Dixie Cup - The USN sailor's white hat. Can be used to refer to extreme rolls, even if less than 90 degrees. Fresh Air Snipe - Rates which spend at least some of their time in the engineering spaces, and are members of the Engineering Dept., but do not work solely with engineering machinery. Usually implies that all his assigned work is done and he is not in trouble at the moment. The difference this time around is that theyve gotten with the program and wont snitch if theyre getting hazed. See AUTO-DOG. Pronounced 'ee-ow'. RM2 Leonard. BOHICA - Acronym for "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.". to perform scutwork such as busing tables, washing dishes, etc. EAB - Emergency Air Breathing mask. MPA - Main Propulsion Assistant. This is the normal daylight underway material condition, and represents a minimal condition of watertight integrity. pressure altitude). DON'T post critical information including future destinations or ports of call; future operations, exercises or missions; deployment or homecoming dates.. DO be smart, use your head, always think OPSEC when using texts, email, phone, and social . To chase the lubbers line is to be unable to hold a steady course. After the Marines were reunited with their families, they were dismissed for six hours of on-base liberty. ProSphere #1 Liberty Flames White Basketball Jersey. Derisively, "Forever Fucking Gone.". LIBERTY CALL FOR DUTY SECTIONS #, #, AND # TO EXPIRE ON BOARD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN OF THE . Call the Ball - A radio transmission to a pilot requesting that he report when he has sighted the BALL during approach to the carrier, or the action of reporting same. Also seen as DACM. Prior to the advent of the angled deck, missed wires often resulted in a BARRICADE engagement or a crash into the PACK. See also DIXIE CUP. and the aircrafts wing. See also SQUARED AWAY. (2) (Aviation) Short for tailhook. Bull Nuke - Senior nuclear-trained CPO aboard a sub. See DECK APE, ORDIE. Lifer (or Lifer Dog) A career member of the service, or one who has been in a long time. Floor In naval architecture, a horizontal structural surface which does not extend the full length of the ship. Dickey Front (UK) The flap in the front of the traditional sailors trousers. Officer of the Day: Call the Officer of the Day to the Gangway. Fanny (UK) A mess tin. Boot Rookie or newbie, as in boot Ensign. Originated in the habit of referring to a new man as bootcamp, rather than by name. CAVU - Aviation term, short for 'Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited'. Bracket and Halving A method of correcting the aim of shipboard gunnery. It could be something as small as a light tap on their chevrons or full blown meritorious a** beating. This term is probably the origin of the terms "hell to pay" and "between the devil and the deep blue sea.". Coffee Mess An area, usually in a duty or working area, where coffee is made and served. On board, new folks assigned to duty in Taiwan. A fire-fighting agent which is mixed with water and sprayed on flammable liquids fires. Everyone is Rambo when they come back. Ex Short for exercise. Some forms: mobex (an evolution involving a mob, i.e. Grab-Assing Horsing around, skylarking, etc. Airdale, airedale - Naval aviator, aka 'BROWNSHOE'. If an aircraft breaks the hard deck, it is considered a safety-of-flight violation (a serious transgression). Blowdown - A generic engineering term which can be used as noun or verb. Article 1282 of Navy Regulations directs that all persons on deck aboard ships passing the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, between sunrise and sunset be called to attention, and that those not in formation render the hand salute as the ship passes the memorial, which symbolizes the losses suffered in the surprise Japanese attack on Reportedly, due to the "high and tight" haircut favored by many marines; it looks as if someone put a bowl on the victims head and cut or shaved off all the hair that protruded. (2) Any propeller-driven aircraft. Train hard. Get the details of the current Voyage of LIBERTY PASSION including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9777888, MMSI 369222000, Call Sign WLPI As premiere distillers, Liberty Call Distilling is master crafting spirits locally using quality ingredients . Buffer - (UK) The senior rate responsible for seamanship evolutions, typically a Chief Boatswain's Mate. (3) Someone who acts like an idiot (aka 'blank file'). Monkey dicks (1) Sausages, aka "poodle peckers", "puppy peters", etc. You have been warned. in that painting is generally used to denote detection and