Subduing the Earth: Bringing Divine Quality to Life and Work

I trust that the Rulers world Newsletter has been a blessing to you so far. We would love to hear from you; do let us know how the articles have helped you.

I am impressed in my heart to share with you a thought that will encourage you to dig deep into your spirit and bring to your life and work a creative quality that is not only world class but subdues the earth in a definite way. And my submission to you is this: that quality already exists in your born again spirit.

1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

The Spirit of God through Paul declares in the above scripture that God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. The Holy Spirit is saying that before Adam was created you had been chosen in Christ. This means the free will of Adam was within the parameters of the omniscience of God. It is consistent to say therefore that before the foundation of the world, God had conceived a new man in the God- incarnate (Christ Jesus) to be delivered in the fullness of time. Even though Adam came first, Christ Jesus is the Best of Man. Jesus Christ is the finality of what man is and should be. There will be no other type of man in the eternal years to come. Jesus is the first (before the foundation of the world as the Word) and the last (after Adam).

There is a divine quality in Christ Jesus and his offspring that is not in Adam and his offspring. The new man in Christ is the perfection of the will of God for man. If you are born again, you are the best man God could ever create. There is a quality in you the world is yet to experience. Commit to bringing that quality to your life and your work.

When you display the quality you are, you invariably subdue the Earth. Dig into your spirit and bring answers and solutions to life. Failure in life is simply you malfunctioning. You cannot function as designed and fail. Failure is inconsistent with who you are in Christ.

Let your life and work be a masterpiece to the glory of God.

Become a stunning success for God.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!