When Rulers see themselves as Losers – Part 2

Last week I ended by saying that things are not always as they seem, and that is why how you see is critical to your outcome in life. This truth should change your views about life and about yourself. You are not a poor man trying to prosper, no; you are a blessed man learning how to express it. Develop the right mental attitude through the Word of God. Succeed in liberating your mind with the Word of God. Do not stay in the devil’s box; break out and live for God. Take who you are and what have in Christ and use it to change your situation. Do not give up; reach forth for the things which are ahead of you. You will be decorated with the prize of God’s high calling for you in Christ. Do not allow Satan to tie your mind to your situation and cause you to walk by sight.
The truth is; it is easier for your flesh to say how you feel than what you believe. And yet what you believe is the only material God has to work with in your life. Begin to live deliberately, increase what you believe through God’s Word and then talk and walk what you believe. In fact the fight of faith is the devil working in the sense (feeling, sight, hearing, taste, smell) realm or the realm of the flesh, to influence what you believe about God, yourself and everything else. I see you winning the contest of faith you are in right now.

Do not slowdown in faith. Jesus expected the five loaves and the two fishes to multiply. Expect answers to your prayers. It is not OK not to have answers to your prayers. Expect good things to happen to you. Expect results. Expect increase, growth and productivity. God is for you and not against you. Expect to win. You must win. You must prosper. You must succeed. All these are realities in Christ and all we are doing is forcing your situation to conform to your realities in Christ.

The ten rulers who were sent out to spy the land failed in their interpretation of what they saw

(Numbers 13:30-3).  Their negative interpretation affected what they believed. And what they believed affected what they said. And what they said stopped them. Do you realize the giants never said a word to them? So everything that happened to these ten rulers was self-inflicted. They collected data, analyzed the data, interpreted the data and came to a conclusion that destroyed them. God is for you; do not work against yourself. Be strong enough not to allow your present situation to limit your vision. Do not sacrifice your future for convenience today. Be tough in your mind and live out your dream.

The direr the situation becomes the more intense and engaged your faith should be.  “Burckson, how do I do this?” you may ask.  I know there are times you can literally feel that the devil is working overtime on your case to steal, kill and destroy whatever he can lay his hands on around you. The Bible says is any afflicted let him pray (James 5:13). I really want you to see this. You respond to troubles by conscious and intense exposure to the Word and presence of God. You come out of those God-encounters with specific wisdom to destroy the works of the devil. I see you walking in victory from this day forward. Tread over scorpions and serpents without hurt, in Jesus Name!

Rule and subdue the earth for God!