Get Rich Slowly – Rediscovering timeless keys to enduring Prosperity

The non-negotiable place of productive work in the success equation cannot be overemphasized. There is no future for a lazy man. Laziness is not inactivity. Laziness is cerebral stupor that results in wrong judgment. There are a lot of working people who are lazy. The scary thing about this is, they may never know it till they exit the earth. Getting rich slowly is the sustainable way of living a fulfilling life.

Models unlock you
Many held the notion that the human body was simply not capable of running a mile under 4 minutes.  The belief was that, it was dangerous and impossible.

In the 1940’s, the mile record was pushed to 4:01, where it stood for nine years. On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute barrier, running the distance in 3:59.4.  As part of his training, he relentlessly visualized the achievement in order to create a sense of certainty in his mind and body.

Bannister’s breakthrough changed perceptions of what was possible. Within a year of his sub-four mile only Landy had joined him in breaking the four-minute barrier (Landy shattered it, going 3:57.9 six weeks after Bannister’s achievement). Thirteen months after Bannister, an additional three runners broke four minutes in one race. Then it was another year before anyone else did so. (

Models unlock your potential. Models activate you and help you navigate through life. The quality of our model and the intensity of your followership will determine your outcome.

Models don’t make it easier, they are evidence that it is possible. Models help you believe with utmost certainty that you can manifest your rare gift. The desire to succeed without regard for process is literally damaging the fabric of our society. We need to, as a nation, hunt for and honour men and women who have built businesses from scratch and others who are championing courses in different spheres of life. There is a proclivity to destroy our models because of petty partisan politics. If we destroy our models the majority of our people cannot progress from poverty and lack into inspired living

Learn from people who have done what you want to do. Read their books, get their materials and study them. Learn from their successes and failures. Nothing unlocks a man than when he sees his fellow man doing what he dreams to become. Let me recommend a model like no other to you- Jesus.

The constancy of delivering consistent value
If you are currently getting more money or compensation than the value you are delivering, you will shut down sooner or later. The fundamental trigger of success is delivering value in your space. There is no short cut to success. If you don’t embrace this ancient wisdom, you will lose. Affect your space. Influence your market. Become relevant. A wise man said ‘if someone gives you a million dollars you have to become a millionaire so you get to keep the money.’ Do not waste your time chasing shadows, settle down to do the hard work of adding value to yourself and delivering value in your space and you will be compensated beyond your wildest imagination.

It takes a long time to make significant contributions to life
It takes a while before your investments in life show. Once you know you are on track, enjoy the process. Do not be impatient and get ahead of yourself. If you are not processed for success, you will be destroyed by the very success you chalk.

Anything worthwhile takes time to form. There are no instant successes. A bespoke shirt maker once said ‘we are an overnight success after 45 years of business’

Get rich slowly yet surely is better than getting rich quick and ending up as a quack.


Rule and Subdue the Earth!

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