The surname can be derived from the personal name Sacco. Due to migration and colonization, some last names can be found in more than one country. You will be surprised to know that this is an occupational surname given to someone who owns a tavern, inn, or accommodation for travelers. 33. Get modern and latest japan, buddhist, shinto baby girl names which are popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern. This German occupational name is derived from German sacman, which means baggage servant. Meaning. This is a common last name found in Europe, which also has French historical origins. This last name is derived from the German word Schoup meaning sheaf of grains, and was given to an individual who was a brewer by occupation. 86. Start (English origin) meaning "tail": Regional name, used throughout England. Sheehy is a common Irish last name that also means mysterious. 14. The surname translates to man of peace. Opoulos is common in Greek last names and means descendant of. * Indicates member of the Hall of Fame. This Greek surname has a rather interesting connection to the metal iron. Family names are determined as per the law or custom of a particular community and passed on from generation to the other. 96. British surnames beginning with 'SH' Drill down further to surnames beginning with: SHA SHB SHC SHD SHE SHF SHG SHH SHI SHJ SHK SHL SHM SHN SHO SHP SHQ SHR SHS SHT SHU SHV SHW SHX SHY SHZ Showing page 1 of 175 12345678910Next Sh Sha Sha'Ath Sha'Ban Shaaban Shaaban-Ahmed Shaabani Shaad Shaaff Shaah Shaak Shaal Shaalan Remember! List of surnames starting with the letters SCH Click on a family name in the list below to view people with the same last name from around the world, sorted by alphabetical order. Derived from the word Swingen meaning swing or swingle in German, this last name was given to someone who removes the fiber from the flax plant using a wooden instrument called a swingle. The following two tabs change content below. It is an occupational surname which means sheep. Suzuki (Japanese origin) meaning "bell tree": Geographical surname referring to susuki pampas grass. 77. Saracco (Italian origin) meaning "grass": Occupational surname for grassweavers and mat-makers. If you are searching for Hebrew Girl Name, you are in the right place. This French surname has an occupational origin. 57. The name denotes a bully or a tyrant. Copyright 2018 The Bitmill Inc.All Rights Reserved, Website programming and design byThe Bitmill Inc.Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Aabish Aadarsh Aadesh Aadharsh Aadish Aakarsh Aakash Aakesh Aamish Aansh Aarash Aarish Aaronjosh Aaroosh Aarosh Aarsh Aarush Aaryash Aash Aashish Aatish Aayansh Aayush Abdosh Abhilash Abinaash Abinash Abish Adarsh Adesh Adharsh Adheesh Adish Aelish Ahkash Ahrash Ahrush Aiesh Ailesh Ailish Aillish Ailysh Ainesh Aish Aitash Aiysh Ajitesh Akaash Akarsh Akash Akhilesh Akilesh Aksh Alesh Alish Alpesh Altamish Amish Amitesh Amnish Anash Aneesh Animesh Anish Anitesh Ankush Anosh Anoush Ansh Anush Arash Arbish Ardmanish Ariesh Arish Armish Arnesh Arnish Aroosh Aroush Arsh Arunansh Arush Aryash Ash Asheesh Ashish Ashutosh Ataash Atiksh Atish Atnish Atosh Attash Aurash Avadhesh Avaneesh Avanish Avash Avenash Avikash Avinash Avinesh Avish Avitesh Avnash Avneesh Avnish Ayaansh Ayansh Ayelish Ayesh Aylesh Aylish Aysh Ayush Baarish Baldish Bash Beenish Behtash Belaynesh Berish Bersh Bhavesh Bhavish Bhavnish Bivash Bolish Brijesh British Brittish Bush Cash Caysh Charish Cherish Cherrish Cherysh Clash Crash Crush Daanish Daish Daksh Danesh Danish Danush Darioush Dariush Darsh Darwaish Darweish Darwish Dash Deepesh Demetrish Denesh Devansh Devarsh Devesh Dhanesh Dhanush Dharmesh Dharsh Dhinesh Dilkesh Dinesh Dipesh Divesh Divyansh Divyash Divyesh Donesh Douryosh Durgesh Eilish Eilysh Ekaansh Ekansh Elesh Eliash Elish English Enosh Esh Etaash Etash Eylish Flash Flourish Fresh Ganesh