maintenance platoon leader

The headquarters section maintains situational awareness of BN/TF operations. Field maintenance is on-system maintenance, and mainly involves preventive maintenance and replacement of defective parts. Class I is provided by the food service section. Provide order, receipt, and issue capability for Classes II, III(P), IV, and VI through supply STAMIS (either SARSS or GCSS-A). Monitors retrograde of aerial delivery equipment (fixed and rotary wing). Business Outlook. The platoon leader leads his Soldiers by personal example and is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do, having complete authority over his subordinates.. Process turn-ins to maintenance (for reparable items). Russell J. Baker is the FSC observer, coach, trainer for the Timberwolf maneuver training team at JMRC in Hohenfels, Germany. The BN/TF commander is the approval authority for controlled exchange actions. Once it is determined that the crew cannot repair or recover the vehicle or equipment, the platoon contacts the executive officer or 1SG. 6-40. They collocate with the maneuver BN/TF S1/S4 representatives. 6-45. The FSC support operations section sends a LTO to the MCS. While the subordinate units issue their WARNORDs, the FSC first sergeant would begin determining logistics considerations for the upcoming mission. At the end of Common Log, all of the branches dive deep into their own functional skills. Mechanics perform battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR) IAW applicable technical manuals. The FSC support operation then reinitiates the CFS to the FSB support operations. Managed shipment schedules to maximize productivity and cut costs. 6-5. The FSCs locate, based on METT-TC, four to twelve kilometers behind their supported maneuver BN/TF in the task force support area (TFSA). Platoon leaders ensure vehicles (if equipped) crews and equipment operators perform PMCS. As directed, mechanics perform controlled exchange to expedite repairs. Jun 27, 2016 - O1 - Army - Second Lieutenant in Stephenville, TX. When the 1SG receives the CFS from the operator, he sends the logistic task order to the CRT for action. No later than 1530, the Platoon of the Week was to return to the During the 16-week course, BOLC students engage in multiple practical exercises to practice critical thinking and develop as adaptive leaders. Support operations section forwards a LTO to the MCS. The FSCs co-locate a support operations cell with the maneuver BN/TF S1/S4 at the Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP). This includes retail refuel operations from organic assets and ammunition resupply. Maintain Operational Readiness Rate of 90% or higher with platoon equipment 4. Reviews and recommends ASL changes to division/FSB support operations officer. Only one proactive vehicle commander had an updated map and could describe the general time line of the operation. Coordinates with division/FSB support operations section for augmentation as required. Develops subordinate leaders through an active professional development program, emphasizing coaching, counseling, and mentoring. Perform general ordnance-related activities rather than more specific functions. Conduct additional missions as required. It "replaces forward" by using diagnostics/prognostics to diagnose major component failure and then replaces that component. Leaders from five different branches, both officers and senior non-commissioned officers have weighed in. The FSC commander is responsible for executing the CSS plan in accordance with maneuver commander's guidance. By Capt. 6-41. After the FSC regained control of the situation, no further TLPs were conducted at the company, platoon, squad, or section levels for the duration of the time available. 6-12. In a recent end-of-rotation AAR at JMRC, three junior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) stated that when FSCs fail to conduct proper TLPs, subordinates become confused about why missions are ordered at the last minute. Determining platoon equipment operators licensing requirements. But a poorly planned operation is doomed from the start. Armed with knowledge about the upcoming mission, NCOs are able to initiate movement and prepare Soldiers and equipment. He is the company's primary internal CSS operator and helps the commander and support operations officer to plan, coordinate, and supervise all logistical activities that support the company's mission. 7-67. Assume command of the company as required. The key activity of the S&T platoon is the conduct of LOGPAC operations to the BN/TF and getting replenishment sustainment stocks from division/corps units at the LRP. The FSC operates the UMCP in what is known today as the task force support area (TFSA) or combat trains command post (CTCP) area depending on METT-TC. Monitors maintenance shop production and job status. Capt. Deliver issued assets (LOGPAC) and pickup retrogrades(turn-ins to maintenance and/or for disposal). The FSC maintenance platoon coordinates backup and pass-back maintenance requirements with the FSC support operations. Emphasis is placed on troubleshooting, diagnosing malfunctions and fixing the equipment by component replacement. If additional assistance is needed, the combat repair team assesses the damaged or broken equipment and makes necessary repairs to return the piece of equipment to fully mission-capable or mission-capable status, if appropriate. Receives incoming personnel and assigns them to subordinate elements as needed. Coordinate, monitor, and supervise decontamination operations. At 1330, all platoon sergeants and above were to assemble to receive a maintenance Leader Professional Development (LPD) class. Highly organized and detail-oriented with a talent for accurate shipment tracking and problem resolution. Incoming NCOs