Give Action to Your Faith

It is better to fail than to live without trying. It is progressive to know that you attempted something and it failed than to walk in comfort without knowing whether it would have worked or not. I would like to share some thoughts with you that should spur you on to take action. Heaven is a response centre; therefore, you will have no response from heaven if you don’t act on earth.

Mental Commitment

Matthew 5:28

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Have you ever found yourself in the position whereby you were stationary, and yet you took a journey in your mind? Sometimes, such mental trips can be so vivid to the extent that you become absent-minded regarding your present environment. From the above scripture, lusting after a woman in your heart (The Greek word for heart in the above scripture is kardia, which also means the soul or mind as the seat of thoughts, passions, desires and appetites) is commensurate with physical intercourse. In other words, once it is conceived in the mind, it is as good as done. On the brighter side, if you can commit adultery in your mind, you can commit success in your mind. You must be able to touch glorious things in your mind. Don’t be trapped and locked in the challenges of the now. Commit your heart and mind to living above and beyond your challenges. Break the limitations in your mind with the right mental disposition from God’s Word and explore the limitless expanse of success, progress, influence and productivity in your mind.

The body without the spirit

James 2:26

For as the body without the spirit is dead…

The life force of the body is the spirit. Your body without the spirit is dead. It is the Spirit that gives vitality and life. Jesus said, “It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing.” This means if your entire operation is just about your body and flesh, you are operating in the realm of death. However, if the inspiration of whatever you do in the body is the Spirit, you are operating in life; and that is the only thing that profits. The body with the spirit is alive!

Dead Faith

James 2:26

…so faith without works is dead also.

When you study the Bible, you will observe phrases like “faithless generation,” “weak faith,” “little faith” and “strong faith.” However, I would like to submit to you that there is such a thing as “dead faith.” Dead faith is faith without action. It can also be captured as frustration. Just as the spirit gives life to the body, action gives life to faith. In Acts 14:8, the scriptures speak of a certain man who was impotent in his feet, cripple from his mother’s womb and had never walked. As he looked and listened to Paul speak, he (Paul) perceived that he had faith to be healed. Interestingly, though he had faith to be healed, he was still sitting until Paul said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet.” The Bible records that he leaped and walked for the first time in his life. He would have remained a cripple if he hadn’t acted on his faith. Faith without works is dead.

It is not a sin to be challenged or to have problems and troubles. Don’t give up because you are faced with troubles and challenges. Giving up is an unfair trade. Quitting is not an option. Don’t ditch the dream because storms have arisen against you. Don’t let opposition chase you out of town. If you will introduce life to the body by giving action to your faith or by believing the Word of God and acting on it, you will conquer anything.

Take action!

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