Gaurish Gireesh Girish Gopesh Guntash Guransh Gurbaksh Gurnesh Gurtesh Gurvansh Haarish Haemish Haimish Hainsh Hajrush Hamish Hammish Hamysh Hanish Haransh Harbakhash Harbaksh Haresh Harish Harkish Harnish Harprakash Harrsh Harsh Hartesh Harvish Havish Haymish Haysh Hemesh Hemish Hemmesh Hersh Hetash Himaksh Himanish Hirsh Hitansh Hitesh Hrish Hrishikesh Hursh Hush Ikrash Ilesh Ilish Ilysh Inesh Irish Isaish Ish Isiash Iylish Jainesh Jainish Janish Japish Jasdeesh Jash Jathush Jayaprakash Jayesh Jenish Jesh Jignesh Jitesh Jithesh Jivtesh Joash Joesh Jogish Johnash Josh Jotparkash Joyesh Jugesh Jyotesh Kadesh Kailash Kalpesh Kamlesh Kanish Kapish Karish Karnesh Karsh Kash Kashish Katish Kaveesh Kavish Kawish Keish Kesh Khalaish Khash Khorosh Khush Khwahish Khwaish Kiaash Kianosh Kiarash Kiavash Kish Koorosh Koosh Korosh Kourosh Krish Krissh Kriyansh Kriyash Krrish Krush Kunsh Kurneesh Kurosh Kush Kuvamshivesh Kyarash Kylash Kylesh Lairish Lakeish Lakesh Lakish Laksh Lash Latash Latish Latrish Laukhush Lavansh Laytish Leibish Lingesh Lish Lokesh Lukash Lukesh Luksh Lush Macintosh Mahesh Mahrosh Mahrush Mahvash Mahvish Mahwash Mahwish Mallesh Manansh Maneesh Manesh Manish Manush Marish Marsh Matush Mavish Maynoosh Medhansh Mehrish Mehrtash Mehvish Mehwish Mekash Miesh Milosh Minesh Mirrjesh Mitesh Mohinash Mohnish Moksh Monash Monish Mrugesh Mukesh Mulunesh Munesh Munish Munoosh Naish Nakish Naksh Nalesh Namish Nandish Naresh Nash Natash Nateish Natesh Navinesh Navjosh Nazish Neelesh Neilesh Niayesh Nidhish Nihash Nihersh Nijash Nikash Nikesh Nikhilesh Nilesh Nimesh Nimish Nish Nitaish Nitesh Nithish Nitish Norrish Nytesh Palash Parash Paresh Pariansh Parish Parmeesh Parrish Partish Parvesh Peeyush Perkash Perrish Piyush Prabhansh Prabhjosh Prabhuansh Pradeesh Praharsh Prakash Pranesh Pranish Pratyaksh Pratyush Prayash Prayush Preash Priansh Prish Pritesh Priyansh Priyesh Raadhesh Ragash Rajesh Rajinesh Rajneesh Rajnish Rakesh Ramesh Ramish Ravikash Ravinesh Rayansh Raynesh Reakash Renesh Rexiesh Reyaansh Reyansh Richesh Rickesh Rihansh Rihesh Rikesh Rinesh Rishikesh Rishikkesh Rishrash Ritesh Rithish Ritish Riyansh Riyash Rohinesh Rohinish Romesh Ronesh Ronish Rosh Rudraksh Rudransh Rukash Rumesh Rupesh Rush Ryansh Saaransh Saharsh Saherish Sahrish Saianish Sailesh Sairitesh Saisaharsh Saish Samaksh Samdeesh Sandesh Sandhosh Sanish Sanjesh Santhosh Santoosh Santosh Saransh Sarish Sarosh Sarsh Sarvesh Sash Satish Saurish Sehrish Senesh Sesh Setayesh Setayish Setesh Shanish Sharish Shaurish Shavinash Shavinesh Shaynesh Shirish Shivaansh Shivansh Shivesh Shivnesh Shouresh Shreesh Shreyansh Shreyash Shrish Shriyansh Shubhdarsh Siavash Siavosh Siddhesh Sitaish Solash Soroosh Soroush Sorrosh Sorush Sourish Sparsh Sriansh Srijesh Sriyansh Standish Stash Stosh Sumeransh Suresh Surush Suryansh Suyash Syavash Taanish Tabish Taksh Talish Taneesh Taniish Tanish Tanush Taresh Tarosh Tash Tavish Tejash Tenish Tiarnash Tiniesh Tish Tomash Tosh Trish Udesh Umesh Updesh Uroosh Urosh Utkarsh Vansh Varish Vash Vedansh Veenesh Veeresh Venkatesh Vicknesh Vignesh Vikaash Vikash Vikesh Vinesh Vishesh Vishwesh Vrish Walsh Wash Wish Wossenailesh Yaksh Yanish Yansh Yash Yatish Yesh Yogesh Yslash Yuvansh Zahrotush Zarish Zaygash Zernish, This site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads. A surname that has its roots in Italy, Scala is a common Greek surname that means ladder, steps, or stairway. Spiegelberg literally translates to mirror mountain. Hebrew element. Most common surnames starting with S According to the 1940 census, Smith was the most common last name beginning with the letter 'S', followed by Scott and Stewart. shake hands. 92. This list of actresses whose names start with S includes people from United States, England, India, Canada and other countries all over the world. Here are some popular Polish surnames. This surname is originated from the Greek first name Soterios and is derived from the Latin word for nestling or chick. One of the most common surnames found in Northeastern Japan, Sato is derived from the words Sa, a bureaucratic title, and To a Japanese character for Fuji. