The Global Mission of the Spirit in You

When we talk about the ministry of the Holy Spirit many limit it to the healing of diseased conditions in the human body and personal prophecies. And no doubt, these are very important, but the first revelation of the Holy Spirit in the book of Genesis, chapter one, gives us a broader scope of His ministry. There was such a miraculous explosion of the creative power of the Spirit. And everything He did had an earth-wide impact and made the earth a better place. The Spirit had absolute dominion over the entire earth. The truth is this; if we effectively cooperate with the Holy Spirit we will emerge as global rulers through our specific callings and graces.

The same Spirit
When Jesus said he would send the Spirit after his ascension to the Father he was actually saying the same omnipotent Spirit revealed in Genesis Chapter one will come to live in us forever. And this promise was fulfilled in Acts 2:1-4. Indeed greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). However, our proclivity to localize the ministry of the Holy Spirit is due to our limited revelation as a result of erroneous teaching over the years. Many believers consequently have become satisfied with pseudo successes and have pursued their own little ambitions instead of God\’s global dream for them.

Act 1:8
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

The Scripture above is clear that God\’s intention for giving you the Holy Spirit, is to impact the uttermost part of the earth from where you currently are (Genesis 1:26). You are born again to rule and subdue the earth; this is why you must receive the Holy Spirit of promise with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Unlocking the Spirit through Fellowship

2 Corinthians 13:14
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen”. (Emphasis mine)

The above scripture carries the revelation of the secret of unlocking the person and ministry of the Spirit in a believer\’s life. It is the communion of the Holy Ghost. The Greek word translated communion also means partnership, participation, social intercourse, pecuniary benefaction, communication, distribution, and fellowship. The Holy Spirit is the person of the God head designated to help you realize God\’s plan of dominion for you. The degree of fellowship, the depths of communion and how involved or intimate a believer is with the Spirit sets the limits of his or her impact in the earth. The Spirit is in you to sponsor the budget of God\’s global plan for you. He wants to be as real and personal to you as you allow him. The wisdom, power, finances, grace, opportunities, security and favour required to dominate the earth is in the Holy Spirit, ready to be supplied to you through passionate and consistent communion with the Spirit.

Rule and subdue the earth!