Shift from Income to Outcome

In life, it is not what you earn that counts but what you learn. People who truly learn earn more than those who don’t. And I am not restricting learning to the narrow perspective of formal education. The proof that you have learnt is the lesson learned. And the proof that you got the lesson is transformation evidenced by changed behavior.

Who are you becoming?
Men and women who are more concerned with who they are becoming on their jobs more than what they are getting from their jobs manifest more value and ultimately earn more than those who are primarily motivated by what they are getting.

Our proclivity to be selfish is what stops us from becoming more. The narrowness in our conclusions often motivated by our fear of need and pain is what accounts for the mass subscription to the income over outcome decisions we make in our daily lives. This economic short-sightedness has hijacked the destinies of many, and has given rise to corruption and stealing. The universal principle is this; to have more you must become more. Corruption, however, is wanting more without becoming more.

Many marry because of what they stand to get from the other person. No wonder the marriage institution is in such a conundrum. Nothing stinks in the nostrils of the immortals than selfishness and pride.  This is why the ancient of days and architect of marriage founded it on laws that prohibit selfishness and pride. A Marriage that will last requires that the spouses become more for each other. You must be other-minded (not me-minded) to enjoy marriage. Many are not interested in who they are becoming on their jobs or in their marriages, they are just takers. And the reality is, takers lose in the long run.

\’To do list\’ or \’not to do list\’
Many practise the concept of to do list, others are talking about another concept which is a not to do list. The challenge with these concepts is that in themselves, they do not provide the fuel and motivation to execute. Having a clear image (vision) of who you want to become, however, provides motivation for action. This perspective ties actions directly to an ultimate outcome. Actions are no longer seen as challenges but as rungs on the ladder to becoming the vision. This perspective of seeing the image or outcome activates all the departments of your soul (mind, will, emotions) in order to become the vision. This is why an outcome list is more empowering. A clear image of who you want to be, becomes a compelling reason for action. Focus on who you are becoming. Let that influence the associations you keep. Any action or inaction that does not take you closer to who you want to become is a distraction.

Leaders, particularly pastors, should arise and begin to re-orient members to become more relevant in their areas of operation. The church is the hope of our dear nation. Let us feed the people with content that will shift mindsets from an income to an outcome orientation.

Take action.

Multiply. Influence

Rule and subdue the earth!

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