Reflect God

Why did God make man in His image? Man was made in the image of God for the sole purpose of reflecting God in the Earth. Until you become a reflection of God in the Earth, you have not tapped into the core of your God given ministry.

Colossians 1:15

Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

The above scripture talks about Christ being the image of the invisible God.

Jesus came to model a destiny for every child of God. Reflecting God (as His image) is your responsibility to the World.

Romans 8:29

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

The Lord is the first born among many brethren. And if He was and is the image of God then you are the image of God.

This means God no longer has to remain invisible. You make God visible in your community. You leave the atheist with no choice.

It’s time to reflect God’s wisdom. It’s time to reflect God’s power. It’s time to reflect God’s presence.

Pursuing Intense Intimacy with God

It’s time for intense intimacy with God’s Spirit. Our engineering as the image of God in our new birth is to support the Spirit’s program to make us reflectors of God in the earth. You can’t reflect God beyond your knowledge of him.

We must deliberately nurture our union with God until it’s an everyday recognizable fact of our lives. We owe the world an encounter with God in our lives. This calls for spending both qualitative and quantitative time with God’s Spirit in fellowship. If you won’t do this then you don’t want to reflect God in the Earth. There is no alternative. And without reflecting God you will never be satisfied as the image of God. Your true satisfaction is in your reflection of God.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!