The Infinity of God: He Can Make a Way Anywhere at any Time

It is amazing how sometimes man in his finite mind doubts an infinite God. One of the main challenges in dealing with God is expecting him to move through existing/known structures and systems.

Documented research has not confirmed whether any man has used up to 20% of their mind’s capacity. But the truth is, as awesome as man’s intellectual capacity is, it is still finite. Assuming a man operates at his full intellectual or mental capacity – 100% capacity, he will still be operating in the finite realm. But God is infinite. So if the infinite, all knowing, all powerful and omnipresent God gives you a Word on an issue, believe it; it will be your best bet in life. It shall surely come to pass. God has limitless number of possibilities in bringing His Word to pass in your life.

God can move in the unexplored realm of your finite mind PLUS the limitless realm of His infinite self to resolve the challenges you face in life.

God has greater works on His mind and He wants to accomplish them through you. One of your greatest assets is that you are a believer. You are not a doubter. What doubt tries to do is box up God through limited thinking and limited knowledge. Your God is unlimited. If you will cooperate with Him He will make you an amazement to your world and many generations after you.

God is His Word. God’s Word is infinite and dynamic. When you allow the Word of God to become the bedrock of your belief, you have literally created a new paradigm of possibilities.  Most of life’s experiences flow from our beliefs. You cannot live what you are yet to believe. This is why the scripture declares:

Hebrews 10:38 – Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

What the above scripture is intimating is this: the believer’s entire life is to be regulated by his belief. Let your belief shape how you think. See through your belief. Talk your belief. Shape your world view by your belief. Your belief will ultimately become your reality. It is to you, really, according to your faith (Matthew 9:29).

In the midst of challenges and oppositions to your advancement: Believe like a Ruler. Think like a Ruler. Talk and walk like a Ruler.

Are you dealing with complex issues in life? God has innumerable ways of bringing you out. And your faith in Him is what makes it consistent with His character to move on your behalf.

Remember, to believe God, is to believe His Word.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!