Destined to Impact People and Places

The Kingdom order of impact and success is modelled and patterned to touch two main areas; people and places. This is abundantly clear in the scriptures and should engage your attention until everything you desire in life touches these two main spheres. When you discover God’s vision for your life you will realize that it has to do with influencing humanity and subduing the earth through a particular grace(s) on your life.

Psalm 2:8
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

In the above Scripture God wants you to partner him to reach the heathen (people) and the uttermost parts of the earth (places). God says, “Ask of me…” He is saying to you that He wants to be thesource of your influence and blessing to the heathen and the source of your impact on the earth.
The adjectival phrase ‘utter most parts’ is indicative of the scope and reach of your impact on places. God wants you to be a blessing. Think about it! A blessing to humanity and the entire earth.

God wants you to influence people and places through his call and grace on your life. The truth is, God is interested in reconciling both man and the earth back to Himself. He wants to use you to impact the earth until it becomes a reflection of heaven; on earth as it is in heaven.
The body of Christ in the earth has not fully embraced God’s vision for the earth in the meantime.  And some have become narrow minded to think that once you become a child of God through the new birth, all one has to do is wait to die and go to heaven. Such people will be shocked when they see the new earth as revealed in the book of revelation. Listen, the earth was made for man. Man was made to rule the earth. So without the earth, man is unemployed. If there must be man there must be earth.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!