Kingdom Expression for Kingdom Expansion

God’s will is for all of his children to become the expression of His kingdom on the earth until the whole earth is totally governed by the kingdom of God. God is a Spirit but in you, He has a body through which He can physically help people and touch lives. Your drive for success must be influenced by your passion to see the kingdom of God expand on the earth. I am sharing three important thoughts that can help to become the expression of the kingdom of God on the earth.

Embrace and Increase Learning
Though I am an ardent advocate for working hard, your results do not change just by working hard. You change your results by learning. Learning is about getting the lesson. Until you get the lesson, you have not learnt. And the proof that you got the lesson is your ability to produce what you know. Participate in the knowledge economy. Become a colossal broker of knowledge on the earth. What you know is not sufficient for where you are going. And yet you cannot wait to know all you must know before you set out. Your only option therefor, is to make life a learning experience. This leaves no room for pride at all. Learn always.

Live Boldly
Joshua 1:6 KJV
‘Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.’

Nothing breeds boldness like knowledge. God’s sworn blessing is appropriated through bold action.  You will never have a share of what God has abundantly put in the earth realm, if you don’t step up and boldly demand for what want. You are boldness away from success. When you become successful, you have a tool for influence. You go after success with all you have got because you know it is the tool you require for your divine assignment of influencing people and places with the kingdom of God.

Get Some Attention
Obscurity kills more talents than difficulties. Life is a fight for attention because life is about influence. Get attention for who you are and what you do. When you express the kingdom of God whether in power or in wisdom, you secure the attention of society. With that attention you can begin to influence society with the values and ethics of the kingdom. You cannot disciple a nation for God if you do not secure the attention of that nation first. Everyone moves in the direction of their attention. Kingdom expression is the only way of getting the attention of society. A Christian may come across as an imposter without expressing the kingdom in thought, word and deed. It seems that many people get activated on Sundays and deactivated on Monday through Saturday. But this is changing with men and women like you committing to the responsibility of operating as the image of God on the earth.
It’s kingdom expression for kingdom expansion.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!