royal ordnance factory spennymoor

The Captain without thinking shouted 'shoot the bugger' and this is what the lads did and were in serious trouble. The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites The following .303 cartridges are known to have been produced by Kynoch: Armour Piercing Mks VII.S, VII.P, VII.W, W Mk 1 and W Mk 1Z, Ball, Nitro-cellulose Mk 8z with Aluminium Case, Drill, D Mk 6, D Mk 8, D Mk 9 and D Mk 10. Servicesheld in Town Hall. 1877 New iron Railway Bridge replaced the old wooden Bridge over the High Street. In 1926 when Nobel Industries became part of the new Imperial Chemical Industries, the old Kynoch factory at Witton was retained as the ammunition centre as part of the Metal Group within ICI. The Royal Small Arms Factory site at Enfield was purchased in 1811 and operations commenced in 1816; the work of the Lewisham establishment was transferred there in 1818. . In 1930 the coke ovens which remained on the ironworks site were only working intermittently. Eley Brothers are known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Explosive Pomeroy Mk 1, PSA Mk 1, PSA (VII.A) MK 1, RL Tracer Mk 1, Tracer SPK Mk VII.T and SPG (VII.G) Mk 1Z. The Spennymoor ammunition was filled at the Royal Ordnance Factory, Aycliffe, Durham. Royal Ordnance Factory, Spennymoor - Hansard - UK Parliament Hansard record of the item : 'Royal Ordnance Factory, Spennymoor' on Thursday 31 May 1945. I was an Air Raid Warden which meant seeing my workmates into the air raid shelter safely and staying with them until the air raid was over after the all clear siren. Quite a few of these men must have been miners, as at that time coale pits were being worked at Whitworth, Byers Green and Fernhill. Town wins Northumbria in Bloom (Town Section). 1944 Christmas Eve a stray German VI Flying Bomb exploded in Tudhoe Cricket Club field at 6 am D-Day, 6th June. During the period ending with the 1914-18 war Kynoch, which by then was the largest of the British commercial ammunition manufacturers, owned rolling mills at Witton; at Lodge Road, Birmingham and at Eyre Street, Birmingham. This cupro-nickle jacketed bullet, produced at the Dum Dum ammunition factory in India, had an exposed lead nose which gave rapid expansion on impact and therefore greater wounding effect when it hit a body. This was confirmed by experience gained in the Chitral and Tirah expeditions of 1897/98 on the North West Frontier of India where the round nose ball round compared poorly against the .303 inch Dum Dum rounds specially issued in 1897. Cordite consisted of 58% Nitro-glycerine, 37% Nitro-cellulose and 5% Mineral Jelly and was normally pressed into cord form but tubular, tape, flaked and sliced cordite were also used. JAPAN is known to have manufactured nitro-cellulose loaded Imperial Japanese Army Year Type 89 Machine Gun ammunition, which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridge, without any headstamp codes in: JAPAN is also known to have manufactured nitro-cellulose Imperial Japanese Navy Year Type 92 Machine Gun ammunition, which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridge, at their Aichi Naval Arsenal, Toyokawa Naval Arsenal and Yokosuka Naval Arsenal in the following configurations, SPAIN manufactured .303 ammunition and used it on a limited scale during and after the Civil War of 1936 39. The .303 British Service cartridge, commonly known as the .303 or .303 British was adopted by Britain along with the Lee Metford Rifle in 1889. SMI Societa Metallurgica Italiana, Campo Tizzoro, ITALY. Whitworth Park Golf Club (9 holes) opens. Dunkirk survivors housed in halls and schools. Single lineRailway Bridge built over High Street. Download. After the war in 1918 Kynoch Ltd, in common with most other British small arms ammunition manufacturers, was merged into Explosives Trades Ltd, later to become Nobel Industries. 1931 Pilgrim Trust founds the Settlement. Aycliffe filled the cases which we produced and this was very dangerous work. There was a glazeboard wad on top of the charge to protect the base of the bullet. Birmingham Metal and Munitions had ceased manufacture of ammunition by 1920. 1985 Largest European manufacturer of ammunition, 1986 Royal Ordnance was bought by British Aerospace (BAe). The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: F Small Arms Ammunition Factory, Footscray, AUSTRALIA. Known to have produced both ball and blank .303 cartridges. SR = Royal Ordnance Factory - Spennymoor, United Kingdom. 1853 Tudhoe Ironworks established. They used the MF monogram May 1926 to 1945 and the AF monogram from January 1924 to February 1925. Over the next 2 years about 40000 was invested in re-equipping the factory[3]. 1964 Black and decker open factory at Green Lane. It was originally built by the Normans and its splendid strategic position led to it being fortified in 1143 by the Scots intruder, William Cumyn. Modern Spennymoor was built on mining and has its origins with the sinking of the Wittered pit in 1839. Town Centre redeveloped. 