Each of these rares gives roughly a quest's worth of experience, so it can be extremely helpful to hunt for them while you're leveling. We've now reached the final section of the Dragonflight prepatch leveling guide which covers levels 45 to 60. WoW Dragonflight How To Level From 10-60 In 3 Hours | Best Dragonflight Prepatch Leveling Guide. I'd do two or three of those zones then . Thankfully, Shadowlands completely overhauled the leveling process and the second phase of the Dragonflight pre-patch (opens in new tab) saw the system extended for characters up to level 60. WOW DRAGONFLIGHT HOW TO LEVEL FROM 1060 IN 3 HOURS BEST DRAGONFLIGHT PREPATCH LEVELING GUIDE, Provide documents for payment verification. Otherwise, its a toss-up to me. The zones are suited well to leveling through and leaving, as well, with stories that are mostly self-contained as you search for items important to the main plot of the expansion. WoW's 18th Anniversary event: +18% XP and +18% reputation gains through November 27 (must check your mail and use the Celebration Package to get the buff) Darkmoon Faire: +10% XP and +10% reputation gains (for one hour . Based on the items you buy, usually deliver in 5-40 minutes. Bath From here, head to your factions section of the city and take the portal back to Orgrimmar or Stormwind. When you make a new alt, picking your timeline is the first thing you should do to get the most out of the leveling process. The next section of this guide will cover levels 35 to 45, but if you're a monk, you should complete the entire Peak of Serenity questline at this point. Press J to jump to the feed. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. WoD is the fastest. She's just suddenly a bad guy in 9.1. 3ds friendcode. One of the best ways to maximize your leveling speed is to group up with other people, using the game's Party Sync feature to synchronize quests and run dungeons. I usually find the quickest Dungeon Finder Groups tend to be Classic-30/Cata-50 and WotLK to 50. Classic (cataclysm) always works best for my alts. thedigitalcrowns.com is a participant in affiliate programs such as BlueStacks and Amazon and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Northrend Boralus Harbor quests through Farshire, 23-30 (2 hours) (1 level per 17 minutes) znscr.parentNode.insertBefore(zergnet, znscr); Other than that, its hard to compare, but I think Legion seems to be popular because its the most recent expansion that almost everyone liked. By the time you get this 20% XP buff, you've already completed most of the efficient quests in the zone, so it doesn't end up helping you that much. Based on your server, usually deliver in 10 minutes to few hours. The other racial starting zones will either provide you with too little experience or they'll lock you into a questline until well past the point where you've reached level 10. If you don't have this toy, you can unlock it permanently from the heirloom vendor for 5K Classic WotLK gold. You should now fly south and completely bloodthorne cave bonus objective along with the nearby quest, A Matter of Life and Death. Creating a new allied-race character requires you to reach max level on another character and . Gorgrond has a very natural route, in contrast, and just following the natural flow of the zone works well.Its important while youre in Draenor to take advantage of grabbing any treasures you see and never miss bonus objectives near your path. No bonus objectives were done. Disable ads, get exclusive content, and more! Mages, monks and and dark iron dwarfs can use their abilities as a replacement for the Dalaran Hearthstone. Upon returning to Stormwind, Alliance players should take the Deeprun Tram over to Ironforge, Mages and Dark Iron Dwarves can use portals or a mole machine respectively to reach Ironforge as it's significantly faster than taking the tram. Each of these classes and or races have abilities which completely remove the need for a dollar on Hearthstone. The only two quests you'll be avoiding are stag witches and a haunting in Hillsbrad. The stars have aligned this week, with a confluence of experience boosts that can help your WoW characters zoom to max level with up to 300% bonus XP. Login Register. By Matthew Rossi. Starting November 15, 2022, if you have a character between levels 50 and 60 and wish to use Chromie Time to finish levels, you now have the the option to timewalk to any of the available expansion timelines (Cataclysm (Classic and Cata), Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King . I'd like to return to the prese on 2022-11-14T16:52:11-06:00. . To be fair, the only real news here is keeping ER > BFA as the standard. Based on the server, Usually take a few hours or more than one day. Best WoW leveling timeline for questing. Talking to this NPC will cause you to be teleported to the Blasted Lands and from here, you'll need to run all