In my own personal life with the healing ministry the Lord has given me, He has used the ministry of impartation through men to release gifting, honor and wisdom. The move of God was so great that what started off as a two-week revival lasted for a full year but this was not the latter rain end-time revival that would hit the world that the angel was referring to in the dream. David Taylor Height He stands at a height of 5 feet 8 inches tall. The story about his face shining like a light bulb after coming off the mountain as a result of spending time with God had a special place in my study and heart. 1-877-THE-GLORY (843-4567) | @2020 Joshua Media Ministries, Int'l. Before he could even begin teaching, Jesus stepped in and miracles broke out as the power of God flowed throughout the room! This appearance from Jesus was given to me during the time of the other appearances of inspection in 1997 concerning the things I needed to change. Then suddenly I awoke. And He wrote with this finger, in this golden ink in script writing (cursive) that said: This Is Your Day! And then I awoke out of the dream. That night when I fell asleep I was sucked out of my body and taken to heaven at the speed of thought. I didnt have classes Thursday through Saturday so I used that time to praise Him. This encounter, one night, in 1989 changed the course of my life forever! So I did. This is where the angel beckoned me to come. One region was a place called Shaw, Mississippi. A dream was given to me by God in my sleep after this three day fast on Sunday morning in 1991. Feel free to call us at 1-877-843-4567. After this first experience, little did I know that for the next eighteen years I was about to have incredible, yearly, consistent face-to-face encounters and visitations with Jesus, that would turn into an intimate friendship with Him personally. What you saw in a dream from God may not look like much but it may mean a lot. When I entered the room and started watching Pastor Benny, he was right in the middle of talking to Joan Geason who used to work with Kathryn Kuhlman. He showed me in a series of dreams that I was to walk by faith as Abraham did and not stop fasting. I need to say this, I felt so thrilled to be walking next to Jesus again. He is mercy. The Real David E. Taylor The Truth Behind the Social Media Attacks! Told by an angel in a dream that the new move of God starting in America, which will go around the world will begin in the year 2010 dream given in 2009. I was comfortable with Gods dealings with me personally through these visitations and dreams. He was just someone my parents told me about because of their religious beliefs. Feel free to call us at 1-877-843-4567. We know this was Peter! He desires real relationship with you!! The Real David E. Taylor The Truth Behind the Social Media Attacks! In this dream I knew that we were in line like the others in front of her to get ministered to, but we were in line to do the same thing that she was doing. It was uncontrollable and the receptionist or nurse at the desk didnt know what to do. My whole being felt like it was caught up into Heaven. When He looks at you with those eyes, He knows everything about you and nothing is hid from Him. It has been confirmed by the testimonies of leaders in the Body of Christ (those who have 400 churches under their leadership), pastors, spiritual fathers and other five-fold ministry giftings along with multiple thousands of people (including youth and the unsaved) who have had face-to-face encounters with the Lord as a result. He has established a 24/7/365 Dream interpretation phone line (1-877-843-4567) to help you understand the dreams you dream! After seeing this destruction that was beginning to happen, I fell on my face at the feet of Jesus begging and pleading that He would not allow this to happen. During this time David backslid into the world smoking dope, partying, in gangs and lived a worldly lifestyle until Jesus appeared to him in a dream showing him His face at the age of 17, while in his 12th grade year of high school. It is the same with us and I have seen it. God will give you dreams concerning different scriptures and different biblical stories that are mentioned in the Bible, even when you havent read it yet. Suddenly I realized He really did all this in my life just because of the relationship that He and I had developed. In this dream I heard a current of electricity shoot throughout the whole building, as if it were skipping on a wire. This also revealed to me the explanation of why God was using me in the miraculous realm, unlike what was happening before. First and foremost, Pastor Taylor loves God and desires to fulfill His will in the earth today! Jehovah released an impartation and covenant of mercy with everyone in attendance! David E. Taylor was born August 3, 1972, in the small town of Memphis, Tennessee. He still was not truly real to me, only a religious opinion. Little did she know that it would not only encourage me but it would revolutionize my life from that moment on and introduce me to a relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit that I never knew existed at that time! Even though they set the mayor up like she stole plenty of money, the powers of darkness did not prevail! Dreams of warnings and admonition are not to frighten, scare or speak doom against this country but to save her and deliver her from the coming danger. All I know is at that the point that I am summoned I am where He is immediately! We are in the midst of the greatest story ever told about a man(besides Jesus) in our generation. He had sandy brown hair parted neatly at the top of HIs head draping down His head in waves that came to His shoulders. Jesus then pointed out another problem He was displeased with. God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! What I have shared with you is the start of how all this began so when the masses see the miracles that are happening by the Lord through my life and