Accessing Primary Supernatural Guidance

We live in the days of massive distraction. The sheer quantum of issues clamouring for your attention makes it particularly challenging to pick up the still small voice of the Lord. However, a clear understanding of the primary way God leads His children will help you immensely in navigating the maze of living in the world.

Man is a spirit, he has a soul, and he lives in a body. The New Birth, through faith in Christ Jesus, is a recreation of who man is – the spirit Man. The New Man is expected to restore his soul by the renewal of his mind with the Word of God. Lastly the New Man must offer or present his body as a living sacrifice to God. If you look at the aforementioned closely, it is the spirit man- the real man – who is reborn instantly. The transformation of Man’s soul and Body are his responsibility. God will not talk to your soul because you are not a soul. God will not talk to your body because you are not a body. God will talk to your spirit because that is who you are – the real you. Your born again spirit really is the only primary ‘instrument’ God has to guide you with.

You Must Locate Your Spirit

2 Corinthians 2:13
I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother: but taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia.

Without locating your spirit you will always be confused about the leading of God for your life. Take a look at 2 Corinthians 2:13. Paul located his spirit and got guidance from there. He knew that the unrest he had was not in his soul or body. He knew his spirit. Do you know your spirit? Would you know if a thing is coming from your spirit? Paul left Troas because of the unrest in his spirit. If he had rest in his spirit he probably would have stayed. Your born again spirit is a sure guide because that is where God lives by His Spirit. How would you know whether you should live in Oyarifa or New York? You will not get a chapter and verse on that. How would you know whether you should take a new appointment with higher emoluments? The answers to such questions are not as straight forward as they may seem. You can take a new appointment that pays ten times your current salary and be implicated in a fraud and be jailed for years. You must be led by the Spirit.

Rest and unrest in your spirit is the acid test for the leading of the Spirit. Do not be led by the dollar or convenience; be led by the Spirit through your spirit.

Develop Your Born Again Spirit
Live on the Word. The Word of God is the only food for your spirit. As you consume the Word it supplies the spiritual nutrients and energy you need to develop spiritually.

Meditate on the Word. You must make time to rehearse the Word of God to yourself continually. This is a spiritual exercise that will deliver immense spiritual benefit to you.

Make speaking in tongues a habit. One of the easiest ways of locating your spirit is to talk in other tongues. When you talk in other tongues, it is your spirit talking the utterance of the Holy Spirit. Talking in tongues is another sure way of building your spirit up.

Decide to walk in Love. Love is the nature of your born again spirit. When you walk in love you engage your spirit- the real you. As you advance in walking in love you become more acquainted with your spiritual self. You will be able to discern the will of God in everything.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!