the way to the dark portal and complete the Warlords of Draenor Intro Cinematic. Home; All pc games . Leveling from 50-60 is also pretty quick and can be done in about 10 hours or so . Now, with Chromie Time, that isnt the case. . Finds and shall find me unafraid. MoP has some fantastic leveling zones as well but youll have more fun on some zones than some of the others. Revisit the most thrilling and glorious . Once you've reached level 10, you'll want to do a few quests to acquire a dollar on Hearthstone, this only takes a few minutes and you'll save a lot of time over the course of the 10 to 60 leveling process. This system was first introduced two years ago with Shadowlands, but if you've just recently returned to the MMO to start your adventure into the Dragon Isles, this WoW leveling guide shows you the most efficient way to get to level 60. You can then immediately hearth back to Hillsbrad and continue questing until you've completed the entire zone. Im not sure if thats absolute though. They are a bit of a pain at lower levels though (as heals) guess maybe for tank too? Players who have other leveled-up characters have a choice between Exile's Reach or the traditional leveling area for their new character's race. The fastest is warlords of draenor, the add-on Azeroth Auto Pilot makes it super fast but it's kinda boring after the first time and not a great first experience. This could be enough to tip the scale in the favor of this campaign if the current cycle of invasions gets you one or two during your playtime. An experienced WoW player should be able to reach 50 in about 6-8 hours. Posted July 11, 2022. Main menu. To kick things off, you'll need to speak to chromie and begin the legion questline. (Sorry know Im off topic a tiny bit, but thats my Leveling dungeon rant this week). However, exile's reach was tailor made by blizzard to get your characters exactly from levels 1 to 10 and it also happens to be relatively easy to complete. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. From here you'll head to Affliction Ridge and follow the exact same path as the aforementioned horde route. Chromie is located in Stormwind near the Stormwind Embassy for Alliance players, while Horde players will find him in Orgrimmar near the Orgrimmar Embassy. Players must find the Pillars of Creation, seal the Tomb of Sargeras, and invade Argus to end the Burning Legion's threat once and for all. Don't panic, this is simply an extension of the Silver Pine questline. Upon reaching Frostfire Ridge, complete the entire questline to set up your Garrison as this provides you with a Garrison Hearthstone. Its hard to keep a dense experience down, and despite several nerfs The Iron Horde campaign from Warlords is still the quickest expansion. New players will want to get their moneys worth out of WoW leveling, while experienced players will likely want to have the most efficient questing experience possible for their alts. One of the choices you're going to have leveling through World of Warcraft 's next expansion, Shadowlands, is deciding which of the game's expansions to go 10 to 50 in. The fact that new accounts are forced into them combined with their ridiculously complex mechanics compared to older dungeons sounds like a recipe for disaster. If the more attention-demanding runs through Warlords of Draenor zones arent your thing, I would suggest choosing The Legion Invasion campaign from Legion. Leveling should be as fast as possible and we should never get to the situation where it takes literal days to reach max lvl again. How To Level From 10-25 in WoW Dragonflight. @MatthewWRossi. Its the same expansion. The Flight Club is a significantly better choice as it gives you access to a ton of efficient quests. Chromie time lets you experience one . However, depending on when you level your character you may get lucky and have a Legion Assault active. Pandaria Pearlfin Village quests, 45-45.75 (35 minutes) (47 minutes per level) There are a lot of options The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, the post Cataclysm world of Azeroth, Cataclysm's at the . Hellfire Peninsula quests Because they level with you, it's a convenient way to avoid having to examine or replace gear. You know, the actual WORLD of Warcraft. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. New players in World of Warcraft do not have access to Chromie Time and must play through Battle for Azeroth before heading to Shadowlands. This is important, because some dungeons offer quests inside for much better experience, and some do not. I reviewed the numbers reported across the internet by both YouTube and the community, and even tested most of the expansions for myself. I dont expect to wait more than 5min for a dungeon pop. If you like to spruce up your leveling experience by intermingling quests with dungeons, youd probably be best off selecting The Burning Crusade as your leveling experience. Talking with Chromie gives you a choice of all the previous Warcraft expansions. best european universities for international students; what does tittle mean in the bible 0. best chromie timeline to level 2022. He's taking a look at the overall leveling speeds, the feel of each expansion, especially focusing . So come along with Kop as he shows . With this change, Shadowlands enters to the set of expansions available to level with Chromie Time, creating new Chromie Time phases in all Shadowlands leveling zones. LanthRD 2 yr. ago. Honestly bfa is my favorite though, don't even have to do chromie time. yes they're all very fast once you get even the first flying. Also, traversal is a big issue until you have a good flying speed. Continue along until you reach high pass and at this point, you'll be prompted to choose between the Sparring Ring or the Logging Camp. It'll take slightly longer to beat than some of the other expansions on this list, but Pandaria is worth it. the zones arent meant for you to have flying so going from quest to quest is faster since you arent walking to the top of a mountain anymore. what sword i mean, what expansion ? It might be worth installing one of the various addons that mark treasure as treasures take only a few seconds to pick up and offer a decent chunk of experience. Unlike before, you will not immediately be using your Hearthstone to return to hills rat. Both Alliance and Horde players should use their Garrison Hearthstone Upon finishing Loch Modan or Hillsbrad Foothills respectively. Chromie Time, and the new leveling experience as a whole, is significantly faster than previous iterations of the system. that never happen is just a bad dream. For the average player, this sort of play isnt exactly desirable, and estimates extrapolated from applying a raw multiplier to what PTR speedruns arent accurate. Instead, they offer other combat and quality of life bonuses. Option 1: Choose a new timeline in Chromie Time. War Mode is another way to give yourself an XP boost, because if you activate this PVP mode, you give yourself an extra +15% XP, bringing your total up to 103%. You'll get two to three levels per dungeon you run depending on quests. The only Quest that you should not complete is the final one which tells you to kill more lot in, as it requires a ton of travel time for a minimal reward. I'm not sure there is a good expansion to start from for new players. Well, to 45. Monks should go panderia. Monks will not be able to accomplish this by using Zen Pilgrimage. From here, walk to Tower Watch which can be found just past the border to Red Ridge Mountains and begin the questline. These will cover all of your levels from exiting Exile's Reach or your racial starting zone all the way to the new BFA level cap of 50. These vendors only appear after level 50 when Warfronts open up, and they use the currency from world quests in Darkshore and Arathi Highlands. Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years. If you're playing a Mage, Monk Vulpera, Dark Iron Dwarf or some combination of the two, then you dont need the process we just described. Or maybe WoD. If we talk about lore, BFA is the closest to nowadays because you will understand that there is 2 factions fighting (but ok we will do dungeons together soon).On SL there is nothing for warcraft license it self. To use Party Sync, open your quest log and click the Party Sync button in the lower right corner. So, what are you waiting for? Post le . Pandaria Intro and quests to Pearlfin Village, 20.5-23 (40 minutes) (1 level per 16 minutes) Each will take you from 10-60, or you can choose to jump around between them. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Posted May 27, 2020. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Avoid Warlords of Draenor, Legion and Battle for Azeroth, as they offer few or no quests in leveling dungeons. Once you've reached Dalaran, you can turn in the nearby quest to receive your dollar on Hearthstone. Horde players should have just returned to Hillsbrad Foothills and you'll pick up the questline exactly where you left off. Asjon-stormscale (Asjon) March 30, 2022, 10:04pm #8. If you dont make a selection, only the BFA zones will scale, and the others will retain level brackets such that you will have to swap between them if you want to mix zones. Activating Chromie Time changes the player to a different phase from players outside of it, which causes all quests and objectives from Vanilla through Legion to scale up to level 50. Early questing hubs in Hellfire Peninsula and Zangarmarsh are loaded with quests, and if you queue for dungeons while completing them, you should easily be grabbing a few levels every hour without breaking a sweat. While pretty much any route now is likely faster than before there can be quite a lot of difference between the options