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. The name is of Spanish and Aragonese origin. Starts with "SH" Clear all. This German surname means scholar and is derived from Latin schola school. The name is of Catalan, Spanish, and Portuguese origin and means saviour. From Smith to Sakamoto to Saad, there are thousands of last names that start with 'S' that can tell you so much about a person. 2. This metonymic occupational name stands for seed in German. Sage (English origin) meaning "learned": Surname starting with 'S' derived from a nickname for wise men. **Edit** Thanks all! Sala or Salas are both different variations of the same last name. This is a toponymic German last name given to someone who belongs to a thicketed area. The surname is an occupational name for a miller from an agent derivative of Middle High German. 120 Most Powerful And Strong Last Names Or Surnames, 120 Common Last Names That Start With S, With Meanings, 107 Festive Themed Christmas Baby Names For Boys And Girls, 100 Amazing Short Baby Girl Names With Meanings, 100 Sweet AndShort Names For BoysWith Meanings, 150 Traditional And Popular Dutch Last names Or surnames, 55 Most Popular Chilean Baby Names for Girls and Boys, 148 Funny Last Names Or Surnames From Across The World, 133 Most Fascinating Sudanese Names For Baby Boys And Girls, 250 Traditional And Classy French Last Names Or Surnames, 100 Scandinavian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings, 300+ Popular Baby Girl Names Ending With Y, 66 Classy And Beautiful Royal Girl Names For Your Baby, 50 Lord Venkateshwara Names For Baby Boy, With Meanings, 30 Lord Ayyappan Names For Baby Boys With Meanings, 120 Spiritual Baby Boy And Girl Names Full Of Positive Energy, 21 Scenic April Baby Names To Spring Happiness In Your Kids, 150 Popular Rich Last Names Or Surnames Across The World, 100 Most Popular Hispanic Girl Names With Meanings In 2023. 624 Names (0.432256 % of all names in this name list) Search all 4648 'S' last names and find the most famous people with 'S' surnames. Savona is an Italian surname referring to Savo city in northern Italy. Saccone The surname 'Saccone' is derived from an old Tuscan name 'Saccus' or 'Sacco,meaning 'a sac'. 69. Shae. The surname was given to people who lived near the river Sousa. 50. 2. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and This Jewish last name was adopted by people from the Shamash family line, who were caretakers of a synagogue. Savona (Italian origin) meaning "of Savo": Regional surname for those from Savo. Read-Alikes For Authors With Last Names Beginning S. 313 authors starting with "s" This French surname was given to people who were locksmiths by profession. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. 25. It is a name given to a person who is a distiller of a pitch. The surname comes from the personal name Saladino. Sale in French means salty. Derived from saracchio denoting a type of grass used for matting, this Italian metonymic occupational surname refers to someone who gathered the grass or wove it to mats. The surname is of Roman-Latin origins and means a free man. For families who revel in historical accuracy, here are some elf names from folklore from around the world, as well as some familiar names you may know from such beloved fantasy authors as J. R. R. Tolkien. 43. If you liked our suggestions for surnames beginning with S then take a look at these Ukrainian surnames, or for something different take a look at these Viking surnames. Alternately open to names containing 'vin' - there are many of these, haven't looked into them much yet. Shelly was once high on the list of popular baby girl names in the U.S. but has fallen in popularity in recent years. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Jewish last names are usually habitational or occupational in nature. The surname Saccone seems to have evolved from the word Sacco in the Salerno province of Italy. Gender Boy Girl Both. Thanks for any ideas! Initial SH Phrases and Sentences. There are many famous personalities with this last name. The surname has Latin origins from the word secale, meaning rye. Last names such as Sheeran and Smith are famous around the globe. Check out other popular Italian surnames here! Seidler (German and Jewish origin) meaning "silk": Surname referring to silk weavers. It is an occupational surname that was given to tailors or cloth cutters. 94. Specialty: Love, Marriage and Relationships, Shikha is a writer-turned-associate editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. 29. List of 1,128 words that start with sh.Add length, consonants, vowels, syllables, origin, spelling and more. 3. 6. Saito in Japanese means purification or wisteria indicating a connection with the Fujiwara clan. Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz. Stevens is a well-known American surname with roots in the European continent. 26. If you need names ending with more than 2 letters, use our live dictionary names ending with search tool. This surname simply translates to from Scotland. Toggle the table of contents Category: Slovak-language surnames Sauer in German means sour and is a nickname for an embittered person. It refers to a person from Salazar town. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. Salvador (Spanish origin) meaning "Savior": Derived from the Spanish given name of the same meaning. Click on the names below to learn more about their meaning, history and origins. Adam: The Biblical name, meaning 'the red earth', refers to the red earth of the Eden from which Adam was created. Names are derived from so many factors. 61. Then, the following list of over over 95 words is for you. African Rock Python. Steele (English and Scottish origin) meaning "steel": Occupational last name for those who worked in a foundry. In Japanese, the language is predominantly character-based. These words are derived from the Latin words Sabinus or Sabina, meaning a member of the Sabine tribe. A British last name that is also common in the US. Salmon (English origin) meaning "Solomon": Shortened version of the given name Solomon. This cutoff was chosen because the Top 1000 in 2012 include names with a percentage higher than 0.0131% for girls and 0.0098% for boys. Most last names across cultures have a meaning and a story behind them and often relate to a familys origin, occupation, ancestors, etc. It is also used to refer to people who were originally from the town of Salazar in Spain. 32. Derived from Latin sutor, meaning someone who sews leather, Sauter is a German occupational surname for a cobbler. So, scroll through this infographic to know the origins of some last names starting with the letter S. If the letter S is among your favorites, this list of last names starting with the letter will be a worthy read.SaveIllustration: Momjunction Design Team. Shaikha: Removed from list. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! All these 5 letter words starting with sh are validated using recognized English dictionaries. nice to share. This Spanish surname is originated among people who lived in villages surrounded by forests or groves. A word is a key element in a language that is used to express something meaningful. 7. Shakespeare is a nickname for a warlike person and is derived from scacan, meaning to shake and speare, meaning spear in Old English. 100. Hernandez. Sakurai translates to cherry blossomed well and is commonly found in the eastern part of Japan. Simpson is a popular last name in the US. Sasek is a Czeck and Slovak nickname means fool. The surname is given as a well-wish meaning may the child grow up to be as strong as iron. Origin Theme. Sartori is derived from the word Sartos, which means tailor. 