tracking, while illumination is generally for targeting and/or guidance of weapons. General Alarm (new) General Quarters, all hands man your battle stations. Hoover - (1) S-3 Viking, so called for the vacuum cleaner-like sound of its turbofan engines. "First Call, (Turn off Officer . Responsible for the air-launched weapons. I didn't want to even bother going back to get it fixed so I just took it here for same-day service. Dog Dish The white hat worn by junior enlisted personnel. They fixed the collar quickly, updated the new one, and the placement was a little more accurate than the NEX as well. (2) A sexually teasing woman. cherbourg - picturesque liberty port: cherbourg - picturesque liberty port: china - navy ships historic qingdao port call: china shoppers: china shoppers: clearing the suez canal: columbus discovers old world: cv 62-uss independence visits new york city: dd 861 joins turkish navy: deep sea copter - dumbo the dunker - camp pendleton calif: diego . Each bell represents half an hour, and bells are rung in pairs, so five bells in the morning watch (0630 hours, or 6:30 a.m.) would be rung as ding-ding, ding-ding, ding. Non-specific training on military matters, often assigned as NJP. Birds - (1) Term for the rank markings of a USN/USCGS Captain or USMC/USAF/USA Colonel (silver eagle, O-6 paygrade). BOOMER. Ki, kai, kye - (RN) Hot chocolate made from slab chocolate shavings mixed with water into a cloyingly sweet drink. Cat (1) Catapult. "Ordinary Seaman Bloggins screwed up again." Mooring Line Lines used to tie the ship to the pier or to another ship. IFR (1) Instrument Flight Rules. Killick - (RN, RCN) Leading rate. Direct Fire Gunnery and fire control where the fall of shot can be directly observed by the firing unit. AFFF - Aqueous Film Forming Foam. depressed to call another station and the station being called is busy. Chinstrap - (RM) So tired, usually from running, that one's head drops. Flying Bravo When a woman is menstruating, she is said to be flying Bravo. The Bravo alphabet flag is all red. ANNOUNCEMENTS ** CLPM Corner. The 'Fleet Joss' was the Fleet Chief Petty Officer Master at Arms. Often used prepare the crew to react to a potential emergency. Aka Seaman Jones, Joe/Seaman Schmuckatelli, etc. BOSNIA Big Old Standard Navy Issue Ass. Hold Down - In ASW, to hold contact on a sub long enough to force it to surface due to battery exhaustion or lack of oxygen aboard. Derogatory term for officers and enlisted that figuratively do the same. Spring lines tend forward or aft of their attachment point. Dip - To lower a sonar transducer into the water from a hovering helicopter. (2) A type of helmet used by US forces. Flinders Bar Bar with spherical correcting magnets. Deck What the civilian calls a floor. Graduating Sailors will be granted daytime liberty after graduation to spend time off-base with their families and friends. FIGMO - Fuck It, (I) Got My Orders. "Oh no, I'm adrift for the meeting and the Bossman'll be there!". Mud Mover An aircraft used for support of ground forces, or the pilot of same. Alcoholic beverages were thereby prohibited aboard ship. mall and had chai at the Burj al Arab. Many of the employees are former military personnel or military retirees. However, since majority of troops are those who exhibit good character, they will be promoted in waves. Arresting Gear - Mechanism used to rapidly bring an aircraft to a halt aboard ship or ashore. Batten Down Make fast, secure, or shut. Can have anti-surface modes as well, for use against small craft and the like. Crash and Smash Crew (or Team) - Crash and Rescue personnel. We often look at college students as punk kids, lazy frat guys or any other kind of social stereotype. 0.7 Elder falwell The Rev. - per Ray Guerra . (3) The process of removing excess pressure from a system, or venting it completely. If you are hearing-impaired, dial 711 for your state's number for TTY/TDD access E-mail: general.info@ny.frb.org Markets & Policy Implementation Economic Research Financial Institution Supervision Considered meaningless, it was awarded to anyone who served in a certain time frame during and subsequent to the Vietnam War. The rest of the pipe consists of a "keel", a flat piece of metal beneath the gun that holds the call together, and the "shackle", a keyring that connects a long silver or brass chain that sits around the collar, when in ceremonial uniform. Bug Out - 'Getting the hell out of Dodge.' Boomer Widow The wife of a boomer sailor, if she chooses to stray while hes on patrol. The pipe consists of a narrow tube (the gun) which directs air over a metal sphere (the buoy) with a hole in the top. 