and officers should be given a more in-depth briefing on company planning standards and a hands-on practical exercise. The HQ section of the FSC provides C2 to assigned and attached personnel. The MCS forwards the LTO to the recovery section NCOIC. BOLC classes prepare junior officers to adapt to any leadership positions they will hold. It distributes prepackaged and/or prepared food. The FSCs accomplish their core functions through centralization of support. The unit SOP should detail when maintenance is performed, to what standards, and who inspects it. They would then collectively begin to generate a plan that could both meet the commander's intent and accomplish the mission. Plans and executes contingency operations as required. The CRT sends a CFS to the MCS via FBCB2 requesting support. Today's complex environments require lieutenants who know how everything is connected and understand how to anticipate and build resupply packages, how to analyze maintenance trends in order to keep equipment in the fight, and how best to distribute supplies to the warfighter. Monitors the CSR and supported units' UBLs. Before the implementation of BOLC Common Logistics (Common Log) at the Army Logistics University (ALU), lieutenants were not prepared for the realities that they experienced during their first four years in the Army, which is when many junior officers work outside of their basic branches. If inoperable equipment is not repairable, due either to METT-TC or a lack of repair parts, the team uses recovery assets to assist the maneuver company and may as necessary recover inoperable equipment to the UMCP or designated linkup point. He has now delegated tasks that would otherwise consume a great amount of time. At NTC, most lieutenants lack proficiency in applying troop leading procedures in decisive action. This will keep him honest about his actual level of training readiness and ensure that his planning process will easily nest with that of both the supported maneuver battalion and the brigade support battalion. Leaders make decisions quickly, always focusing on completing the mission successfully, and show respect for their subordinates and other military officers. Maintenance personnel use scheduled services to replace faulty items and avoid projected component failures based on analysis and engineering documentation. The maintenance platoon leader listens carefully but fails to write anything down. Standardized rehearsal scripts for common missions will keep everyone on track when the unit begins rehearsing the plan. In conjunction with the commander, establish and maintain the foundation for company discipline. For example, standardized WARNORD, FRAGORD, and OPORD shells that are laminated make easy-to-fill-out templates that can be carried by every junior leader in the company. Figure 6-1. Following the events of September 11, 2001, he . 6-4. (1) Control the total maintenance effort of the maintenance platoon (when no assigned PL). Commanders should use common templates for everything they expect subordinates to complete in order to ensure the company can rapidly produce its order. Capt. If not, the leader must work around it by prioritizing remaining equipment. Oversees all quality control inspections and inspectors to validate their capability to identify improper repairs and scheduled services. At a minimum, commanders should use the training and evaluation outlines called Prepare an OPORD at the Company, Platoon, or Squad Level (071-326-5626) and Conduct Troop Leading Procedures (71-CO-5100) in order to ensure subordinate units are conducting mission planning to standard. He is the principal assistant to the maintenance control officer in matters pertaining to the field maintenance mission of the organization. On the battlefield, platoon . Maintenance Platoon Leader. This centralized. Figure 6-2 shows the FSC organization. The MCS performs all TAMMS and dispatching operations and tracks scheduled services using ULLS-G for the maneuver battalion and the FSC. A leader exhibits self-discipline, initiative, confidence and intelligence. Fund The Force - Commercial Vendor Services. The FSC commander would immediately assemble this group upon the receipt of mission and issue a WARNORD. Specific to the company planning process, every incoming Soldier should be taught the basic five-paragraph OPORD and be issued a laminated OPORD template for use in future training exercises. The CRT NCOIC sends an acknowledgment message to the maneuver company 1SG and dispatches the appropriate assets to complete the mission. The NBC NCO ensures that the training program covers the following requirements: First-line supervisors provide effective sustainment training in NBC common tasks. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Washington. He coordinates the platoon's maintenance and logistical requirements and handles the personal needs of individual soldiers. Managing production control, to include the assignment of work to shop sections and the compilation of prescribed reports and records. FSCs should treat all of their routine support missions as opportunities to improve their full operations process. Assists and coordinates with the support operations in all critical functions. Determines CSS requirements in coordination with the FSB support operations, Bn/TF S4, the FSB S2/3, and the logistics representatives from other customer units. To maximize unit combat readiness, maintenance personnel must repair and return the equipment to the user as quickly as possible. The S&T platoon HQ manages the distribution of supplies and food service coming from or passing through the FSC in support of a mechanized infantry or armor BN/TF. The armored and mechanized infantry maneuver BN/TF's first level of support comes from the FSC CRTs which are organized to provide field maintenance (organizational and direct support maintenance levels) for all combat platforms organic to maneuver companies. As such, it is not owned by us, and it is the user who retains ownership over such content. We need to start building and developing these leaders at BOLC. The FSC depends upon the following: HDC, FSB for personnel administration support. Platoon leaders plan and execute force sustainment logistics operations and supervise the technical and tactical training of Soldiers to ensure their effectiveness on the battlefield or in the shop . The distribution platoon leader quickly jots down the commander's comments but doesn't notice that the. This analysis helps to determine how the FSC fits into the brigade's mission. 