps. After 2001 starting 2002 the Navy opened up to recruit for the MA field. The actor, whose full name was Brendan Anthony Moran, fell 24 floors and died on December 19, 2002. Investigators officially ruled the death a suicide. I desire to be your next 14th Circuit Court Judge because I truly believe that I can make an impact on the lives of those that appear before me. Just a simple year because there is only 6 classes a year. I can't imagine what it was like when guests weren't there. You are a fraud, and a criminal who deserves to do fed time for what you are doing!!!!!! Related: Four seeking new circuit court judgeship in . You will see me in January because I will be testifying against you. My extensive experience as a trial lawyer and community servant, life experiences, values and my proven commitment to equity and justice have prepared me to serve as your next Circuit Court Judge. Draw as many names in as possible. Tamara Davis vs. Lisa Khun-Ivory & Anthony Ivory Defendants for $1,175 - rent money/Counter for $1,780 - rent, bills & food. Life expectancy for a man with sickle cell disease is 42 years old. Mathis is the longest-running Black male host on television and won a 2018 Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program. Copyright TV Series Finale. Ace and Wes are the four-legged members of the Davis family. Your 1st possessory victim was able to escape you and your 2nd will soon be in a better environment where hes not lied to daily. Judge Mathis and The People's Court will soon deliver their final verdicts.. a liar he is not. Brandon, West Short & William James.. Game over. How much does Judge Mathis pay to be on his show? The current incarnation of The Peoples Court, which is also distributed by Warner Bros., has also been cancelled, after 26 seasons. I have seen and read copies of efficiency reports, certificates, letters from those he served with and other materials that show he was indeed a Force Reconnaissance Marine. Days after it was revealed that Judge Mathis would end its long run in daytime syndication, Byron Allen 's Allen Media Group has . Brandon Michael Davis, as a decorated vet, you are a complete fraud. You see he would have to file these docs with court as exhibit evidence for both parties to view for it. In addition to my experience as a prosecutor, I have also diversified my area of practice by handling criminal cases as a defense attorney, family law and labor law matters as well as other civil cases. The transcript details Brandons testimony he was in Marines 1996-2006. Does Esmerelda know you forged the marriage certificate and the marriage is fake? Candidates who filed for the 6-year "non-incumbent" judgeship are Brandon Davis, Jason Kolkema, Jenny L. McNeill and Kendrah Robinson. This will be monumental. If you got proof that you earned them, show us, if not, you are a fraud who deserves to remain on this site!!!!!!!!! After further dissection and speaking with someone who knows Smith very well, this is Brandon as suspected. Unfortunately I am the ex wife. I am passionate about seeking ways to empower community to grow as a result of the interaction that they have with the criminal justice system. Judge Mathis Show. Pregnant wife and child will replace the old victims. Experience he believes he couldn't have found. Shocking! Dezi and Tamyra often say that since they went to college and law school with Brandon they should automatically get their degrees. Dude hates himself. Linda Fenton and Paul H. Smith, give it up, you both are BUSTED cause you are the same person, who we all know as the Marine phony called BRANDON MICHAEL DAVIS!!!! You see Brandons intellectual horsepower is his biggest liability along with his credibility. Time to show out and quit hiding behind a 13yo child. 2024 State judge elections; 2024 Local elections; 2024 Ballot measures; Ballotpedia's 2022 . But what was gloriously found was a 45 min sociopathic delusional rant slandering my wife and I, accusing me of being a gangster drug dealer, Brandon implying he was commissioned as peace officer with state of Texas, my wife was jealous of him because he acquired land and built a gun range. As far as the legal documents you mention, included in the documents from Brandon Michael I examined were a number of court documents directly relevant to the case.These documents were, in fact, signed.I know what I saw and examined. It had been confirmed by the DOJ, that Brandon never worked at the CIA in CO or any other position or at DIA in a Direction Action position, he was a basic firearms instructor for deploying personnel. He knows I know the truth. Theres not a woman who would claim this sorry pos. I bet not. Lots of Judge McMaster degrading Brandons attorney for his lack of basic litigation knowledge and passively chastizing Brandons eventual fate to his face because he was lying so bad on the stand. Debuting in September 1999, the Judge Mathis TV series follows Judge Greg Mathis as he adjudicates small claims disputes from his studio courtroom at the NBC Tower in Chicago. And yes spelling is correct with cell. After reading about all the different phonies, THIS GUY BRANDON MICHAEL DAVIS TOPS THE LIST!!! TVPG. If you have proof in the form of paperwork to show that Brandon Davis is legit. 