Pursuing Intimacy with God

It is becoming progressively difficult in our fast paced world to spend time with God in the Word and in prayer; and yet fellowshipping with God is a must if you must fulfil the purpose of God for your life. Whatever your area of calling, whether in or outside the fivefold ministry you cannot get very far without being intimate with God. When Jesus chose his disciples, his main reason as we can see from the Bible was for them to have fellowship with them.

Mark 3:14-15
14 And he ordained twelve that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,
15 And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:

 Called to fellowship with God 

In verse 14 we see he ordained the twelve that they, first and foremost, might be with him. This is so instructive. God wants you to minister to him before you minister for him. You must spend time fellowshipping with him to know him before you speak for Him. It is God’s perfect will that you become intimate with him. We are called to be Ambassadors of Christ on the Earth. How much the world will recognize us as representatives of Christ here is dependent on how much of him they see in us. And how much of Christ can be seen in us is a function of our intimacy with him.
The second reason why Jesus called the disciples is that he might send them forth. When you spend quality time with him for the sole purpose of knowing and becoming intimate with him he will send you forth to speak for him and represent him in an area of calling. What really happens is not only do you carry a message to the world, you become a message to the world through your knowledge of him. This is ministry on a whole new level -ministering from a lifestyle. You become an influence and a leading light in which ever area or endeavour he sends you.
Paul the Apostle, who wrote thirteen books of the Bible, despite all these accomplishments (no other apostle has written that many books) was clear in his mind what the real hunger of his heart was; “…that I may know him…” He declared that he counted all things as dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ (Philippians 3:8). Paul esteemed his personal knowledge of God above all else. Your ministry must flow from your personal knowledge of God.
If you are too busy to spend quality time with God through Prayer and the Word then you are simply too busy. Sometime ago as I was praying at the park the Lord told me expressly, “Your prayer life is a statement of your availability to me.” If you are hungry to do something for God, or would like to find out the plan of God for your life, be hungry for intimacy with Him. It is during those times you spend in fellowship with him that he will reveal to you what area of life He has called you to rule.
In Psalm 91:9 God promises us complete protection as a result of our intimacy with him.

Psalm 91:9,10
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

Do you believe this can become a reality in your life? See what you must do – make God your habitation. The Bible says in I John 4:8 that God is love. So to make God your habitation means to fellowship with love and walk in love till you become love. It is being in fellowship with him until you are consciously so transformed in your soul that you are conformed to the image of the first begotten of God the Father (Romans 8:29).
Intimacy with God must become your number one priority in life. You cannot become an effective ambassador of Christ or an accurate representative of God without intimacy with Him.
The third reason Jesus called the twelve was so that they would have power to heal sicknesses and cast out devils (Mark 3:15). If you proceed from intimacy to do ministry you will have power to heal sicknesses and cast out devils. I am not talking about a mental assenting of the scriptures, but real intimacy and fellowship with God which results in having power to heal sicknesses and cast out devils. Creation is waiting for sons and daughters who will show up in the world from intimacy and fellowship with God. So make a commitment to deepen your fellowship with God, through Prayer and the Word, and impact this World in your lifetime.