6-25. The ULLS-G clerks operating each company box process the DA Form 5988-E completed by the operator or crew and verified by the CRT. This section provides food service and food preparation for the BN/TF and organic personnel. During combat, CRTs will perform BDAR, diagnostics, and on-system replacement of LRUs. Assist the commander in preparations for follow-on missions. If the recovery section is unable to perform the mission, the FSB support operations section the forwards the original CFS to EAD. The FSC support operations sends a LTO to the MCS for action. The extent of repair is METT-TC dependent. The application of military planning doctrine will not guarantee mission success, but it will at least move a unit in the right direction. This understanding serves as a solid foundation for subordinates' service at higher levels of responsibility. The supply sergeant requests, receives, issues, stores, maintains, and turns in supplies and equipment for the company. With guidance from higher headquarters, it plans and conducts all necessary training activities. Upon notification, the section NCOIC acknowledges the LTO. 6-21. Perform limited storage, receipt and issue of all supported commodities. Active TopSecret Security Clearance and valid. 7-73. BOLD has made many progressive strides to maximize the effectiveness of its resources while creating an environment to develop creative, critically thinking, and adaptive leaders that can accomplish any task. He supervises the company headquarters personnel and coordinates assigned missions with subordinate elements. 6-9. asks Capt. Supervised the work of 48transportation personnel. He is concerned with providing the appropriate support at the UMCP and forward. Based on METT-TC, the FSC has the flexibility to locate the unit maintenance collection point (UMCP), recovery, emergencies re-supply of Class III and V, and other assets from the TFSA in this FSC forward location. Every minute an FSC commander spends making copies of his graphics for his subordinates, building a terrain model kit, or looking up the weather forecast to include in paragraph one is one less minute that he could spend planning the actual concept of operation and synchronizing actions between the brigade support battalion and the supported maneuver battalion. Leader's Guide; Major General Windsor "Shane" Buzza . He must be proficient in the tactical employment of the company and its assigned and attached CSS elements. ULLS-G assigns an organizational work order number (ORGWON). That NBC factors are incorporated as a condition in the performance of METL tasks. 6-50. Otherwise, the commander will simply have delegated a long list of tasks without the subordinates understanding exactly how to execute them. The headquarters section doesn't have a representative in attendance. This section also provides Class II, III(P), IV, VII, and IX DS to the maneuver BN/TF units. Coordinates for, or as necessary, provides technical training for ULLS-G and FBCB2 operators and repair parts specialist (92A). Provide retail Class III(B) unit distribution to BN/TF maneuver units and supply point to TFSA units. The recovery section responds with an acknowledgment message. Platoon meetings have three objectives: Gather information from subordinate leaders on training proficiencies Discuss preparations for upcoming training Solicit ideas for future training. The platoon sergeant forwards an electronic version or gives a hard copy of the forms to the executive officer or 1SG, who reviews and verifies problems and deficiencies and requests parts needed for maintenance and repairs. 6-18. Serving as maintenance control officer in his absence. Establishes and monitors Bn/TF LOGSITREP/ LOGSTAT/ LOGSPOT reports IAW SOP. 6-43. The FSC commander could then lead the orders group through a detailed mission analysis based on mission variables. Alan M. Strange and Capt. The appropriate section responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. Meanwhile, as Capt. The reason most FSCs struggle with the company planning process is failure within all three domains of leader development. members. The leader ensures medium machine guns, weapon systems, communications equipment, and night vision devices (as well as other equipment) are maintained. It also provides exchange of reparable items. Coordinates with the FSB/TF S2/3 on support locations. One recurring example is the FSC commander who fails to delegate tasks that could easily be done by other personnel within the company. The CTCP is located within the FSC forward location, one to four kilometers behind the BN/TF. Once the lieutenants finish BOLD tactics, they continue with common core lessons on written communications, cultural awareness, and other officership topics. This CTCP is located in the FSC forward location, usually in the center of the FSC forward, for force protection purposes and to act as the command and control of the assets placed there, as well as, to facilitate cooperation, planning, and interface with the BN/TF staff. Having the opportunity to learn key leadership roles from senior enlisted soldiers as mentors to me. The squad leaders or vehicle commanders collect the maintenance forms and send them via Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below or give them to the platoon sergeant, who consolidates the forms for the platoon. He coordinates all supply requirements and actions with the 1SG and the support operations officer. 