Faith makes Right

This week I bring you faith evidence with which you can make right anything that is wrong in your body. If you will go to work with the faith evidence I am going to show you in the Word any other empirical evidence against you or your health will be overthrown.

The Righteousness of God is the supernatural ability of the Spirit to make right through the Word. This is why the Bible says in the Gospel is revealed the righteousness of God (Romans 1:17). Anytime you act on faith from the Word, you tap into the supernatural ability of God that makes right. In fact the Bible calls this the righteousness of faith (Romans 4:13). Think about it; the righteousness of/ or from faith. Faith is the womb from which rightness springs forth. Faith makes right!
No matter what has gone wrong, real Bible faith can make it right. This is why if any man (could even be a murderer; his background not withstanding) believes in Christ, he is a new creature – without a past (2 Corinthians 5:17). This is nothing short of a creative miracle. It is the recreation of the human spirit. The same supernatural ability through the Word can make right anything that is wrong in your body.
Romans 12:1
\”I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service\”.  (Emphasis mine)
Can you see God’s New Testament plan for your body?  Your body is to be presented a living, holy (blameless) and acceptable sacrifice unto God. Is there any part of your body that is dying or diseased? God\’s will and decree is that those body parts live. Many believers think it is only sin that defiles their body. My dear, sickness is as offensive to God as sin is. Your body is an offering to God under the New Testament.
Do you know that the saints under the Old Testament were not permitted to offer animals which had defects?
Leviticus 1:3 (New Living Translation)
\”If the animal you present as a burnt offering is from the herd, it must be a male with no defects. Bring it to the entrance of the Tabernacle so you may be accepted by the LORD.\”
Leviticus 22:20 -21
20 \”Do not present an animal with defects, because the LORD will not accept it on your behalf.
21If you present a peace offering to the LORD from the herd or the flock, whether it is to fulfill a vow or is a voluntary offering, you must offer a perfect animal. It may have no defect of any kind\”.
Your body is an offering to God. I decree in the name of Jesus that from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet you are made whole. Faith in His Word makes right any defects in or on your body in the Name of Jesus. Your youth is renewed. God is the strength of your life. Receive the quickening work of the Spirit in your body in Jesus Name.
Rule for God!