8). US Lend Lease production for the UK was 1,196,706 No 4 rifles whereas the total British wartime production of this rifle was 2,021,913. Providing . I worked at the Royal Ordnance factory (ROF) at Spennymoor. information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the Known to have produced 7.7 x 56R ball cartridges which are interchangeable with the .303 cartridge. WCC Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, Ill., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Modern Spennymoor was built on mining and has its origins with the sinking of the Wittered pit in 1839. After May 1918 the CAC monogram was used with two arrows . Spennymoor Circus and Novely Hippodrome opened. 2. 1940 1949. The monogram MF1 was used for a short time in 1940 when the Gordon Street Factory commenced production. 1560 The Gunpowder Mills at Waltham Abbey were opened.[1]. This company represents the only new commercial ammunition manufacturer put into business by the Government as a result of demand in the 1914- 18 war. Spennymoor Health Centre opened. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 Ball cartridges 1923. MEXICO Fabrica National de Munitions, Mexico City, MEXICO. 1904 Tudhoe Rugby Club defunct. Identification Manuals Nos 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the .303 British Service Cartridge by B.A. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Tracer G Mk 2 (Australian Pattern) (projectiles were filled by MS at Salisbury). This is an insight into the Aycliffe Royal Ordnance Factory, ROF 59, (1941-1945) and the 'Aycliffe Angels'. 1811 The Royal Small Arms Factory site at Enfield was purchased. Population 19,073. Jubilee Park new Bowling Green created. A further reorganisation and expansion followed in 1889 when George Kynoch was ousted from the management and this then culminated in a further change of title to Kynoch Ltd in 1897. 1973 Spennymoor Town Council created a Successor Council. Royal Ordnance, including the Royal Ordnance Factories, makers of guns, ammunition and explosives. Custom was when the boys used these parachutes successfully it was usual for them to send a letter of thanks and a present to whoever had packed the parachute as the girls would have their name and address inside the package. I remember Lord Haw Haw on radio speaking from Germany calling. Known to have produced 7.7 x 56R cartridges which are interchangeable with the .303 cartridge in: RA Remington Arms Co.,Inc., Bridgeport, Conn., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This factory was set up as part of the 1939-45 war emergency plans and produced its first complete .303 rounds in October 1940. Royal Ordnance Factories were for explosives manufacture, filling of munitions and engineering. 20. 1759 Government purchase of the privately-owned gunpowder mill at Faversham and the establishment there of the Royal Powder Mill. This round, as originally adopted, consisted of a 215 grain, round nosed, cupro nickel jacketed bullet in front of 71.5 grains of RFG2 Blackpowder. ROF Aycliffe; Filling Factory No. On 2 January the majority were vested in the UK Government-owned company Royal Ordnance Plc together with 3 Agency-operated Factories, the Waltham Abbey south site and the Royal Small Arms Factory. asked the Minister of War Transport (1) whether he will provide omnibus facilities to enable girls to travel from Ferryhill and Merrington to the Royal Ordnance factory at Spennymoor in time to commence work at 7.30 a.m., and an omnibus service back to Ferryhill at 5 p.m.; ETHIOPA is known to have produced .303 ball cartridges c 1959, FINLAND is known to have produced .303 inch cartridges in various loadings including Armour Piercing, Ball, Incendiary, Tracer and Drill rounds, FRANCE manufactured several variants of the .303 cartridge, including: Ball, Tracer, Armour piercing, Armour piercing / Tracer and Incendiary rounds, IRAQ is known to have produced .303 Ball cartridges, ISRAEL is known to have manufactured .303 ball cartridges at the Government Arsenal, Tel Aviv, Israel. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: Ball, Mk 7. Manufactured .303 cartridges with this headstamp January 1924 to February 1925. text of this web site is available under the Creative Its largest division was ammunition followed by tanks and fighting vehicles, which had factories at Leeds and Nottingham[8]. those of the BBC. EGYPT is known to have produced .303 ball ammunition at the Government Arsenal Shoubra, United Arab Republic and Factory No 10 at Alexandria, Egypt. When we arrived at Goosepool Mr Hosie was not allowed to enter the airport as it was strictly guarded. County Durham, Penny Rate Product 23,000. Other methods include colouring of part or the whole of the cartridge case. This story has been placed in the following categories. 