ministry they will understand from where they came. I love you Apostle!!! JMMI's David E. Taylor Gravitates Toward Luxury As the Tampa Bay Business Journal reports, the mansion is located in a North Tampa luxury community called Avila. I was so overtaken with His love for me and His power upon me, that the more hours I spent with Him, the more I wanted to increase my time with Him. All Rights Reserved. This is one major reason why I have written a book, because God has shown me things concerning Americas future through dreams so that Americans can be preserved from the devastation of war! Miracles, signs, and wonders are manifested in each of his services as a . Where Is Apostle David Taylor Now? This was also done by the Lord with Moses and the seventy elders in Numbers 11:17 and Paul to the church at Rome (Romans 1:11). After this I awoke. Suddenly, there He was with eyes glowing full of love. There was also a prophecy given to me in this dream through a messenger that plainly said to me, The United States and Russia are going to have a war against each other and it was told to me who would win. Officers covered the west and east. It all started when I was in college through a series of dream experiences. My life took on a whole new direction and intensity. He has used these dreams to mentor and train me in the miracle healing ministry. Tune into the Special Virtual Online Concert With Tye Tribbett. I didnt know it but he had turned one of the Mafia buildings, which were shut down, into a church for the Kingdom of God! Told through an Angelic Appearance and given strategic information about the greatest move of God starting in St. Louis 1995, In 1995, at the age of 22, David E. Taylor was requested to come to St. Louis from, his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee to run a revival at a local church. I didnt know how important and how much a part of my destiny and purpose in ministry this dream was for my life until these recent years! Then the revolutionary moment came when I had only read up until the part where Pastor Benny describes Kathryn Kuhlmans service when it was coming to a conclusion. God was basically trying to show me that I was walking in a double portion level of His Spirit and power. How sad! While at this church he received and confessed Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and was baptized in water as a little boy around 12 years of age. Joshua Media Ministries International ~ Global. Face to Face Appearances from Jesus ~ The Ultimate Intimacy, My Trip to Heaven ~ Face to Face with Jesus, The Ancient Biblical Move of Face to Face, How the Lord Brought the Healing Ministry to David E. Taylor, David E. Taylor Award from President Obama. This book only had writing on the left side with the heading GODS PLAN. The opposite side was blank with no writing at all. God gave me this warning for America, not to pronounce doom on her but to give wisdom and instruction of what to do so that she will be preserved as a Nation. This is so powerful! The Bible says in Romans 8:16, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit. So, when God talks to us, He speaks to our spirit and we hear Him clearly with our spirit, just as we hear with our natural ears. They were full of love, light and power. All I know is that I was suddenly in midair above America standing on the right hand of Jesus. He began to untwist and was totally healed as he arose from his wheelchair! Because I was very close to him, I got word he wanted me to come to the hospital and pray for him. I didnt know that something this dramatic was going to happen as Im about to tell you. It seemed that it could have been 15 to 20 thousand feet in the air. All that time I was seeking to be intimate with the Lord and closer to Him. Pastor David E. Taylor is the head of Kingdom Family Church (KFC), a global outreach movement committed to establishing God's Kingdom through the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel. Well, Evangelist Schaffer and her husband were long time members of this awesome church with her mother and other sisters who really took care of me as a young teenager away from home while in college! This confirmed and encouraged Gideon to know that what God had promised and told Him, He would perform and do! David E. Taylor is a global minister and has a heart for God and for His people. I stood there beside Him in midair on His right hand side quietly to watch the events that He was about to show me. He came right at this time and woke me out of this dream saying, Come and watch Benny Hinn. Again he insisted, Benny Hinn is on.. You must be willing to even give up your best friend if Jesus requires you to! Seven police officers met at a nearby Burger King with a plan to pick up the son. Before he left Memphis, my mother had seen a teaching by Benny Hinn called the Double Portion Anointing and felt led to send those video tapes with him to give to me. Where Is Apostle David Taylor Now? Celebrating 30 years of ministry, David E. Taylor has made an indelible imprint throughout his community, the United States, and around the world. So when I saw Him walk, I walked with Him. Cancer left bodies, people were healed out of wheelchairs, walkers, and canes, and Gods people were set free and delivered from bondage! Long story short, the Lord told me to use the keys He had given me to loose wholeness and health in that region by speaking financial blessing on the economy and on the mayor. His eyes are like an x-ray or a translucent ray of light. It was God using her to confirm His promise to me that He had given me what I asked for on the fast (the cloud of glory around me and inside me). He was very quiet. David E. Taylor was born August 3, 1972, in the small town of Memphis, Tennessee. I also believe that some of my mentoring was hindered through my own pride. Fellowship had erupted. Now while I was in college at Johnson and Wales University studying to become a chef, we stayed in rooms that were more