'Dixie' was the southern station, tasked with troop support (CAS). Demurrage A fine levied for not unloading a ship on time. (2) In aviation, short for afterburner. Occupied by various Carrier Battlegroups and Amphibious Groups. Angles and Dangles Operating a submarine at steep angles of ascent and descent, and to perform rapid turns (a submarine in a tight turn will bank in the same fashion as an aircraft). Gunny - Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant (E-7). See also FLOTSAM. See also BROWN WATER. Monkeys were typically made of brass (though monkeys made of rope were used as well). Camel Station - Rendezvous point for ships in the Indian Ocean. See "6 D's". See BOOMER. FBM Fleet Ballistic Missile submarine; an earlier term for a Ballistic Missile Submarine, i.e. Beach Ashore, or to be put ashore. Bitter End Properly, the free or loose end of a line. Basically, yelling and screaming. Cold Iron An engineering term meaning that the entire engineering plant has been secured. Theyre a wild card even if they are getting out. Big Chicken Dinner Bad Conduct Discharge. In common usage, to lose SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. Droplights - Red lights arranged vertically below the RAMP, on the approach centerline, on the carrier's stern. Abaft Aft of a given point on a ship; e.g. Anchor-faced - (RN) Anyone who is enthusiastic about the Navy. Does not necessarily mean slowly.. (2) Anyone E-6 or below wearing the dungaree uniform, similar to the traditional term "Bluejacket," due to the Navy blue jacket issued with the dungaree uniform. Now-a-days kicking down a troops door and making them chug six beers at three in the morning is hazing. For an officer, one step up from the bottom, rankwise. Traditionally, the PORKCHOP buys rope, but as soon as you cut a piece off of the spool, it is called line. (2) The equator. (2) A rubber fuel bladder. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome. On behalf of the Commanding Officer, welcome to the only. Also serves to alternate the daily watch routine so sailors with the midwatch one night will not have it the next time. REUNION 2010. Clear Datum - (1) (Submarine) To leave the area where you have been detected (see DATUM). Gator Freighter Amphibious warfare cargo ship. FUF The complement to the GIB; the Fucker Up Front. Crusher - (RN) A member of the Regulating Branch, i.e. See SCUTTLEBUTT. Jetsam does not float. Let the Cat Out of the Bag Originally, this term simply meant to remove the cat (cat onine tails) from its baize bag, generally preliminary to administering punishment. Pipe: Word To Be Passed. Con Level Altitude at which contrails occur due to condensation or freezing of the moisture in engine exhaust. Create. Generally, two two-hour watches, designated First and Second (or First and Last, RCN), arranged so that personnel on watch can eat the evening meal. Naval Shore Patrol. In common usage today, synonymous with the luminous yellow display of the FRESNEL LENS system which replaced it. May be seen as Irish Pendant. (2) (USN) More generically, any dangling or loose thread on a uniform, or lines left adrift or dangling from the upper works or rigging of the ship. ARAB - (UK) Arrogant Regular Army Bastard. It is replaced periodically, as it is worn down by contact with the deck or by field arrestment. Chop (1) Supply Officer. CAP - Combat Air Patrol. CBR Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (nuclear) warfare. Also seen as 'Back to Battery.' The balls were stacked in a monkey, a metal frame which was laid on the deck to help contain the bottom layer of the pyramid of cannon balls. A-ganger - Auxiliaryman. Can result in damage to the aircraft, even a RAMPSTRIKE. Kevlar (1) A synthetic Aramid fiber used for body and splinter armor. Other material conditions may be set as needed, dictated by the threat. Applies to many military schools. [2], In the television series Star Trek, the boatswain's call can be heard every time before the captain (Kirk) speaks to the crew. "Liberty expires for all hands." "Liberty expires onboard for duty section X of X." 1MC Announcement: *0730 . Apes on leave throw poop at everyone. I was on an amphib for 6 years and on average we would be underway 3-4 months at a time, 3-4 times a year. Chipping paint would not qualify as EMI, while inventorying the ship's pubs (publications) would. Also seen as Kipperland, i.e. Historically the boatswain's call was used to pass commands to the crew when the voice could not be heard over the sounds of the sea. Daily U.S. military news updates including military gear and equipment, breaking news, international