Your Status, Your Situation and the Spirit – Part 2

In part 1 of this message last week we looked at your status and your situation. This week as I conclude the series I want to shed light on how to engage the Spirit in changing your situation to reflect your status in Christ.

Acts 2:17 -19

17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: 19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:

Spirit upon Flesh

In this dispensation of the Spirit coming upon man in Christ, a new day has dawned for man. It is a union of humanity and divinity. It is an unstoppable cooperation between God and man via the Spirit. Every loss suffered by man under Satan’s rule is corrected and Satan is subdued under the feet of the man in Christ. It is divine ability at the disposal of humanity for unusual impact in the earth.

Men Shall See Visions

Without a vision situations don’t change. You must see differently if you must have different results. Progress is impossible without focus and focus is impossible without a vision. Therefore without a vision you keep going in circles. It is therefore heart warning to see that when the Spirit comes upon all flesh there will be the will be the birth of Spirit inspired visions. The Spirit will begin to show man novel possibilities, paradigms and templates. We are in the days of Spirit inspired visions. Catch some!

These visions, once executed will become man’s new environment. The purpose of vision is to replace your situation and material reality. When the Spirit comes upon you will see visions. This means two things: the first is that spiritual blindness is healed and second, the beginning of the manifestation of a new order of visions from the Spirit. This will culminate in innovations, inventions, creations and possibilities (that have been unknown to man) pioneered by men with the Spirit in and upon them.

They Shall Prophesy

What the Spirit shows you must prophesy. God is not committed to what you are yet to prophesy. You have to open your mouth and speak boldly the visions the Spirit is showing you. You will have to be bold because what the Spirit is showing you in visions will be contrary to what your situation is. Bring your self under the inspiration of the Spirit through speaking in tongues and then prophesy the visions you catch from the Spirit. Don’t just quantify the cost of implementing the vision, just prophesy and the how-to and wherewithal will be given you for execution.

God Will Show Wonders in Response to Prophecy

God will not be doing this independent of man. Men with the Spirit will turn God loose in the earth and wonders such as have not been registered in the earth and in heaven will be done.

Engage the Spirit to Change Your Situation

Unfortunately for our tech generation these visions of the Spirit cannot be picked up from any of the numerous social media platforms available. You will have to engage the spirit through the old fashion platform of prayer and fellowship with the Spirit. You cannot tweet and ‘whatsapp’ the Holy Ghost.

Stop sitting around waiting for God to change your situation independent of you. Get under the anointing. Receive visions (consistent with your new status) from God.

Take action, beginning with prophesying the vision you are seeing to your situation and see wonders take place all around you. Force your situation to reflect your status in Christ through the Spirit.

Rule and Subdue the Earth!