The Spirit of the Ruler – Part I

Spirit is a complex phenomenon. It is an eternal immaterial substance with which God (who is a Spirit and the source of all spirit) made all things. It is interesting to note that God who is a Spirit made both material and spiritual things. This is why the material is controlled and dominated by the spirit/immaterial. God the creator and ruler of all is a Spirit (Genesis1:1; John 4:24). Man the image and likeness of God is also a spirit. The DNA of rulership therefore is in the spirit of man. Ruling and subduing the earth is about releasing the resources of God in your spirit through a restored soul in a healthy body to bless people and places in a specific way.

The mandate to rule and subdue the earth therefore is spirit and core to your very existence. This is why you do not like it when you feel vulnerable. It is the reason why you want to take control of your life, finances, family, career and future. And you must! I want to show you an essential ingredient that will help you rule and subdue the earth.

Ecclesiastes 10:4 – If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences.
If God is a Spirit and Man was made in his image and likeness then man is a spirit (John 4:24).
The phraseology \’the spirit of the ruler\’ is talking about the real man since man is a spirit. Ruling and subduing the earth begins and ends with the condition of your spirit.

You must be born again: that is where it all begins
John 3:6-7
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

To have a brand new and a spiritually alive spirit you must be born again through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the only way to have the life and nature of God in your spirit. And the rebirth of your spirit is the beginning of true spirit living. Trying to be spiritual without being born again, under the New Testament dispensation, will open you up to demons.

Do not neglect your spiritual growth
Luke 2:40 \”And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit \”

You must take responsibility for your spiritual nourishment. The spirit of the ruler must be nourished. The Word of God is spirit food. It prepares you for what wisdom will accomplish in your life. If you do not want to end up on a spiritual junk heap please invest the required time to develop your spirit. Popularity is not spirituality. Get busy with God\’s Word. In our fast paced world today this is not an easy assignment, but you have got to do whatever you can to make time for the Word. There is no other way.

Rule for God!