Order, Systems and Structures – A Measure of Your Capacity to Rule

In our just ended immersion and saturation meeting which lasted for over 17 hours from Friday 29th to Saturday 30th August, 2014, the Lord brought forth a revelation and an emphasis on order, structures and systems as a non-negotiable requirement in ruling and subduing the earth for God. I would like to share some of the revelatory highlights we embraced during the all night, all day meeting.

God is sovereign yet structured
Creation reveals God. The entire creation is a collection of systems, structures, processes and order. A look at the creation account in Genesis 1 is indicative of the unfathomable depths of the wisdom of God. Creation is just an indication because He is infinitely wise. The manifest wisdom of God is orderly, systematic, organized, structured and procedural. Take for example God making a tree which has seeds in their fruit. That represents an entire system.

God is not the author of confusion
1 Corinthians 14:33 states clearly that God is not the author of disorder. The devil is the father of disorder. Wherever the devil is there is disorder, directly or indirectly. Sicknesses and diseases are an indication of disorder in the human body. Healing is introducing order in the body. God, and whatever He represents function in order.

God put Man in a Garden
In Genesis 2:15 God put the man He had made in a garden. And this was after He had blessed him and had authorized him to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth. The main difference between a garden and a bush is order/organization. Adam required order to function. Your uniqueness is in your order. Your difference is in your structures.

1 Kings 10:4-5
4 And when the queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon\’s wisdom, and the house that he had built,
5  And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his ascent by which he went up unto the house of the LORD; there was no more spirit in her.

The queen of Sheba in the above text saw such order, structure and exceptional organization in Solomon and called that wisdom. Think of it; her royal highness was totally overwhelmed by the wisdom of Solomon.

Order is not a submission issue but rather a capacity issue.
God is not answerable to any one, yet he is orderly and systematized. Incompetence does not thrive in order. It will be exposed. Incompetence is usually hidden or covered by disorder. Disorder means incompetence. Africa can significantly reduce corruption by introducing and submitting to systems, structures and order. Is it a wonder then that most poor economies are less structured and predominantly informal? How organized you are determines your capacity for growth. The truth is, your systems are an indication of the wisdom you are practicing, not just what you know. Do not just copy results; go for the systems producing the results.

We cannot rule and subdue the earth without personal and corporate systems, structures, order, organization, processes, and administration. Receive grace and wisdom for order in Jesus name!

Rule and subdue the earth for God!