
Aphorizo is the Greek Word translated \’separate\’ in Acts 13:2. It means \’to mark off from others by boundaries, to limit, to appoint, set apart for some purpose.\’

Not only is aphorizo a powerful concept but it is also a prerequisite for moving through the various phases of the work God has for you.

Acts 13:2
As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

Living with Limitations in Order to Become Limitless

Every champion lives with limitations. They learn to live with restrictions and that is the secret of their mastery. They cannot do what everybody does. Champions rise and fall on the boundaries they submit to operate in. You cannot be limitless and unstoppable out there without personal limitations, restrictions and boundaries. Your global assignment is an indication of the depth of personal separation required. Make up your mind to subscribe to this ancient path to global impact.

Moving from the Generic to Specifics
Someone’s specific may be your generic. You cannot look at what others are doing; listen to the Lord. The Holy Ghost demanded that two men of God be separated for a specific work He the Lord had called them to. What then happened to the rest who were not separated? They continued to operate on the level they were used to. And yet that level came with its corresponding separation.
The call of God on your life is what determines the degree of separation or consecration you subscribe to. A higher level of separation is what qualifies you for the next phase of God’s will for you. Aphorizo is the vehicle for moving from the generic to the specific will of God. If you are unwilling to separate yourself unto God then you do not want to know what God’s purpose for your life is.

Sustaining and Re-enforcing Your Effectiveness
Ministering to the Lord and fasting is separation to God. And yet in the separation the Holy Ghost asked that two men be separated for a specific work He had called them to. Separation opens you up for what God has for you. And when you take a hold of it, continuous separation sustains and re-enforces your effectiveness at the new level.
You cannot be telling jokes all day and be in spiritual shape to be remarkably used by God for a sacred assignment.

Trigger Aphorizo
Even if the Spirit does not specifically tell you to separate yourself for something higher, you can on your own, begin to increase your level of separation to God until you are face to face with the high calling of God on your life. Separation is the springboard to the next realm of your life. Rulers embrace aphorizo.
Rule and Subdue the Earth!