You are an Extension of the Government of God

I would want to begin this week’s article with two scriptures that sufficiently capture the immortal will and purpose of God for every single person on the earth today.

Isaiah 9:6 ‘For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder…’

Ephesians 5:30 For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.

From the above scriptures the government of God rests squarely on the shoulders of Christ Jesus. The full responsibility of bringing the government of God on the earth is Christ’s. However, the Church is the body of Christ and the shoulder is on the body. Therefore, given that the shoulder is on the body, the Church is the extension of the government of God on the earth. God has made several provisions for the church to enable her execute governance on the earth. One of such provisions is the Spirit of God.

The Spirit Invested
If the Church fails to operate as the extension of the government of God, it is her choice. God has made a profoundly lavish Spirit investment available to every member of the body who will receive it. Our interaction and dependence on the Spirit invested is what practically positions us in our various defined spaces to govern and influence for God.
The Holy Spirit is the omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresent king Spirit who sits on the throne of our hearts yearning to be engaged purely as an act of our will to embrace his help, counsel, guidance, strength, wisdom, etc. There is a divine imperative that cannot be ignored any longer, that is, the study of the Spirit of God within us. We need to understand the idiosyncratic communications of the Spirit with each and every one of us. This is important because without a working knowledge of the Spirit we will operate as orphans in the world. We would lack the confidence, legitimacy and authority required to govern the earth for God. It is only when we learn to cooperate with the delicate yet omnipotent Spirit of God within, that we will shut down the influence of evil in our lives, community, nation, continent and world. There is nothing you are dealing with right now that the Spirit within doesn’t have answers to. Intensely and intelligently engaging Him will significantly transform your value and relevance rating on the earth.

Take Action.

Multiply. Influence.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!