2, if you do not have your BRC certificate, what class are you in? He has made me laugh, he made me cry (happy tears). Verified. You supporting on here but youre not willing to be listed as a witness for Brandon? Great! Stephanie Dawkins Davis, a nominee to serve as a judge on the 6th U.S. As for the civil suit he filed there has been zero orders, modifications, enforcements for judge to sign. Member Actors Union. A few short years later, he enlisted in the US Navy. She's crying too she knows this shit ain't right, but she probably feels powerless. You emphatically accused your ex wifes husband as the creator and mastermind of this site and she was found civilly liable for its content. Brother of Joseph D. (Kristen), Thomas (Kathy), Breda (Pete) Kocik, Mary (Errol) Mooney, Kieran (Barb), and Kerry (Manny) Schuller. I have myself examined the records you received from FOIA requests and believe that you may be drawing premature conclusions from records that are clearly incomplete and which themselves are internally inconsistent. Ugh I can not stand Judge Judy. 37:35. 10052: 11/18/08: Henry Born vs. Kimberly Marlow Ex-girlfriend's sister for $4,000 - car damage. The award-winning series, which took home a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program in 2018, is the second-longest-running court show on television behind Judge Judy. Take that mess somewhere else and anything between Brandon and Maggie should be between Brandon and Maggie, Not Brandon/his friends and Maggie/her friends!! If litigants agree to be on the show, they are paid a talent fee ranging from $150 to $300, and they receive travel accommodations. Hes a fake and let the shit hit the fan! She will have a hard decision to make soon. 3. Where? It does." - William James #Quote His distinct hate speech, lack of facts and bizarre dialogue has been him. Michael Floore said 23-year-old Brandon Davis was pronounced dead around 6 p.m. today. More than happy to share with you. Haha Told him he needs to get over the failed marriage he had with my wife 11 years ago. Today I viewed a binder full of documents from Brandons sons school file all placed inside by BMD himself. You promise to come to court to denounce the allegations against you and show support for as... A fraud, and a criminal who deserves to do life with his two biggest cheerleaders seriousness your... 11 show cancellations that hurt the most in 2022, told him he to. State judge elections ; 2024 local elections ; 2024 Ballot measures ; Ballotpedia & # ;. Been him you used to pick him up at the CIA, DIA or Force RECON with.! Care beyond knowing they existed, but she probably feels powerless begin end! 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Playing hide and go seek as a father too old junior at Mona High. A con man and this is just the tip of the Living God Muskegon i honestly them! Doubts about your work as a witness for Brandon binder full of documents from Brandons sons school file all inside... Judge from 1981 to 1993 trash, you once said you used to pick up... Military records, Davis made the decision to make soon has cost him his,... Austin Texas area and the people & # x27 ; d see in a hurry when guests n't. Is because of his 24th floor apartment in Chicago or company commanders name was restraining! Victim read your comments and called you out rather quickly military career said! Television show, died Dec. 19, 2002 your downfall doesnt begin and end with me or victims! Ex wifes husband as the creator and mastermind of this if it needs to be handled believes! You agreed to put a small child in his care is posing on here talking quite greasy you... @ you all know Brandon comes from a family of brandon davis judge mathis update issues out and quit hiding a! It needs to get me to your gun range other vets know!!!!!!. Not provide things you never forget, what else could be wrong his prior service with the opportunity do. 3 years at CG than what experience does he have in Force Protection none possesses... The frivolous filing Amsterdam ( 2022 ), Undressed ( 1999 ) and first Monday ( 2002 ) lawyer. Sister for $ 4,217 - car damage not willing to be listed as single... Are two combat Action Ribbons or two Purple Hearts is snuggle time with their humans frowned upon now! Of trash, you once said you used to pick him up the... Mercy being considered in the Facebook search: BMD aka Marine phony he would had... Brendan Anthony Moran, fell 24 floors and died on December 19, 2002 for both parties view. Youre obligated to prove youre who you say youre, 2018 ) - Alkin vs Burke - 21. Died Dec. 19, 2002 last time on the dd214, what his Platoon Leader, Platoon Sgt company... Go seek as a witness for Brandon from slander/defamation along with his credibility attempts to destroy his mother civilly. Now has cost him his freedom, $ 3500 fine, and custody of 24th! # x27 ; d see in a courtroom won a 2018 daytime Emmy brandon davis judge mathis update... And has presided over more than 13,000 cases father too tamyra enjoys spending with... Me during both jury trials some concern about local businesses in the Facebook search: aka... Case or WANT to SUE SOMEONE, GIVE US a CALL at!! Simple year because there is some concern about local businesses in the Austin Texas area and people... Inviting me to your gun range this sure did escalate in a.... Dia or Force RECON with him bet on my life youve only one... His mother wrong on the dd214, what his Platoon Leader, Platoon Sgt or company commanders.. Obtained by TMZ, show that the tv judge certainly got his fair share from the split highlight! Will end after its current 24th season, and the people and show support for you as father... That hurt the most in 2022, you guys cant see it then are. With them this week but would love to speak with Austin Talley and KBW83 first a career as actor. Its only a matter of time till the State of Nevada - car damage/Counter $! Apologize for not noticing 154 Following, 2,656 Posts - see Instagram photos and from!

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brandon davis judge mathis update