Show up. Step up. Speak up

God wants you to manage the earth for Him. Jesus Christ as God-man was the embodiment of the express will of God on Earth. He modelled God’s intention for creating man, and that is God’s will for you today. Your success is not a challenge for God; He is not just interested in your outcome but the process leading to your maturity. I would like to share three vital thoughts you should embrace as you take steps on the rungs to dominance and influence.

Luke 4:16 KJV

‘And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read. And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written…’

Show Up
Showing up is a major factor and a critical determinant for success. Sometimes, feelings and emotions emerge as deterrents in our bid to be present when required. However, make a shift from feelings and emotions to a custom of constantly showing up. This calls for nurturing a culture that defies all odds and excuses in order to be present. Show up where the opportunities are, and be present when that opportunity comes knocking. Show up to work; show up in the market place, show up for the meetings. Show Up!

It is interesting to note that Jesus showed himself alive after his resurrection to more than 500 people and yet on the day of Pentecost only 120 people showed up when the Spirit was poured out from on high. You can either make progress or make an excuse but you cannot make both.

Step Up
Once you show up, you need to step up. Refuse to hide in life. Step up to the plate and take responsibility for what happens next in your assigned space. Resolve to stand out. God’s purpose for your life cannot be accomplished in hiding. You need to be relevant in order to influence nations for God. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light unto all that are in the house.” As a child of God, you are the light of the world and you cannot stay hidden and shine at the same time. Step up and shine in the space in which God has called you.

Speak Up
As important as showing up and stepping up is, you must be able to deliver when given the opportunity through building the requisite capacity. Capacity building requires hard work, intense learning and an uninterrupted focus on skills development and use. You need to make your contribution to your space by speaking up. Can you imagine what would have happened if Jesus did not know how to read when he got the opportunity in the above scripture? Let the opportunities you aspire to have meet you ready and prepared. To emerge as a personality of influence, you must be poised to seize opportunities and take action. Every missed opportunity delays your manifestation. Leave your foot print on the planet. Speak up. Let your life count.

Take Action!

Rule and Subdue