Be Relevant or Be Forgotten Part 2

To refresh your memory on what I said last week about what really constitutes value addition, I will restate the two essential ingredients that make you more valuable.

Get knowledge
You need to do the hard work of gathering relevant knowledge. Do not spare yourself in this regard. A crisis of knowledge is the reason for the malfunction in our society.

Do what you know
When what you know becomes what you do (your personal culture), knowledge evolves to power. Decisions and actions are the authentic doors into your future. If you cannot do it, you do not know it. If you gather knowledge and really do the knowledge, you will improve your self-efficacy rating and massive productivity will be the result.

Add Value to Others
Investing in, and activating people to become the best versions of themselves is an unexplored space, particularly in our nation. Yet, this is a sure way of becoming and remaining relevant in life. Finding creative ways of making substantial contributions to people’s lives is making contribution to society. You cannot give what you do not have. As you add value to yourself you come to the place where you can add value to others. However, you have to transition from what you can do to what you must do. Understand that your relevance rating significantly increases as you shift from adding value to yourself to adding value to others. If you do not succeed in being relevant in the lives of others, you will be forgotten while you are still alive.

Add Value to the Kingdom of God
The most important mission on earth is the colonization of the earth by the Kingdom of God. The men and women who will participate in this mission will become eternally relevant because of the immortal essence of the Kingdom of God. Use who you have become and what you have to further the advancement of the Kingdom of God on the earth. The progressive revelation of relevance therefore is adding value to your person, adding value to others and finally adding value to the Kingdom of God.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!