Become Successful Without Resources

Resources do not guarantee success. Therefore, the lack of resources should not guarantee failure. People fail not because they lack resources but because they are not resourceful. Resource minded people abound but it is resourceful people who are a rare commodity these days. If the majority of our people are resourceful we will significantly increase the quality of life in our nation in a short time. Leadership at every level of our society should be teaching and training people to be resourceful. I have highlighted some thoughts that will enhance your resourcefulness in your journey.

Embrace Creativity
You have got to think laterally to see things differently. And if you see things differently you will do things differently. Doing things differently is at the heart of being resourceful. It seems problems in Africa, and for that matter Ghana do not practise family planning. Without being resourceful, you may never have enough resources to deal with all the challenges that may confront you. Your resourcefulness is your definitive resource.

Success is Work, and Work is Hard
Success is work. Work is hard and so success is hard. The advertised price tag for success is usually without the Value Added Tax. In other words success usually costs a little bit more than you are made to believe.  Resourcefulness is not the easiest thing to be on earth and yet without it you will be disillusioned if you think you will have the privilege of serving the world with the divine endowments you carry. Resourcefulness is finding a way to make your dream (that is if you have one) happen. You must do whatever it takes to find the answer. Sometimes things take time to turn and so persistence is what keeps you in the game till you find a way into your next dimension. You will have to be persistent. Resourcefulness is sweating or leveraging your brain enough, in order to do the impossible with the available. Your resourcefulness is your definitive resource.

Watch Negative Emotions
Your emotions can be a snare or a fuel in accomplishing your dream. Negative emotions, however, have a debilitating effect on your energy and focus. If you want to become resourceful you will have to have a positive posture or disposition towards life. This is non-negotiable. You must not only watch negative emotions at the beginning of your success journey, but more so when you have some significant accomplishments behind you. Negative emotions have sabotaged many successful people. Master your appetites if you must get to the top and stay there permanently. The good book says “Be anxious for nothing.” Don’t allow fear-based worry to fester in your mind until it immobilizes you. Make it a personal project to come to a point in your life where you have zero fear. Your fear tank must be permanently empty. What would you do if you were not afraid? Think about this question seriously. If you answer it correctly, you will be unlocked. And unlocked people are resourceful people. Your resourcefulness is your definitive resource.

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