Man Means Dominion

Multiplication is a strategy for dominion. Multiplication is how your presence is felt even in your absence. Everything God says to us or gives us is for the sole purpose of dominating, subduing and influencing the earth for Him.

When God thought ‘man’ He thought dominion
The conception of man in the mind of God was inextricably linked to dominion. Man was made to operate as the son of the omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresent God of the universe. Imagine the pedigree and full scope of man’s authority and power on the earth. Man was crowned with glory and honour and enthroned as the absolute master and king of the earth reporting to, and representing his father God. If you consider how the first man Adam named all the animals in the earth, you will have an understanding of the calibre of mind he possessed.

Man lost all he was and had when he committed high treason and handed over authority to Satan. In the fullness of time God sent his son, born of a woman to take back the authority from Satan; and become the head of a new kind of man made in the image and likeness of God. All the descendants of Adam after the fall can become new men in the resurrected Christ with the recovered authority and more. Basically, there are two types of men on the earth: you have the descendants of fallen man and the descendants of the resurrected Christ. God’s plan is to make all men new in Christ and train them to walk in the recovered authority and more.

Man is the reason for earth
The earth means nothing without man. God made man to have dominion over the works of His (God’s) hands. Creation is subject to man. In the mind of God nothing from the earth should dominate or subdue man. Man is God’s power in the earth. Take authority and live for God as a man in Christ. Do not be in any form of bondage to anything on earth. You are way bigger than that. It is only ignorance that will make man made in the image and likeness of God live in bondage on the earth. Allow the Word of God to train you. Allow the Word to influence your thinking and attitudes. Educate yourself in the Word of God until you reflect God on earth.

Multiply. Influence.

Rule and subdue the earth!