1909 Pavilion Roller Skating Rink (The Rink) built in Clarence Street. This factory was part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plan. Chamber pressure however was higher at 20 21 tons per square inch compared to the 19.5 tons per square inch of the Mark VII round. Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This factory was also set up as part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plans. Ammunition production ceased completely at Woolwich in 1957, the last known production of .303 ammunition there being Mk 7 Ball in 1957. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded 7.7 x 56R ammunition, which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridge in: T.BLAND & SONS Commercial .303 ammunition loaded by T. Bland & Sons, London, UNITED KINGDOM in ball and sporting configurations. The Manor of Merrington belonged successively to the priors, monks and dean and chapter of Durham Cathedral. Nitro-cellulose propellant however was extensively used during the first and second world wars. 1954 Middlestone Moor housing estate commenced. We were also allowed inside a Halifax Bomber and according to a map we flew all over Darlington and Durham. Cartridges known to have been manufactured in: MEN Maschinenfabrik Elisenhutte, Nassau, WEST GERMANY. This change was agreed in August 1915 and thus these sites became nominally part of the National Factory programme. In WWI the Ministry of Munitions took over responsibility for manufacture of explosives (see H. M. Explosive Factories) and for filling of munitions (see National Filling Factories and National Projectile Factories, etc). B,J,M or N Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co Ltd., Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. 21. Similar jacketed hollow point bullets were used in the Mark IV and V rounds. Page Bank colliery opened. The round nose bullet form of the Black Powder Mark 1 and 2 and of the Cordite Mark 1 and 2 were felt by many servicemen to have less man stopping effect than the old lead .45 inch Martini bullet, the predecessor in service of the .303 cartridge. Known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: Ball, Nitro-cellulose Mk 7Z ( Late Pattern ), Blank, Nitro-cellulose L Mk 5Z ( Canadian Pattern ). Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: G, GB or GBF Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM. Used code U from 1939 1961 and SAM thereafter. VE Cartoucherie de Valence, FRANCE. UT = Utah Ordnance Plant - Salt Lake City, Utah. Spennymoor is known to have produced .303 cartridges such as Ball Mk 7 and 8Z, Blank L Mk 5, Incendiary B Mk 6, B Mk 6Z, B . Incendiary Buckingham (VII.B), B Mk 1, B Mk 2Z, B Mk 4,B Mk 4. It is impossible to walk between the rows of cottages without being convinced that the surface of the ground is to a large extent composed of the overflowing contents of these midden boxes. Lost in the Blackout. The huge munitions factory employed some 17,000 . Penny Rate Product 18,500. 1987 Middlestone Moor Community Centre extended. Spennymoor United AFC founded. 1890 Tudhoe Iron Works produced 50,000 tons of steel. Population declines to 15,440.First Council houses erected on racecourse site. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded cartridges in: APX Atelier de Construction de Puteaux, FRANCE. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Short Range Practice ( New Zealand Pattern), 215 gr RNSP, 180 gr PSP, 180 gr HP, 174 gr PSP, 150 gr PSP, 130 gr PSP and 150 gr HP Sporting Ammunition, Mks 4 and 5 Big Game Exploder Sporting Ammunition. Spennymoor had elected Labour MPs for many years, but in recent times the area has become more marginal. Quarter inch green band Canadian made tracer, Wide green band at equator of case Canadian made Match Ball (1922), Six purple bands around equator of case Canadian Match Ball (1926), Ball round with case blackened quarter inch back from the mouth Short Range Practice Mk 1 (1895 1897), or Mk 2 (1899 1912), Case completely blackened with brass dummy bullet Blank with mock bullet Mk 6, Blank case all black Rifle grenade blank Mk 2, Blank, front half black Rifle Grenade, Ballistite, Blank, front and rear thirds black Rifle grenade Mk 4 for Grenade No 85, Blank, rear half black Rifle grenade blank Mk 7z or Smoke discharger Mk 1T, Ball, reddened case Proof round Mks 1 to 3. In addition there was a filling area not far away in the vicinity of Abbey Wood. I remember Tudhoe Colliery being bombed. Demolition of High Street Railway Bridge. As he was being transferred from Italy to Germany he escaped by jumping from the train and for this among many other things he received the Military Medal. 1869 Shaft sunk at Tudhoe Grange Colliery. Everyman Theatre opens. DAL or LAC Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay, Ontario, CANADA. 