like apartments than regular college dorm rooms. James H. Taylor and Katie M. Taylor were at the hospital about to give birth to their seventh child. God has raised America to prominence, riches and wealth. The life we choose to live versus the one God has ordained for us to live, before the foundation of the world, is recorded in a book. We love you and expect Gods blessings and favor to invade your life! In this dream which only lasted for a few seconds it was told and revealed to me by an appearance from the Lord during my sleep that he had made me a four star general in His kingdom. Everyone was slain in the tangible power and glory of God like never before! In this dream, I saw war being plotted between Russia and the United States during this gathering around a conference table. In 1989 at the age of 17, Apostle David Taylor was living a worldly and gangster lifestyle on the streets of Memphis, when Jesus Christ first appeared to him in a dream during the Christmas Season. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing God's vision and heart for you His beloved people! Earlier, we used Solomons experience as an example of this. Men who have never seen Jesus along with leaders who already have experienced face-to-face visitations have noticed an increase in their personal visitations from the Lord Jesus in dreams and in the open broad day light. Something greater than the world has ever known is coming the electrics of God are coming, the thunders of God are coming, the promise of power is coming! We look forward to connecting with you and sharing Gods vision and heart for you His beloved people! You may also submit your dreams through the form below and a trained dream interpreter will respond to you as quickly as possible! In this dream that I had in my sleep in 2009 around March or April, an angel was sent to me from Heaven saying, The new move of God in America will begin in the year 2010. After leaving home to go to college at the age of 18, the Lord continued to communicate to me in dreams by appearing to me in them. Then I was a little saddened by his statement because I had seen dreams from the Lord that all nations and kindreds from around the world would be blessed by the ministry the Lord would give me. What most people do not understand is that God has all of our lives written down in books from the beginning to the end of what His plans and purposes are for our lives. He is more real than the very breath of air youve just taken, the clothes you feel on your body or this website you are looking at this very second! This man walked in great power even in his older days when I met him. It was a mass coliseum arena type service. Call in and choose a free message out of 5 powerful new teachings that David E. Taylor just released! I just listened to the soft still words at that time. I was standing in front of Him as He was present with me, face-to-face, unaware that years later Exodus 33:11 would become the foundational scripture fueling the passion of my pursuit for His friendship and intimacy. She said that I was asked to minister and preach at the church and she saw me pacing the pulpit (like I normally do) preaching something very important that needed to be heard. The books were white and gold in appearance. But little did I know that it was the Lord moving him to do this! Apostle David E. Taylor's powerful teachings and exponential revelations of God's Word is now going around the world! The goodness of God shows throughout this whole country in, that we have been so blessed as compared to other third world countries. After I left home in 1992, to obey the Lords command for me to get out of my father and mothers house and to leave the state and city of my home. This same thing happened with Gideon when the Lord gave someone in the camp of the Midianites a dream of Gideons victory against them in a war. Let me share with you how my whole life, ministry calling and destiny has been revealed by God to me in dreams. I didnt lay a hand on a single one! How sad in America are the pharmaceutical companies who hold people in bondage with medicines and drugs just so they can live off of other peoples illnesses, subtly taking advantage of them. His axe had fallen into water. The people who were experiencing these appearances in America ranged from his little children Joshua and Destiny (when they were seven and eight years of age) to the people in his multicultural staff, to the open appearance of the Lord in Washington State in the sight of three million people at one time over three whole regions in 2006. I dont know how He does that. The only thing that was on my heart was what I had just seen in a dream about America! As He stood in front of me, His very presence exuded and emanated such gentleness; a pureness and kindness beyond this world. Simply put, the revelation of Jesus Christ in your life causes Jesus to start giving you an authority that is unparalleled to this Earth! During this same time I saw many miracles starting to manifest in my life and ministry that I didnt have before. It looked like a massive library. One day Evangelist Schaffer said to me, David, you remind me of this man of God that Ive been reading about lately named Benny Hinn. At this time in my life I had never heard of Benny Hinn. David E. Taylor Demonstrating Kingly Decrees and the Prophetic Word. He stood a little taller than me about 6 feet the perfect stature of a man. We told her, You need to release these people, theyre healed. Sadly to say though, she mentioned how that if all those people were emptied out of the hospital from being healed that she wouldnt get a paycheck. This is just one example of how I started having dreams of destiny and impartation concerning the present ministry the Lord has called me to in the miracle ministry! After this I was awakened out of the dream. In 1997 The Lord began to confirm this prophetic word through a dream by Kenneth E. 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