news and more. Balls to the wall Full speed, or maximum effort. ", Between the Devil and The Deep Blue (Sea) See "Devil to Pay.". The more modern, safer "STRAIGHT BOARD" report came into use because when a sub was "RIGGED FOR RED", red unsafe indications were not readily visible on the monitor panel. CIVLANT (CIVPAC) - Facetious description of ones next duty station when he or she is leaving the service; CIV = CIVilian, LANT = atLANTic coat, PAC = PACific coast. Black-shoe - Member of the surface or submarine community. Boot Topping The black paint used at the waterline of many warships. Liberty Call Series. Acockbill Out of alignment or awry. Heaving Deck - Call from the LSO to a pilot on approach to the carrier that the vertical movement of the deck due to the action of wind and wave is sufficient to be a factor in the approach. (2) The process of starting a large Diesel engine using air to turn the engine over. Get the liberty cuffs, to brag to fellow soldiers about how much better the Navy is. Drilling holes in the water (or ocean) - Term for miscellaneous underwater operations of a submarine. Often purveyors of curios, souvenirs, etc. (2) Time check, though this usage is more common to USAF than USN. (Effective October 3, 2022 10:00 a.m. local Eastern Time until September 29, 2023 4:00 p.m. local Eastern time.) Largely composed of ascorbic acid. Graduation is a tremendous milestone and every graduate deserves recognition for their achievement. poorly organized (or not organized at all)), drunkex (q.v. Advance is the forward progress made between the time that the rudder is put over and the time the ship is steady on her new course. Green Slime (RN) Member of British Army Intelligence. Fig Spoken form of the ship designation FFG (Guided Missile Frigate). Think of it as a deck which does not run the full length of the ship. A boatswain's call, pipe or bosun's whistle is a pipe or a non-diaphragm type whistle used on naval ships by a boatswain . OK ('okay pass') counts 3 points. Crow - The rate insignia of a USN Petty Officer (E-4 through E-6), so-called because of the eagle surmounting the rate chevrons. Usually green with a wine or cocktail glass on it. The opposite of BROWN WATER. WWII. Below, the USS General J. C. Breckinridge, tied up at Keelung Harbor, circa 1968. They are so adorable. Altitudes expressed as MSL have no meaning as far as ground clearance is concerned. Recently, the preferred interpretation has become "American Forces Radio and Television Services.". Bogey Dope - Radio calls to the intercepting fighter giving data on the bogey's position, course, altitude, etc. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will host a Proposers Day in support of the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR001123S0025, Faithful Integrated Reverse-Engineering and Exploitation (FIRE) program on March 16-17, 2023 at the Booz Allen Hamilton Auditorium located at 8283 Greensboro Drive, McLean, VA 22102 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 Burner - (1) In a submarine, a system that burns carbon monoxide and hydrogen out of the air, converting H2 to water and CO to CO2. The human broom picking up any and every small item on the flight deck. Civvy Street Civilian life.CIWS - Close-In Weapon System, a short-range anti-missile point defense system commonly comprised of a radar system and rotary-barreled Gatling gun. Senior MCPO assigned to the unit. (2) Diver, especially a "hard hat" diver (i.e. DILLIGAF Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck? Liberty Risk Someone with a reputation for getting into trouble while on liberty. A 'blue water navy' is capable of prosecuting battle away from shore-based support in vessels of sufficient size and endurance to do so safely. Acey-Deucey Club A club for E-5 and E-6 enlisteds (Second- and First-Class Petty Officers). God Botherer - (RN) The chaplain. Until recently, the only approved footwear for these communities was black in color. Goat Rope An evolution which is going not at all well; disorganized; chaotic. For positions requiring travel more than twice per year, selectee may be required to obtain and maintain in good standing a Government-issued Travel Card for official government travel purposes. Liberty Call teddies in the navy collection. CO - Commanding Officer. Group Grope A disorganized or confused evolution. Auto Dog (USN) Soft serve ice cream, due to its similarity in appearance (at least when having chocolate flavor) to dog feces. The derision arises from the lack of experience and naval knowledge of the typical graduate. FAO Community. (2) (RCN) An unpopular watch, usually the 