\text{Sales} & \$200,000\\ C. They took up the fight against Prohibition. n __ b __ lity \hspace{1cm} g __ ntry \hspace{1cm} a __ __ __ tocracy. E. It was opposed by other women reformers who worried that it would jeopardize laws protecting female workers. American hypocrisy in the 1920s, the truth was, they were diehard Americans at heart who wanted to create a more authentic Which of these was the country's first radio network? 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. Which of the following statements accurately describes the state of consumer goods in the 1920s? Which of these best describes the energy available to do cellular work? False, The immigration quota laws passed in the 1920s favored immigrants from northern and Which of the following is true concerning the use of electricity by the mid-1920s? B. a return to the "fundamentals" of Christian faith. C. aircraft carriers. -By the end of the 1920s, nearly one-third of American homes had a radio. A. corporations providing employee benefits in the hope of preventing the establishment of unions. Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the decade between the end of the Great War and the onset of the Great Depression quizlet? Advances in transportation were less in demand. B. in private he was a womanizing racist, but in the public eye, his 60 home runs in one year made him a hero. B. [144] Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) The divergent series are the invention of the devil, and it is a shame to base on them any demonstration whatsoever. women who insisted that higher education was the path to enlightenment and established coeducational colleges across the country Stockholders lost $10 billion during trading on October 29, 1929, and the downward slide in stock values. What "Kiss-Me Clubs" lacked in real power, they made up for with, In 1919 Alfred Sloan founded the General Motors Acceptance Corporation, which. Which of the following led voters to elect Warren G. Harding as president in 1920? It was becoming more common as 60 percent of new homes were wired for electricity. Use each word only once. member of Congress. Why is economics considered a social science ? Quiz 18. C. too much away to the socialists. Which court case or legal action brought the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments back to life? It was still just a plaything of the rich. E. make Christianity America's official religion. It blended several musical traditions, such as ragtime and the blues. C. The Klan dropped the elaborate rituals, titles, and costumes of the Reconstruction era in order to attract a mass membership. B) Women found increased job opportunities on assembly lines. Fitzgerald's stories during the 1920s were Which of the following statements accurately describes the effects that winter and summer seasons have on a beach? True C. Secretary of the Treasury William Clinton invested federal funds in the Whitewater land deal. E. President Calvin Coolidge publicly supported the lynching of immigrants in certain circumstances. False. a. D. led young whites to reject black culture for its spiritual and "primitive" qualities. A. nuclear weapons. of the war produced "an epoch of progress." Nitrogen (N) pollution causes serious damage to the environment at regional, national and global scales (Rockstrom et al., 2009).The release of N from food production and consumption activities is a major source of N pollution (Galloway et al., 2008).Planetary boundaries are proposed to define a safe operating space for humans relative to the earth system, defining the . Which statement best describes the post-World War I American attitude toward businessmen? C. Henry Mencken, The Sun Also Rises With their new feeling of "liberation" gained during World War I, women made gigantic inroads into previously all-male professions. After the war, the ____ industry boomed as towers, suburbs, and roads were built. Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. Darwinism and pragmatism. E. It reinforced stereotypes of feminine delicacy. the mass movement of African Americans from the South to the North in pursuit of better living conditions and jobs They tended to have their own land but had limited success establishing profitable farms. What did the Fordney-McCumber Tariff and Smoot-Hawley Tariff demonstrate about U.S. trade policy from 1920 to 1930? freedom fighter in the Great War. What criticism did Henry Demarest Lloyd leverage against Rockefeller's Standard Oil in Wealth against Commonwealth (1892)? What change did young people experience during the 1920s? Franz Boas. C. creationism. was doubt as to their guilt. Ernest Hemingway. What was the aim of the Eighteenth Amendment? a. discrimination. C. It was supported by an alliance of professional women and labor activists. women who welcomed the vote but enthusiastically accepted the traditional roles of mother and wife It was no longer focused solely on hatred of African Americans; all minorities could be targeted. Although a relatively small number of women were college educated, most of those who were college educated pursued careers outside the home. E. It was embraced by black and white musicians, who helped popularize jazz. Fundamentalists were particularly opposed to the theory of ___ and in 1925 they secured the passage of a Tennessee law against teaching it. Big business was the answer to America's problems. Ernest Hemingway the formation of the United Nations. . evolution. The war had made Americans increasingly frugal, resulting in the middle class focusing its attention on the need for government programs to help protect its savings. Which sector of the economy did NOT prosper in the 1920s? b. a return to Victorian values Ezra Pound C. Management was hostile to labor organizing. Which of the following statements concerning the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s is NOT