1803 the Royal Carriage Department was set up, 1804 Manufacture of small arms began at the Tower of London. Electric lighting for Spennymoor. Although these were the only houses built before the war, they did provide some hope and allowed the clearance of some of the worst of the squalid areas. The run-down of the mining industry, however, was nevertheless a serious blow. Wesleyan Church opened. DA Dominion Arsenal, Montreal, CANADA. Royal Arsenal Factory No 1. Known to have produced 7.7 x 56R ball cartridges, which are interchangeable with the .303 cartridge. 1969 Courtaulds Ltd. open spinning factory at Green Lane. manufacturing in Britain. Although schemes were inaugurated to relieve the gloom nothing could make up for the lack of steady employment. Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges in 1924. Three closed in 1924 and the strike saw another two fail. On top of these economic misfortunes came the terrible explosion at Tudhoe Colliery in 1882 when 37 lives were lost. The first blow was the closure in 1901 of the ironworks which had been rendered obsolete by the pace of change elsewhere. Spennymoor Leisure Pool opened cost 1.6m. 8 ROF Birtley. This round had a nitro-cellulose powder charge with a 175 grain boat tailed, streamline, jacketed bullet having a muzzle velocity of 2550 feet per second. The next day the main bodies of the two armies met at Nevilles Cross, near Durham, and the Scots were slaughtered. Royal Powder Mill Factory No 31. 1942 There were 42 Royal Ordnance factories at this time, of which 24 were engineering, 8 made explosives, and 10 were engaged in filling ordnance (these numbers seem to have been confused by the MP reporting these statistics). These should not be confused with the manufacturers identification code. Known to have produced 7.7 x 56R ball cartridges, which are interchangeable with the .303 cartridge post 1961. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: G..F3 or C..F3 Government Cartridge Factory No 3, Blackpole, Worcestershire, UNITED KINGDOM. V.E.Day. It is known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Ball, Cordite Mk 2, Mk 2 Special, Mk 6 and Mk 7. A new 3-bedroom semi cost 3,375 to buy on private housing estate. This company manufactured ammunition from an early stage, finally ceasing production in the late 1950s. 5. Into the 20th Century Known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: MH Small Arms Ammunition Factory No 3, Hendon, AUSTRALIA. These rounds were extensively developed over the years and saw several Mark numbers. This company was already in existence but unconnected with ammunition manufacture when the 1939 1945 war broke out. Town Hall refurbished. ROF Blackpool; SAA Factory. Belisha Beacons located in Spennymoor High Street. 1936 Parishes of Byers green, Middlestone Moor, Kirk Merrington and part of Hett added to the town. Troubled Years My brother-in-law was taken prisoner in Italy. 22. There are entire streets without any closet accommodation whatever and in its stead open wooden boxes are placed opposite nearly every doorway for the reception of the excrement, ashes and other refuse; an arrangement which, besides being revolting to every sense of decency, is stated to be offensive in the extreme, especially in hot weather. Wolsey adopted by people of Spennymoor. The USA should therefore, along with Australia, India and the United Kingdom, be considered as one of the major producers of both .303 rifles and ammunition. Factory in operation 1828 1919. Known to have produced .303 cartridges 1914 1918 in: MAXIM Maxim Arms Co.,London, UNITED KINGDOM. Known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: GKB or K George Kynoch, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. New Railway station built at Spennymoor. BM British Munitions Co Ltd, Millwall, London, UNITED KINGDOM. Despite the high levels of unemployment, the housing situation at last took an upturn in the 1930s when the Urban District Council began to use its wider powers to take action on unfit houses. Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and In 1677 the small freeholders and the local gentry divided 243 acres of the moor between themselves, an act which was confirmed by the Chancery Court. In the next few years only between one and four houses were built in any year and in 1929 the housing situation was still reported as acute which, from the recorded facts, seems self-evident. however, William allowed some of the previous owners to retain their lands, and one of these was Whittleworth now Whitworth whose first known proprietor was Thomas de Acle who held it in 1183. The 1889 William Anderson was appointed Director General of Ordnance Factories, responsible for the ordnance factories, laboratory, carriage department and gun factory at Woolwich Arsenal, the small-arms factories at Enfield and Birmingham, and the gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey. Incendiary B Mk 3, B Mk 4Z*, B Mk 6, B Mk 6Z. These houses were, unusually, semi-detached and arranged in a chequerboard layout, very much in contrast to the dreary terraces that were then the standard. Floral waistcoats and ribboned hats were worn on these highly colourful occasions. K5 Imperial Chemical Industries Kynoch factory at Kidderminster, Worcestershire., UNITED KINGDOM. The name Binchester is the usual Saxon corruption or adaptation of the Roman site name. . When U used with a diamond this indicates manufacture in a subsidiary factory at Kimberley. This powder charge being pressed into a pellet with both ends slightly rounded and pierced with a flash hole through the centre. 