6-46. The S&T platoon leader of the FSC takes over the responsibilities previously held by the support platoon leader in the maneuver units. Logisticians often run support missions by focusing on the administrative tasks and failing to treat them as real-world tactical convoys. The headquarters section can maintain the company terrain model kit and train Soldiers on how to build it to the published standard. The maintenance of weapons and equipment is continuous. Responsible for the evacuation of soldiers killed in action to the supporting graves registration collection point. Evaluates and inspects maintenance operations and develops and implements corrective action plans where necessary to comply with regulatory and statutory requirements applicable in garrison and field environments. 6-28. Depending on how the battalion trains are arrayed, an FSC commander could organize an orders group consisting of some combination of the following personnel: the FSC first sergeant, executive officer, headquarters platoon sergeant, field feeding team NCO-in-charge, distribution platoon leader or platoon sergeant, maintenance platoon leader or field maintenance team chiefs, S-1 and S-4 personnel, radio telephone operators within the command post, and company supply sergeants. Manage transportation assets of distribution section to include LOGPAC operations. Identifies technical training shortfalls and when necessary trains maintenance personnel to accurately diagnose/troubleshoot mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic malfunctions accurately using the latest equipment, technical publications, and procedures available. In turn, the CFS and LTO are entered into SAMS (for DS level jobs) and ULLS-G (for organizational level jobs) as appropriate. They include but are not limited to the following: Leading recovery team operations, forward repair elements, or other on-site maintenance missions. The maintenance platoon, using unit level logistics system-ground (ULLS-G), performs all TAMMS functions, dispatching, and scheduled service operations for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC. He communicates with the company using the BN/TF A/L radio net (when available). Although the S&T platoon leader works for the FSC company commander, he receives mission taskings from the support operations officer of the company. The FSC has the capability to command, control, and integrate attached units such as engineer support teams or teams from Corps assets. These may include serving as OIC for the quartering party, company movement officer, or company training officer. Normally, the supply sergeant will be positioned in the TFSA where he is supervised by the company 1SG. The S&T platoon provides Class I (to include food service support), II, III(P,B), IV, V, VI, and VII, to the maneuver BN/TF. Ultimately, he must know how to exercise command effectively and decisively. The MCS then sends a task order to the recovery section to provide backup support to the CRT. Using this knowledge, the commander prepares his unit for combat operations using troop-leading procedures. The department made BOLD tactics three weeks long and moved unit-specific platoon leader tasks to the lieutenants' first assigned unit. Maintain Non-Val Pay at 1% or lower within Platoon5. In order to anticipate, they have to understand how the supply system and logistics processes are connected. The MCO serves as the task force maintenance officer for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC using SAMS-1 and FBCB2. Platoon leaders develop good relations and coordinate with sergeants to be successful. The maintenance control supervisor is responsible for management of the combined efforts of all maintenance sections and teams and the day-to-day operations of the maintenance control section to include: Maintaining all records essential to the operations of the maintenance section and teams. 6-44. Following the initial common core week, the students enter the three-week BOLD tactics segment of the course. As second in command, he must understand both the support operations and the non-CSS functions of the forward support company. Execute and supervise routine operations. Plans and monitors support operations and makes necessary adjustments to ensure support requirements are met. Establishes the commander's quality assurance program for maintenance and repairs. 6-54. 6-27. Wrote reports and gave oral presentations to keep employees up-to-date on company goals and achievements. 6-24. The best FSC commanders observed at JMRC are those who are able to discern which tasks they can delegate and which they cannot. First, logistics leaders simply have not been exposed to the same intense, small-unit-focused schools and exercises as their combat arms peers. The maneuver units will normally locate their Battalion Aid Station (BAS) within the combat trains location for force protection and proximity considerations. a frustrated Capt. The maintenance platoon provides command and control and reinforcing maintenance to the CRTs. When the FSC exceeds its organic recovery capability, the FSC support operations section requests assistance through the FSB support operations section by forwarding the original CFS by FBCB2. BOLD tactics rotations usually include one BOLC class from each branch (QM, OD, and TC). Most FSCs do not even attempt to conduct formalized TLPs. 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