true? D. close-knit neighborhoods Northern states granted women the right to vote due to pressure from the western states. Which of the following is NOT true of the McNary-Haugen plan? Each line, when completed, should have three words similar in meaning. complementary region. True (C) It repudiated fundamentalist Protestantism. Which of the following writers is not correctly identified with one on his/her books? b. How were skilled workers able to secure new freedoms for themselves in rapidly expanding industries? Question 6 120 seconds Q. Which of the following statements describes the experiences of the new immigrants who entered the United States between 1880 and 1920: They often planned on working and saving money for a few years before returning home: The federal government responded to the problem of discrimination against Chinese in nineteenth century California by A. Gases It unified the feminist movement in the 1920s, which had become splintered after women won the vote. Question 1. D. decrease the number of immigrants coming from Southern and Eastern Europe. Thanks to the eradication of Jim Crow laws, the South had been transformed into a region where African Americans had a large political presence and increasingly had white-collar jobs. E. the evangelical Christian woman who followed the teachings of Billy Sunday. The rapid technological advances in the workplace, which eliminated the positions of many thousands of workers, gave rise to the phrase. answer choices . Charles A. Lindbergh Jr., a St. Louis-based mail pilot, made the first solo transatlantic flight, traveling from New York to Paris in: Who developed the theoretical basis for quantum physics? +44 (0)1308 420100. In 1928 many Americans feared that if Al Smith were elected he would radios Business values saturated American culture. Answer: . The case of Babe Ruth illustrates the power of publicity in the 1920s celebrity culture because Write the letter of your answer in the space provided. (C) freedom of the seas. 120 seconds. Movie theaters lost audiences. a criticism of the social elite, including himself. The Great Depression caused the collapse of the Jazz Age and, with it, helped erode the American belief in freedom at all costs. A. increased as American built foreign production facilities and acquired foreign sources of raw materials. a. All of the following were prophets of modern art and literature EXCEPT: The Waste Land, a poem that became the favorite of many modernist readers because of Which of the following statements concerning women in the work force in the 1920s is true? (A) Its activities were limited to the South. increased parental supervision a. D. blacks should focus on the acquisition of practical skills while temporarily accepting second-class status. Which of the following accurately describes the "new women" of the 1920s such as flappers? 1 See answer jwade91goat is waiting for your help. Play this game to review American History. The Creation account in Genesis was to be read literally. E. He argued in favor of higher wages and higher personal income taxes. the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic B. the United States was willing to raise tariffs to protect domestic manufacturers. B. the birth of computers. creation of the Bureau of the Budget It proved impossible to enforce rules since a significant portion of the population disagreed with the law. D. have a "kitchen cabinet" made up of women advisers. Americans were eating considerably less food each year than they had in 1910. False, The Harlem Renaissance grew out of the fast-growing African American community in Which of the following statements describes changes in the way goods were purchased during the 1920s? B. reduced in terms of hours and sheer physical effort thanks to electrification, store-bought clothing, and purchased food. He tried to unite the fractured Democratic party, Robert M. La Follette barely won the nomination of a faction-ridden Republican A. A. a willingness to forgive the World War I debts owed to the U.S. government by former allies. Along with New York, which city during the Gilded Age financed industrialization and westward expansion with its banks and stock exchange? Women received strong encouragement to enroll in coeducational colleges and universities to prepare for joining the professions. Use this Narrative with the Postwar Race Riots Narrative, the Marcus Garvey, "Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World," 1920 Primary Source, and the The KKK during Reconstruction vs. the KKK in the 1920s Lesson to highlight the struggles of African Americans during the 1920s. Gasoline was cheaper to produce. the power of the images made it unnecessary for audiences to be literate. Examples of the "defenders of the faith" of traditional America against modern urban culture in the 1920s include prohibition, which reduced both drinking and respect for the law. False. Which of the following statements describes the role of automobiles in the American economy of the 1920s? It was supported by Coolidge as a way to empower farmers. A. a sophisticated, pleasure-mad young woman. It was a period of social activism and political reform that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. Sigmund Freud 145 Questions . On a separate sheet of paper, explain the following term by using it correctly in a sentence. Add your answer and earn points. It depended on white patronage. Many immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe. It took place from 1941 to 1949. Visit a local shopping mall and the lobbies of several major hotel chains. Of all the causes of the stock market crash of October 1929, the greatest culprit was: concerned a state law that prohibited the teaching of evolution in public schools, John T. Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution. A. ABC The government withdrew wartime price supports for wheat. What is the margin related to this year's investment opportunity? B. submarines. Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of many semiskilled industrial workers in American factories during the Gilded Age? Which of the following statements concerning the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s is not true? The lack of technology available at the time and the rise in the number of women who were salaried professionals made housework more difficult than ever before. US History: Chapter 24 Practice Questions, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Alan Taylor, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner, Peter B. an early advocate for women's access to birth control and contraception prosecuted John Scopes in the Dayton, Tennessee, evolution case for teaching In the 1920s American business activities abroad. Spectator sports lost their appeal. Which characteristics of immigrants in the aftermath of World War I did nativists find most alarming? Members of which of the following groups were least likely to be traditionalists? Explanation: 400 - 600 words. All branches of the government were favorably disposed to business and industry. False, The consumer culture generated bewildering changes in everyday life. construction and automobile manufacturing. the development of the car. A. B. Du Bois say in his opposition to Marcus Garvey? D. destroyers. Which of the following was a result of the spread of radios in households across America? Where did the majority of working-class women work? The goal of the ___ Plan was to eliminate "closed shops," or companies where only union members could work. (D) Many of its members were elected to Congress. What was the state of sports in the 1920s? As feminists faced some backlash in the 1920s, what strategies did they try instead? Which of the following statements accurately describe the automobile in the 1920s? the 1920s. 25. Twenty-first; the end of Jim Crow laws Most immigrants were Catholics and Jews. Considering technology heterogeneity, this study applies stochastic frontier analysis combined with meta-frontier technology to estimate the environmental technical efficiency (ETE) and SP of CO2 emissions for China's fossil fuel power plants from 2005 to 2015. Australia's population increased during the past 180 years. What changes did railroads bring to American society during the Gilded Age? B. Women mostly received low-paying, unskilled jobs. C. It provided fun, affordable entertainment that distracted women from pursuing the educational opportunities that would lead to equality. C. blacks should integrate into white society. ", described the frenetic, hard-drinking lifestyle and the cult of robust masculinity that Hemingway himself epitomized. Which of the following did modernists believe? The conservative political mood helped steer women who had worked for the war effort back into their traditional roles as homemakers. B. the wife of author F. Scott Fitzgerald and a literary figure in her own right, an early advocate for women's access to birth control and contraception. He is either a lunatic or a the rise of national brands, advertising, and radio and film releases with a national audience. They often worked as sharecroppers on . The amendment to the Constitution that barred the manufacture or sale of intoxicating E. Vice President Davis was accused of lying under oath about his investments in Mexico. It gave young people freedom from parental oversight. (B) territorial and political integrity of Poland. Evaluating Policy Should one country intervene militarily in the affairs of another to protect property owned by its citizens? Which of the following is true of the attitude of the federal government toward big business during the 'Twenties? What was the difference between skilled and semiskilled workers during the Gilded Age? E. The number of women physicians soared. In the 1870s a group of liberal Protestants started a movement known as _____ which was an attempt to make Christianity more relevant to contemporary life. The Roaring Twenties was dubbed the "Jazz Age" by. stand-up comedy. Schenck v. United States (1917) Motion pictures were accessible to virtually every American because. Most college women entered such traditionally "female" professions as nursing, school teaching, and librarianship. Q. school teaching, and librarianship, Paul Gauguin acknowledged that the upheavals of cultural modernism and the aftermath the rise of national brands, advertising, and radio and film releases with a national audience. Economic and population growth translated into the rise of new products like Ivory Soap and Quaker Oats. Who wrote the book Sunshine and Shadow in New York, which contrasted rich and poor? agriculture It originated in the western United States. Britain's efforts to increase control over the colonies were not successful. D. It became less important as Americans placed renewed emphasis on individualism. the Great War True The popularity of her theatrical sermons illustrated the impact of fundamentalism on American society. They described the frenetic, hard-drinking lifestyle and the cult of robust masculinity that Hemingway himself epitomized. Which of the following factors contributed to explosive economic growth during the Gilded Age? It encouraged women to equate freedom with choosing the glamorous fashions and styles found in advertisements and magazines, Which of the following statements concerning the equal rights amendment advocated by, It was opposed by other women reformers who worried that it would jeopardize, In the 1920s, city women found housework was, reduced in terms of hours and sheer physical effort thanks to electrification, storebought The consumer culture generated bewildering changes in everyday life teachings of Billy Sunday national audience alliance of women! 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