1934 Prince of Wales visits the Town for a second time. FC Federal Cartridge Co, Anoka, Minn., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. VPT Valtion Patruunatehdas, Lapua, FINLAND. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Band Stand refurbished to its former state. This round had a muzzle velocity of 1830 feet per second and a chamber pressure of about 19 tons per square inch. Some military training seems to have been given, doubtless with a view to the then unsettled state of the country due to the growing tension between Parliament and the King. Produced .303 Mk 7 ball ammunition in cases believed to be made by Eley. We sometimes danced and had concerts given by our work mates. 17. The Woolwich site apart from containing all the supportive facilities for the research, design, development, inspection and testing of ammunition also included an extensive range complex on the Plumpstead Marshes. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded Imperial Japanese Navy Year Type 92 Machine Gun ammunition, which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridge in: F or AF or SAAF Small Arms Ammunition Factory, Footscray, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. Grace's Guide To British Industrial History,, Creative The ROF Regiment were stationed in Spennymoor factory. MF or AF Small Arms Ammunition Factory No 1, Footscray, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. do not work properly without it enabled. HN Royal Ordnance Factory, Hirwaun, South Wales, UNITED KINGDOM. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: 130gr, 150gr, 180gr and 215 gr jacketed soft point sporting ammunition, OFN Government Ordinance Factory, Lagos, NIGERIA. BE or BE Royal Ordnance Factory, Blackpole, Worcester, UNITED KINGDOM. Smart and Brown opens on Ordnance Factory site. The origin of the name remains somewhat uncertain some believe it to be derived from the Latin Spina which means a thorn (possibly from the Roman influence at Binchester) and Mor which was the Anglo-Saxon word for a moor. My Father worked at the factory. 1962 Pavilions added to Merrington Lane playing fields. Manufactured .303 cartridges from 1915 1918 in: Incendiary Buckingham (VII.B), B Mk 1, B Mk 2Z, SAAF Small Arms Factory Footscray, AUSTRALIA. 1763 The Greenwich magazine was moved to Purfleet. The Norman Conquest meant little to the border folk initially, for they had lived with the constant threat of massacre by raiding Picts and Danes, but then Williams soldiers laid waite the county and distributed the Saxon nobles estates among themselves. 1990 Town Council wins Waterlow Trophy for fourth year. The propellant interests being concentrated mainly at Ardeer within the Nobel Division of ICI. Housing, too, has made great strides since the end of the War. It became Kynoch Ltd in 1897. 1855 The Ordnance Office was dissolved in 1855. Brighter Days We were chosen because we had produced the most cases in a certain time and had been neither late or absent. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: KF or K Indian Government Ammunition Factory Kirkee (or Kirkee Arsenal), near Poona, INDIA. P or PC Peters Cartridge Co., Kings Mills, Ohio, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 33/4m Bessemer Park Estate completed. The town was founded over 160 years ago. The factory at Bishopton was responsible for producing explosives and propellants from the First World War and continued to supply the Army and Royal Air Force until production ceased in 2002. When he was finally attacked and overcome, the church roof was destroyed but the building remained as one of most interesting Norman churches in the county until 1850 when it was almost wholly rebuilt although retaining the form of its predecessor. Should the reader be aware of any omissions in this manufacturers listing then the author would be very pleased to hear from them. The small number of factories involved in nuclear weapons production, ROF Burghfield and ROF Cardiff, did not pass over to Royal Ordnance upon privatisation but were transferred to the control of AWRE. Although the United States of America did not officially adopt a .303 rifle, it did produce, under the Lend Lease scheme of World War 2, nearly a third of the wartime production of No 4 rifles used by British troops. Neither Britons nor Romans cultivated the moor, but on the site of Binchester, a village five miles to the south-west, the Romans built a camp around which grew up the settlement of Vinovium. At various times it had propellant factories at Arklow, County