But I don't see any utility or reason for xenogenders other than to be a contrarian or seeking attention. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/06/25/global-divide-on-homosexuality-persists/. Typically oneself chooses things they like to more accuratly decribe themselves better then they think binary labels could do. And I promise I am not transphobic. My xenogenders don't feel like that, but one of mine feels like the way my keyboard feels when I press the keys. not really, it goes under the non binary category even though it is a mocking of the lgtb, second of all you can be called ableist for not supporting it which is stupid because being NB isnt a disability/mental illness. assimilation is not gonna stop transphobia or transmisogyny. What about when the relationship is with yourself? On 1/15/2022 at 7:22 PM, LGBTAtreyu said: On 1/15/2022 at 9:50 PM, LGBTAtreyu said: On 1/15/2022 at 6:26 PM, LGBTAtreyu said: On 1/15/2022 at 8:41 PM, Burgundy Ashe said: Aromantic Asexual & Furry-Mobian Fetishist, AVEN Unofficial discord and other resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, July/August/September 2022 - Asexual Dating, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKCCb0pNZKmtb5gTcRli14IVdWkXFDHM8UqMw7Ajw2KDYxBg/viewform, If I can lift weights with a mask on you can walk with one,Karen, The Purple Foxy thats helpful, supportive, friendly always . Most Xenogender users use neopronouns that correlate with their gender, such as kit/kitself/pup/pupself/bun/bunself/sweet/sweetself/fae/faeself/ Xenogenders are totally valid and help neurodivergent people understand what they identify as! a feminine man if you will, a trans man if i must. Taylor Frick Dec 2, 2021 at 10:28 am. In the meantime, who does it hurt? Everything is valid, all human experiences are valid. There is no reason to have them as genders. Read also USA: 56% of adults under 30 think that a person's gender can differ from the one assigned at birth. A gender can not be described as sugery" or playfull". Defining yourself by unique association, without going through a material and gendered projection , this is what this new categorization would allow, as journalist Alice Pfeiffer explained in a dedicated article . Not OP, nor trans but it's about the feeling of gender dysphoria and general discomfort about your assigned gender. I think its cringe, but it's valid. In addition to this, people may describe amative genders with nouns (explaination of the terms in the links), https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Affinitive_Genders, https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Amative_Orientations, like for a way ofexperiensing a gender(see schrodigender)or for conditional genderfluidity (seeastrogender), which may sound simular to affirmative xenogenders for an outside observer and may also be considered xenogenders, and yet aredifferent from affirmative xenogenders as you see, https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Schrodigender, https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Astrogender, but that doesn't aurtomatically mean they are valid, What do you mean? Kylie Jenner, Naomi Campbell and Irina Shayk all wore dresses with sculpted animal heads during the Schiaparelli show, held this Monday, January 23 in Paris. But your explanation was helpful. as for treegender it could mean how they identify could be rooted into tree and flora or maybe the metaphorical definition of the tree is why someone is connected to it. Neopronouns arent what makes the trans community look like a joke, infighting between us is what makes us look like a joke. lol no one who thinks xenogender isn't valid is going to respond, because they don't want to get a warning. xe/xem/xyrs pronouns said, I was struggling a lot trying to find pronouns that felt right for me that werent inherently gendered like they/them. Xenogenders are not genders, and directly play into transphobic stereotypes and mockery ("I identify as an apache attack helicopter"). I'm collecting examples of experiences that might count as xenogender from history. However, it notes a clear and necessary departure from gender being associated solely with femininity and masculinity . Xenogenders are so individualistically defined its surprisingly hard to have a good definition besides identifying outside of the preconceived feminine, masculine, androgyne and neutral! People who use xenogenders don't actually identify their gender as the word they've used prefacing "-gender". some use it for describing their gender and How they feel. I use neopronouns for several reasons: Im cat gender and using cat related pronouns help me feel more comfortable. Saying you are cat gender because you feel "warm and fuzzy" is terrible, it's like your saying your an attack helicopter. Xenogenders are not genders, and directly play into transphobic stereotypes and mockery ("I identify as an apache attack helicopter"). Si contina navegando, consideramos que acepta su uso. Xenogenders are made for everyone to find what describes them best, and even cisgender people can (and do) use them and new neopronouns to describe their more unique feelings of themselves to others. My siblings and my dad have autism and they said it isn't true. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Not because xenogenders are themselves genders, but because anyone who adopts a xenogender must already be nonbinary by definition. Doesnt mean you have to expect everyone to use it. I will try to be more careful in that regard in the future. When you get to the whole issue about whether they should be a part of general everyday gender discussion them I don't think it's common enough or relevant enough to hold space at that broader level. Thank you. But some people dont neatly fit into the categories of man or woman, or male or female. For example, some people have a gender that blends elements of being a man or a woman, or a gender that is different than either male or female. WebXenogenders are valid. Ironically, perhaps, your strategy of gender-shaming is a minority strategy itself. That's transphobic. Especially since if they were genders, people with xenogenders would be trans, and I think being trans should mean the person has certain protections based on that protected charasteristic. A xenogender is essentially just series metaphors, usually paired with an aesthetic, which serve to help someone describe their experience with gender beyond the language we most commonly use. She looks at popular media and decides she needs penguin farts. What really happens when kids say they're transgender? Some people may want to answer your question without debating the topic. Doing so outside of being nb would actually be akin to identifying as goth in the way that you mentioned. [1] It is not required for a valid argument to have premises that are actually true,[2] but to have premises that, if they were true, would guarantee the truth of the argument's conclusion. When it comes to things like this, I personally live by the golden rule. A poll asking people whether xenogenders are valid yes or no is NOT a good idea. Historically there have been two used since the 1300s, spe, For example, ou will could mean he will, she will, or it will. lol no one who thinks xenogender isn't valid is going to respond, because they don't want to get a warning. However, some will find themselves quite perplexed. And what does the word "valid" mean, can you define it? Keep on writing because you are a fantastic writer! Im curious how you could classify xenogender as anything but nonbinary. now! It is said to be made for neurodivergent people because 'they may have a different way of understanding gender' or 'gender is too difficult for them to understand'. Some neurodivergent people have a more complicated relationship with gender so these help with that also! If youre trans, not everyone has the same experiences as you. Isabel Wosina Apr 9, 2021 at 3:58 pm. You arent laying out a conclusion. She and he pronouns were okay but didnt fit right exactly. Here is the question: do you think your gender is valid? Neogenders are also MOGAI genders and any genders that dont fit under Neogender arent MOGAI genders. Being otherkin means you feel like a mythical creature like a angel. I love that you care enough to do research for your child. From the time that were young, were taught that there are only hers and hims. Does the buddy have a relationship with the mind? We as a species can finally be free of its constraints, and flourish as a result. Are folks trying to fit in a marginalized group really an issue? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You may see the title as "provocative", but most people probably are just going to ignore it(or mayfind it too triggering to answer), expecially neurodivergent youngsters, who I think are likely tobethe majority of people identifying as xenogender. When someone used xem on me for the first time, I felt really happy, so I kept using them.. Common Xenogenders are catgender, pupgender, bungender, sweetgender, and faegender. WebInicio; Servicios. You arent laying out an argument. TMBR is a place where we can discuss controversial topics freely and explore various ideas and opinions. I like how they sound for me, and they help me express who I am better., Non-binary people, even those who use neopronouns, can also be considered transgender. We should not be against each other and its really important trans people give each other support.. I use neopronouns for several reasons: Im cat gender and using cat related pronouns help me feel more comfortable. Feeling pretty smug, she point to herself and says, My gender is Bob Sagats pants. Transgender folk roll their eyes. Friendly reminder that under current ToS, we don't allow invalidation of anyone's identity, be they standard or esoteric. I don't see this thread going anywhere except to Locky McLockface. , but within the LGBTQ+ community. They are both umbrella terms. That is to say, their body identifies them in a different way than other (external) people identify them+their body. Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the late response. But xenogender is not the same as otherkin. Everyone defines their own xenogender differently! Some who have mental variations see these as an influence on-- or an inseparable part of-- their gender identity. Then how does utilising xenogenders improve lives for the people who wish to utilise them? Not really important I guess. No, she is using her limited language to best express her thoughts and feelings. The College Board corporate corruption or helpful nonprofit? This would be volunteer work, I have no resources to pay translators at the moment. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Everything is valid, all human experiences are valid. I do know there's massive debate elsewhere. Some of it isn't pleasant from both the cis-norma No they are not. Whatever the mode of expression of the xenogender, the idea is to get rid of all material determination to move towards a representation that frees from the bodily shackles . WebGo follow Axie! i experience dysphoria if i feel that this expression is being hindered. hot take but people having fun with their gender/gender expression. I wanted more options so neopronouns were really cool for that purpose. Cause if that's you're reasoning, maybe we should be honest about where you're closing the LGBT gate on people. Oil, a user of some not as common neopronouns, had this to say, I use a lot of neopronouns but the main ones I like and use are nyaself, girself, purrself, xemself, crayonself, and pawself! THIS so called gender was made by a tumblr user in 2014, which is quite obvious it is not lgtb.they have no links to what the lgtb is about such as Gender/sexuality/identification.it is stupid that they have ohtbursted in this pride month. Do xenogenders not tho conform to some idea of some form of gender identity tho the same way both men and women do. not op, but heres my two cents- actual link to gender and gender expression. Neopronouns can be complicated to execute, and you might mess up, but its much better to learn from your mistakes, than to intentionally misgender someone because its too hard., Cass continued, You cannot pick and choose which of us are worthy of support and validation. it doesnt make sense to bring an air of debate or identify and labels that people genuinely identity and say the intent is not to offend. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Subreddit for the socialist streamer & media critic Vaush, Press J to jump to the feed. Related I 'm fluid, agender, trans, demi My identity is non-binary. Todos los derechos reservados. Some people dont identify with any gender. My opinion isn't going to be the most popular opinion but no I don't think they are valid. Here's why. Gender is a psychological term, describing a I will try to be more careful in that regard in the future, Not more "hyperspecific" than binary genders and surely not more "hyperspecific' than "just me", which obviously specific for only you (and most people don't describe their gender as "just me", so i really don't get your point) Anyway, the word is arbitrary and implies some kind of "too much", andalready saysit's applied to something "unnessesary" and for the reasoninaccepting of xenogenders. Stop trying to be lgtb so hard. Neopronouns: You are valid. Webi don't think xenogenders are valid. . Not understanding something doesnt give you an excuse to blatantly disrespect it. People who are questioning there gender identities do. It can be complicated, but xenogenders are often described as feeling like objects, sensations, songs, feelings, concepts, etc. Some even started mocking neopronouns by putting things such as didnt/ask, or shut/up in their bios on the app. Neopronouns are pronouns for people who dont feel comfortable using she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns. This means that on AVEN you can't make the argument that xenogenders aren't valid. Occasionally you might meet someone who breaks the normal binary, and uses they/them pronouns, but there is more than one way to identify as non-binary. Oil continued, How someone chooses to identify doesnt affect you. I used to be a magazine writer and I was pleasantly surprised to read that you are in high school. Some people may create xenogenders based on things of comfort/interest to them. Saying you are cat gender because you feel "warm and fuzzy" is terrible. Xenogenders that identify with animals do not mean that if you identify with them you identify as a cat, though this is a common misconception. I have literally never heard of xenogenders, so here's my expert straight cis neurotypical white male opinion: My identity doesn't make any difference to you, nor does yours to me.I am not the arbiter of which identities are valid, and which are not. As we move further away from the false notion that gender and sex are related, and further towards gender abolition, the lines between gender identity and any other form of identity blurs, until the difference is obscured altogether. I'm trans. You're complaining about someone being a cat, but that has no bearing on their pronouns or gender identity. Some of it isn't pleasant from both the cis-normative and LGBT darker corners of communities. There's a moral consequence that doesn't exist with simple cat-gender identities. Thank you to everyone for your in-depth explanations. I would greatly appreciate, if I could be provided a little bit more information. I get that everybody thinks they're cringe of whatever. This means that on AVEN you can't make the argument that xenogenders aren't valid. Transgender and gender-nonconforming people might experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives. Many non-binary people experience gender dysphoria, except they experience it for. The name we have collectively given the process of changing your external appearance to match your internal self is changing genders. It could be called penguin farts, the point isnt what the name is, just that it has a name. An identity that is increasingly attractive, whether online, where the hashtag #xenogender currently has 30 million views on TikTok , or in the most tangible reality: in Greece, the 1st edition of the Narthex cybermedieval festival where xenogenders who identify with video game avatars gathered. Ethereum is transexual because it is also accepted widely. This is identifying as a food, or using food as a metaphor as your gender. I'm pretty sure this isn't an issue and that the only people that talk about it are being ironic or are the occasional teen with mental health issues. OB Feb 2, 2021 at 10:23 pm. They should get psychological help to figure out the root cause of their issues. If you want to identify as a shoe, have at it. The MOGAI community Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. I am being called homophobic/transphobic for hating on xenogenders because they are NOT LGBTQIA+ and the people using these They are not valid in lgtb, they are valid on their own. genders that describe someone's gender in a way that is outside of human understanding. Some even went as far as to claim people using neopronouns are just cis straight people who wanted to be part of the LGBTQ+ commuinty but dont actually experience gender disphoria. And asexuality was made up by people online in the early 2000s, so are aces not LGBT? Didn't everyone everywhere simultaneously agree that "xenogenders" are a stupid concept and collectively agreed to simply ignore it? Webyes, it is. Even if xenogenders aren't valid genders, I think you have to put more work into the argument that we shouldn't respect them. Prince Harry's memoirs came out on January 10 and do not stop making waves. I agree with you in principle, but I have to ask: what do you believe makes a gender valid or invalid? Something Tumblr Users used to mock LGTBQ+ people way back, its not real because Neurodivergent people don't understand gender the same way as most people! They're arguably a way of being seen as different, but removed of this desire, is any harm done asking these folk to stick to regular gender neutral pronouns? Required fields are marked *, Madeleine Nov 12, 2021 at 12:19 pm. I also hate how some people say they are valid, they are not real genders. This is where I'm at too. 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