8. Another occupational last name found among people of German origin, Schneider is used for a tailor or a woodcutter. Segal (Jewish origin) meaning "assistant Levite": This is derived from the Hebrew title "SeGan Levia". Check out more traditional and popular Greek last names in this article! 20. Two-letter surnames beginning with 'S . 75. This Italian occupational name is derived from sacco, meaning maker of sacks, or its Latin form saccus. The surname means woman of the Sabine people. Here are a few more popular Spanish last names! It is a habitational name for someone from Sandel. 140 Surnames or Last Names That Start With S. Ruchelle has a vast experience working with clients in hospitality, health and wellness, entertainment, real estate, and retail. This surname is believed to have given to those who lived near or worked in a salty marsh. The name Shelly by itself is of Old English origin and means "little female sheep". Copy and paste the following html into your webpage. Start With Sh. It is also spelled Shelley. Spanish surnames are popularly used all over Latin America and have quite a zing to them. Scally (Irish origin) meaning "scholar": One of many Gaelic last names, this derived from Mac Scalaidhe. Smart (English, Welsh and Scottish origin) meaning "prompt": From the nickname of the same meaning. Names can be for either gender but I do want human names. Although there's no hard definition of a "good" last name, there are many lovely and ornamental last names found in multiple cultures. Found these Spanish names interesting? Scarborough (English origin) meaning "fortified town": One of many regional-based last names, this one for those from North Yorkshire. The surname means descendant of Scolaidhe. This metonymic occupational surname is derived from Old French grease, dripping referring to a pork butcher. This surname is common in the Eastern parts of Japan and on the Ryuku Islands. So, the next time you come across a celebrity or individual with any of the above-mentioned last names that start with S, you may be able to better understand their background without even asking. These words are derived from the Latin words 'Sabinus' or 'Sabina', meaning a member of the Sabine tribe. It was a surname given to people who resided beside a small wood or shaw. Derived from Poland, Sagan is a metonymic occupational name for a maker of pots and pans. Snape (English origin) meaning "bog": Geographical name for people from boggy areas. Sideris originates from the Greek word iron and is infact, a wishful phrase used in Greek that translates to may a child grow as strong as iron. Scriven (English origin) meaning "scribe": Occupational name for writers, scribes and clerks. 0. 90. The name was likely used as an occupational name for a maker or seller of sacks. The surname is related to the Czech and Slovak surname Skora. Segal is a French occupational surname that means a grower or a seller of rye. Serrano means a series of mountains, and this last name was given to people who lived close to a mountain ridge or a chain of hills. Meaning: First son of shin, Origin: Japanese Shino The meaning of the name Shino is Stem Of Bamboo. 5 Si. Here are some German Surnames starting with S. It is a common occupational surname that means blacksmith. 55. Italian Last Names that start with S 1. Shulman is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname that literally meansshul-man. 39. It is also believed to be a nickname for a plunderer. Shelly. Sandler (English origin) meaning "St. Lauto": Name referring to St. Hilary church. Scribes and clerks that has its roots in the US ladder, steps, or stairway, spelling and.! Member of the same meaning of popular baby Girl names in the US words are from! 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