available, and a lot of information available cites time based on optimized routes with little downtime and lots of preplanning or estimates purely based on just multiplying these speedrun times. Use the toy scouting map to modernize the provisioning of the Eastern kingdoms, which unlocks all the major flight points across the continent. VashjIr quests until Shimmering Expanse Legion assaults were a feature from one of Legions patches, and feature world quests accessible for characters of any level. Using a few techniques can lower the time that it takes, such as skipping dialogue, etc. Wrath dungeons were short and simple. Any post-cataclysm expansion is nice for questing, Legion is very fun due to the order hall campaign and artifacts. Either they're level 50, and 5+ levels above the dungeon which makes it irrelevant; or they're 49, the dungeon scales up to them, but since most people aren't xp locking, they haven't had time to get ready for heroics. If you're Vulpera, place your camp before you hearth.org, then TP back to it. How To Level From 35-45 in Dragonflight Prepatch. Even with the nerf to treasures, WoD has been clocked as the fastest presently IIRC. The new leveling experience, Chromie Time, gives you access to the choice of six timewalking campaigns to level through. Good and varied quests, upgrades that you get on each zone, fast and smooth leveling experience, great stories told per zone, slightly different experience for horde and alliance and personal progression in terms of garrisons with its own campaign. I do that mostly on alts I plan to play long-term. It's worth noting that some quests in Hillsbrad such as Yetimus the Yeti Lord or the Durnhold Challenge are elites which are designed for a group of players. The quest from here on out are sparse filled with RP and take a while to complete, so we do not recommend finishing them. Horde players should now be entering Hills red Foothills and you'll want to complete the quests in the zone until you reach level 30. Except now, instead of spending a fraction of your time at its quick pace, you can do all your 10-50 work there. I think revamp cata world's have an awesome sense of humour. From there, the question gets a little more complex and you have to consider a few more factors. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Blizzard Watch uses minimal cookies to improve your experience and is in full compliance with the GDPR. The Burning Crusade and Cataclysm both involve tons of running, disjointed story lines and antiquated mechanics, so unless you're nostalgic for those zones' experience from your first time around, it's best to avoid them now. The reason for this is because Spires of Iraq is a peculiar zone because while it does have fairly high quest density early on, it falls off significantly towards the end. Contrary to popular belief, the wad intro is actually one of the most efficient questlines in the entire game and if you skip it, you're doing yourself a huge disservice. you'll have the chance to encounter many different rares within the cataclysm revamp zones. Kop Explains how to use the two most powerful tools Blizzard has provided us TOGETHER to enable ALL kinds of shenanigans. XD. Players can now expect to reach level 50 in around 12 to 24 hours . This combined with above will bring you up to 88% experience boost. Or AWOL altogether if they don't touch the Shadowlands. You'll want to complete the bonus objectives Mogron Logworks, Zangarra and Aruuna's Desolation in that order. But then again I'm a lore nerd with lore master lol. Did this yesterday on a healer. I do this, but I do TBC WotLK. as in the tittle, which timeline in Your opinion new/returning or even veteran (for alt) player should pick to have fun and why? Chromie Time at its basis saves you some leveling time by removing the necessity for lengthy swap time between various expansions and having to go through all of their generally experience-light cinematic openers. Once you reach level 40, set your Hearthstone to Tarren Mill and return to Orgrimmar in order to learn master riding. Afterwards, you should kill one of the nearby crocodiles as he begins a hidden quest. i love wotlk but as U said, old quest design could be terrible feeling now. I've not seen anything about heirlooms in Dragonflight, except the new one being added tomorrow. The common consensus among most WoW players is that the Warlords of Draenor leveling experience is the fastest. Killing one of the Naga will give you a secret quest which tasks you with killing 15 more. 1. Apparently Blizzard likes to eventually paint themselves into corners. 2023 On Click Creative, LLC. