Your Character Determines Your Destiny

You are the captain of your own ship and not your economy, environment or your circumstances. Yes, these elements can influence your character if you let them, but ultimately you are responsible for your character. If you do not have a character that supports productivity and excellence you have to do something about it.

Your greatest assets therefore are inside of you and not outside of you. If you alter your character you have altered your destiny. This makes you the captain of your own ship. This is why values like love, joy, peace, patience, honesty, hard work, courage, persistence and personal responsibility are not only critical in building our personal and family lives but are also indispensable virtues in nation building.  I heard Sunday Adelaja say ‘A nation is great not because of the virtue of their wealth but by the wealth of their virtues’. Success and prosperity have been marketed in the media largely without their corresponding character – the discipline, creativity, diligence, planning, wisdom etc. All we see are the expensive jewellery, the cars, mansions and all the other glamour. For success not to be the preserve of a few in society, we need to emphasize the values that deliver success. The attitudes that will make any body an effective and relevant contributor and not just a consumer.

If all you have is a great character you can get out of any situation you find yourself in.

It has been said that it is not what you don’t have that is stopping you but what you think you need. The right attitude will get you out of every challenge. And guess what, you are responsible for your attitude. You can change your attitude. Instead of blaming nonliving things like circumstances for why you are not making progress, take a hold of your attitude and change it. It is only when you have the forces of these virtues alive and at work in you that your life begins to work.

A progressive attitude and approach to life is a huge asset

What is really important is not what you don’t have. Everything is conquerable including your character. You can conquer a bad attitude and replace it with a great one. You just have to be willing to go to work on yourself. This is exciting because it puts your destiny into your own hands. And that means you can change your life any time you want to. That is the reason why you have a will. You can change the direction your life is heading if you don’t like it.

Own your destiny

Stop blaming witches and wizards for the state of your life. Stop blaming your circumstances for why you are defeated. I am trying to point out to you that you are more powerful than anything that happens to you. You may not always allow yourself to win but you can win in every situation. It may not be easy but because you are capable of changing anything around you, you can also change you. It is your ability to develop and grow that holds the key to a better future. However, real growth will improve attitude and install a great character. I know it takes character and capacity to win in the race of life but when you have the right character you will see your need for capacity and go for it. Therefore you rise and fall on character invariably.

Discover purpose

Your life on earth is proof that there is an assignment that requires you. You are here to deliver a message, a product or service from God to bless humanity and the earth. Find whatever it is God brought you here for and fulfil it. This is the secret to a fulfilled life.

Get information

Get hungry for knowledge and go for it. Get to know God. Know yourself.  He made us in His image; it is only when you know God that you can truly discover yourself. Allow God‘s Word to reveal God’s unlimited plan for you and His unlimited ability in you to accomplish that plan.

Work hard on yourself

Work hard on yourself and on your ideas. You are original. Be the difference wherever you find yourself. Set new personal standards for yourself that make you grow. Don’t just be interested in what you are earning; your work must have an impact on what you are becoming. You are more important than what you have, so develop you. Grow you. Mature you. Release you to influence your world.

Take Dominion.

Rule and subdue the earth!