Dare to Ask God Questions: He Has Answers to Your Hard Questions

Since God answers prayer, it presupposes that questions or enquiries are an integral part of prayers. I want you to take a fresh look at prayer. The truth is when we deal with God in prayer, not only do we engage His omnipotence but also His omniscience. God is all knowing and is not intimidated by your questions. As I contemplate the very thought that answers are a response to questions, I am amazed at how God has been marketed over the years as a being who does not tolerate questions. It seems asking God questions amounted to bringing his sovereignty under attack. Many people have been very cautious in dealing with God in this regard. This week I am introducing a subject we will consider in some detail next week.

Can there be True Learning without Questions?
Mathew 11:28-29
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

In the above scripture Jesus gives an open invitation to come and learn of Him. The question is, “Can there be effective learning without questions, particularly when His ways are not our ways and His thoughts our thoughts. God’s concepts, thoughts and ideas are not man’s concepts, thoughts and ideas.

Asking God a Question is not a Sign of Doubt
Asking God a question in prayer is not a sign of doubt. In fact answers from God become the substance for the realization of expectations. All answers from God are revelatory. You are illuminated any time you get an answer from God. The response from God is supposed to alter your behaviour. Answers usually are not material, they are immaterial. They show you what to do, why or how to do it.

The Quality of Your Questions Determine What You Draw out of God
This is why the place of questions in your walk with God cannot be over emphasized. Your personal revelations of God are a response to your personal questions. Hear Jesus on the cross: “My God my God why has thou forsaken me?” Your question may be: “God why is my business not growing?” or “Why this is or that not working?” When we ask, God has promised in His Word to answer. So go ahead and ask, for every one that asks receives.
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