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). That being said, the last two-thirds of Silver Pine have incredible quest density and minimal travel time. The Darkmoon Faire is in town until November 12, Winds of Wisdom lasts until November 15, and the anniversary event lasts until November 27. The island is a well-paced and engaging adventure that packs ten levels into an hour or two of your time. I still wouldnt touch bfa dungeons (unless I had no other option) with a 10ft pole. My head is bloody, but unbowed. I wouldnt put priority on Stormsong Valley though, its one of the weaker zones with a disjointed story, but still, not a bad zone or even meh by any means, just lacks some focus in terms of themes and story, gameplay wise some quests can be confusing and slow but otherwise interesting. Once youve decided on a new main for the coming expansion, or possibly alts youd like to have around, a second question arises. Picked druid and leveled exile's reach -> bit of legion (only to receive moonglade spell) and from then bfa campagin. Apparently, when the new player creates a Class Trial, it unlocks Chromie Time for all characters. You'll want to use your champion's honorability once again on the basilisks and steam furies that you'll encounter during the quest on the mend. So, are they saying Shadowlands is not canon? Some zones are improved far more by using these speedrun strategies than others, so its best to keep the rankings in mind and focus on minimizing your downtime more than quibbling over estimates; the time you spend worrying your choice might not have been perfect is probably enough to cover the difference between them. If you find yourself struggling with this quest, dragging the mobs over to Lord Godfrey and waiting for him and the other NPCs to whittle the dwarves down. I mean tbf not much at all happens in Shadowlands that affects Azeroth besides The Jailer boss fight but still seems weird lol. Reached lvl 50, then chromie appeared and got teleported back to SW. Within the first area, you'll see a giant edit named Korok the Colossus and you should kill him in order to receive a hidden quest. You'll also want to finish the next few quests to where you kill ogres, gather supplies, construct a barracks and rescue all in umbrahide. BfA had like zero queue time, almost instant. While every race will be presented with multiple options, choosing exile's reach. i always go with mop. But Battle for Azeroth isn't terrible for quest density either (particularly the Drustvar zone for Alliance and Nazmir for Horde) while offering the combination of modern quest mechanics and story integration. At level 10 you can go in Orgrimmar or Stormwind to talk to Chromie and tell her in which timeline you want to be leveling in. Puzzling them out for the first time or even finding someone elses solution likely takes long enough to make them no longer worthwhile after the nerf. IMO you do all of them for the first time - as the quest(s) at the start of the dungeons is where the majority of the leveling speed comes from. When you hit Level 35, you should abandon spiers and return to Stormwind. var zergnet = document.createElement('script'); I recommed the cats era, silverpone first through to hilsbrad path. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Pick the situation that applies to you for more information: They are all good, Id say the higher you go up in the expansion tree, the more consistently good zones become. For most classes, these are extremely difficult to solo. Based on your server, usually deliver in 30 minutes to few hours. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Regardless of which category you fit into, here are the best leveling timelines you can select from Chromie when making a new WoW character. From here, head to Spiers of Iraq and progress through the quest line until you reach level 60. zergnet.type = 'text/javascript'; zergnet.async = true; If youre not tank, Brew Monks will solo these, just try and keep up. I always do legion to do the class hall campaign and get the mounts. Mobs here took longer to kill, but didnt seem to hit harder. When this happens, set your Hearthstone to Darkshire and then use your dollar on Hearthstone, so portal hop over to Stormwind. At some point along the way you should hit Level 60. If one is active while you level through Legion, hitting it before it expires will be well worth your time. The common consensus among most WoW players is that the Warlords of Draenor leveling experience is the fastest. By now, you should have reached roughly level 25. How many of them can their be anyway? Which expansion should you choose? Vanilla dungeons were long but required learning very few mechanics. I had the most fun with TBC dungeons and actually loved the timewalking for badge farming (especially Black More Ass). IMO the fastest way to lvl via dungeon (at lvl 46,5 i run out of the capital and kill All rares to hit 48 and run shadowlands content. This spell has a hidden effect which causes quest starting items to drop while you kill certain enemies with the buff active. 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