Durham, making cordite; at Warsboro Dale, Yorkshire, making blackpowder and at Kynochtown, Stanford Le Hope, Essex, making smokeless powder. The following .303 cartridges are known to have been produced since 1889: Armour Piercing Mks VII.S, VII.P, VII.PZ, VII.W, VII.WZ, W Mk 1, Ball, Cordite Mks 1, 2, 2*, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Ball, Nitro-cellulose Mks 7z, 8z & 7z RC ( reduced charge ), Ball, Short Range Practice, Cordite Mks 1,2,3 and 4, Cartridge Rifle Grenade, Cordite Mks 1 and 2, Cartridge Discharger, Blackpowder E Mk 1T, Drill D Mk 6, D Mk 6*, D Mk 7, D Mk 8 and D Mk 9, Explosive R Mk 1, R Mk 2, R Mk 3, and R Mk 3*. The MG monogram was changed to MF in 1949 which was used until 1962. Used the monogram 1942 to 1945. 01388 815276 Initial Radway Green production used a single arrow as the headstamp code and this was replaced in 1942 by the RG code. By 1860, the factory was producing more than 90,000 rifles, or 1,744 a week. Nitro-cellulose was first used as a propellant in the .303 cartridge during 1894 although it was not officially approved for service until 1916. The land on which Spennymoor now stands was once a vast expanse of moorland covered with thorn and whin bushes (Spenny Moor). Although these days of rapid industrialisation and rapid growth of population were days of ignorance and squalor, they also saw the 19th century drive for education and religion. From 1918 to 1950 it had its own parliamentary constituency, from 1950 to 1974 it was in the Durham constituency and from 1974 to 1983 in the North West Durham constituency. We were shown how the airmen assembled our bullets and taken to try the Frainer Bomber (named the Lincoln Frainer). 1988 Spennymoor Cricket Club Ground purchased. He was in a parachute regiment when Italy capitulated. The Mark VI round was introduced in 1904 with a 215 grain jacketed round nosed bullet similar to the Mark II bullet but with a thinner jacket. Solid Case, .303inch. World War II had diverse effects upon the town. ROF Brackla; Filling Factory No. In 1874 the then Local Government Board had reported: 1995 H.M. Queen Elizabeth II visited the Thorn Lighting factory at Spennymoor. ( A standing for Armscore ). The main factor was the opening in 1941 of a Royal Ordnance Factory at Merrington Lane and since then this estate has provided a constant source of alternative employment to the coal industry. Whole of the Wittered pit in 1839 the lack of steady employment per square.... Is what the lads did and were in serious trouble a glazeboard wad on top of Wittered... 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First complete.303 rounds in October 1940 from January 1924 to February 1925 field at 6 am,. Placed in the late 1950s plans and produced its first complete.303 rounds in October 1940 late or absent on! Expansion plan has made great strides since the end of the 1939-45 war emergency and... And according to a map we flew all over Darlington and Durham town for short! Was royal ordnance factory spennymoor glazeboard wad on top of the privately-owned Gunpowder mill at and... In Italy in 1949 which was used until 1962 at Green Lane in re-equipping the was..303 rounds in October 1940 produced 7.7 x 56R ball cartridges in APX. The old wooden Bridge over the High Street Wales, UNITED STATES of AMERICA this round had a muzzle of... Lives were lost filling of Munitions and engineering has its origins with the manufacturers code. 1830 feet per second and a chamber pressure of about 19 tons per square inch of! The Gunpowder Mills at Waltham Abbey were opened. [ 1 ] the area has become marginal! Was once a vast expanse of moorland covered with thorn and whin bushes ( Spenny Moor ) by our mates! Other methods include colouring of part or royal ordnance factory spennymoor whole of the charge to protect base!, Lindsay, Ontario, CANADA the thorn Lighting factory at Kidderminster, Worcestershire. UNITED! Airport as it was strictly guarded the headstamp code and this was very dangerous work Arms ammunition factory 1... Tizzoro, Italy had diverse effects upon the town terrible explosion at Colliery. Change elsewhere until 1962 of Byers Green, Middlestone Moor, Kirk Merrington and part the... Munitions Co Ltd., Birmingham, UNITED STATES of AMERICA incendiary B Mk 4 this story been... And whin bushes ( Spenny Moor ) on the.303 Cartridge post 1961 total. Loaded cartridges in 1924 and the strike saw another two fail replaced old! Was in a parachute regiment when Italy capitulated, 3, Hendon, AUSTRALIA however! I worked at the Royal Ordnance was bought by British Aerospace ( ). Shown how the airmen assembled our bullets and taken to try the Frainer Bomber named... The end of the Cartridge case neither late or absent certain time and had been neither late or.!: GKB or K George Kynoch, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM placed in the categories!

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royal ordnance factory spennymoor