Who We Are

We are members of the body of Christ firm on seeing the Kingdom of God fully expressed in all spheres of society.    

Our Vision

To see individuals and organisations with real kingdom character and capacity, ably representing God’s interest and will in their assigned spaces.

Our Mission

Raising, mobilizing and empowering a Network of Kingdom- Minded   individuals and organisations with the necessary kingdom understanding and competencies to facilitate the advancement of God’s kingdom Government on earth for social and national transformation.

Our Objectives

Promoting ‘first, the Kingdom’ mindset in individuals and organisations.

Raising, maturing and Deploying Kingdom Citizens into spaces to govern for God.

Networking with like-minded organizations to drive God’s Kingdom interest on the earth.

Bringing the Kingdom government into every sphere of life on the earth.

Promoting products and services of kingdom citizens on a digital marketing platform.

What we believe

Our Kingdom Ideology

Mankind is God’s idea. God’s Kingdom ideology is that mankind, living as His image and likeness should have dominion over all the earth. God’s eternal purpose and original intention for mankind is “Let them have Dominion”.

Our Kingdom Philosophy

The ideology of Kingdom dominion on earth  is our philosophy and truth for life. The dominion mandate makes perfect meaning in light of the kingdom of God.


Our Kingdom Theology

The Kingdom is the reason for the activities of God in history and upon the earth. The Kingdom is the reason for Man and the earth. God, His Kingdom and His Glory is the common theme of the Bible.

Explore Our Focus Areas

Capacity Building

Teaching people how to master and manage the earth for God as well as releasing the influence of God’s Kingdom Government in the world.


Promoting kingdom-minded businesses, products and services for Kingdom advancement and an enhanced commonwealth.


Pursuing ‘kingdom come’ strategies and know-how for Kingdom advancement.


Deploying kingdom-driven development solutions to the underserved.