2400-0400 or 0400-0800. IPAC PROGRAM. Ex dividend Reference is made to the announcement on 28 February . Energy is stored in the rotor as rotational momentum, then expended to slow the decent and cushion the landing. Often referred to as "going high order.". God Bless America. (2) Extra Mechanic. None of the goodies get past him. (3) (Aviation) A location on the aircraft's datum line, often used as a center point for dogfight radar scan modes, or when telling the RIO to get a lockup, goddammit!, or a radar mode which slaves the antenna scan to the aircraft boresight. May also be used to lock the shaft. "Ready to answer bells" means the engine room is ready for maneuvering orders. (2) Surface: Term of address for a Warrant Officer gunnery or weapons specialist. (3) Easy, as in a class where the prof grades gently. A cleaning and/or venting process. See PORKCHOP. Afterburner - A system in the engine(s) of many tactical aircraft (and a very few non-tactical a/c such as the SR-71 and U-2) which dramatically increases thrust at the cost of doubling (or more) the fuel consumption. Fresnel lens installations are also found on almost all Naval Air Station runways. Charlie Sierra Phonetic abbreviation for chickenshit. The unnecessarily thorough enforcement of an insignificant or unimportant regulation. $1999 with code. There are no weapons in a ready status. Drifty A sailor who is not SQUARED AWAY. Dont break the law and youll be fine. Maximum watertight integrity. Well it could always get worse. "Poor Smitty bilged the quiz." GMT General Military Training. Primary mission is nuclear deterrence. (On her) Beam Ends Strictly speaking, when a ship has gone through 90 degrees of roll, where her decks are vertical. Coaming The raised lip around a hatch. Related Media. Fairwater Planes Diving planes located on a submarines fairwater. Buddy Fucker Someone who will not stand up for, or defend, a friend or shipmate, or someone who screws over a shipmate. Gundeck - To mark a maintenance or PMS check as complete without doing the work. Heave Around The order to haul in on a line, wire, or anchor chain, whether with power (windlass or capstan) or by hand. Sometimes seen as CAW for Carrier or Commander Air Wing. Aka 'Paddles'. Word Passed: Fall in at your pay station. It was usually anything useless to a sailor or ship, scavenged and saved for trade to locals for the purpose of earning a little extra liberty money. The goal is to arrive safely and not slide off the end. This is normally weekends and holidays, not to exceed 72 hours. Hardpoint Location or locations on an aircrafts wings and fuselage where weapons or other stores can be hung. See also WATCH. Blue-Shirt (1) (aviation) Aviation Boatswain's Mate. Light Off - Start. When you see the stars align and the following events happen, keep your phone on. $7999 with code. EM (1) Electricians Mate. (2) In radio parlance, cans are a set of headphones. 'Loiter' is similar, although loitering usually involves staying in one place. Refers to Russian 'trawlers' (or, more recently, purpose-built ships) stationed off NATO ports and following major fleet units. Is it easier said than done? Pronounced 'gee-lock'. The pilot of an F/A-18. FFG Guided Missile Frigate. There are several types: TARCAP (TARget CAP), BARCAP (BARrier CAP), RESCAP (REScue CAP, i.e. Benny - A treat or reward, derived from 'benefit.'. "Our society has devolved. "turd shirt. Down to the Short Strokes - Nearly done; almost finished. Can (1) Short for TINCAN. I saw those things in the shops all the time. The crown of the anchor is still resting on the bottom. ABC Atomic, Biological, Chemical. Usually hosted by the various departments. (2) In older usage, cheating, or, as a verb, to cheat. Liberty is regular time off. (3) In general, the area of the ship from which conn orders are given. A Marine Expeditionary Unit is how the Marine Corps and the Navy can liberate any country in the world at a moments notice. US Navy systems (as well those of numerous other countries) use the "probe and drogue" system where a hose is streamed aft of the tanker aircraft. - per Mike Kipper Circular Run The result of a malfunction which causes a torpedo to return to its launch point. Ragman'. Brown Water - Shallow water or shallow draft, especially a ship or navy whose ships are not suited to deep (or open) water and deep-water combat. Advance is maximized in a turn of 90 degrees or more; transfer is maximized in a turn of 180 degrees or more. View last broadcast Robbie Hiner - I Want That Mountain . Originally, deck hatches did not have hinged, attached covers.
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