The subordinates start keeping distance from the superiors. Fixed Responsibility 5. They are not provided with an opportunity to put forward their view point or problems or suggestions to persons at the top level. v. Prompt Decisions- As the superiors enjoy full authority, quick decisions are taken by them. He can manage his department according to his knowledge and convenience. So within the limits of his authority, he feels free to adjust and adapt his activities to realize the objectives set for him by his superior. 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Privacy Policy 9. Each level of management has equal rights. Economical Disadvantages are: 1. Line Organisation is the oldest form of organization. Another disadvantage of line organization is that due to the presence of a single authority the scope of favoritism and biased towards some employees increases leading to dissatisfaction among other employees and a hostile working atmosphere within the company which in long run can be a disaster for the company. According to Allen, Organizationally, the line is the chain of command that extends from the board of directors through the various delegations and re-delegation of authority and responsibility to the point where the primary activities of the enterprise are performed.. In a line organization, the responsibility for the performance of tasks is fixed upon definite individuals. Two types of managerial authority are granted by an organizational structure. All the departmental managers enjoy equal status and work independently. In the line organization there is a vertical line of authority. Identification of Authority and Responsibility: . 2. Unlike affiliative leadership structures, such organizational structures do not heed the officers advice. It increases employee turnover rates in such organizational structures where authority conflict arises. There is thus a hierarchical arrangement of authority. As a small-business owner, Ingram regularly confronts modern issues in management, marketing, finance and business law. The departmental manager is responsible or answerable to his immediate superior i.e. For example, quality control officers may guide the production department in improving the stability of the product. How to Improve Line and Staff Organization? A line function is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. This is because of unified control. So, there is a lack of stability in enterprise performance. (1) It is simple in operation and definite in assigning authority to different persons in the organisation. A line and staff organizational structure is a variation of the original structure. There are a number of benefits of line and staff organization, in the sense that it gives relief to the line managers and they can concentrate on the implementation of policies and plans. Managers have to involve themselves in jobs of different nature. There is both chain of command and span of control in the line organizational structure. Plagiarism Prevention 5. 6. Opportunities for Advancement. The officers work according to their whims and preferences. military, vertical, scalar, departmental organization. There should be a single line of command. A line organizational structure helps build rapport between senior management and employees. They are expected to take numerous decisions and supervise the work of subordinates under them. Unity of Command: . Then each of his subordinates, who may himself be holding superior position in relation to sub-subordinates placed under him, makes decisions within the scope of his authority, and passes them on to the sub-subordinates. 2. Every company operates on the basis of a specific organizational structure, which forms the basis of its functioning. Expensive: This type requires the appointment of a large number of experts involving heavy expenditure. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Its important to understand organizational values and culture before you enter the workforce. (ii) There is concentration of authority at the top. Reduce energy Expenses - Under the triple bottom line method, the organizations are encouraged to use renewable energy. Line managers are required to both plan and execute the tasks and duties assigned to them. Learn about:- 1. Direct supervision and control also helps in maintaining strong discipline among the workers. Storage Discipline: The vertical arrangement of authority and the singleness of responsibility ensures excellent discipline. Quick Decision: Quick decisions are taken by the employees because of unification of authority and responsibility. 5. The open office arrangement has the fantastic benefit of enhancing business culture. Staff authority should be restricted to a purely advisory role. The line organization has the following advantages: 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The process of rating an organization's practices, processes, and products against the best of the world is known as: A. webworking. (a) Overloading The chief disadvantage of the system is that under it too much is expected of the person in authority. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. (4) There is no question as to responsibility or authority. (iii) Line organization is not suitable to big organizations because it does not provide specialists in the structure. Modern business is so complex that it is extremely difficult for one person to carry in his head all the necessary details about his work in his department. Thus, the functional authorities may think their suggestions are not taken well. Telegram ChannelJoin telegram channel Structure Structure It reduces the time taken for multiple approvals. They only impart their suggestions to line authorities. Good and efficient emperors were able to achieve a great deal whereas an inefficient and weak emperor spoilt everything. This is the oldest form of organization. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. But all managers may not be equally capable and committed to their work; those who pass the test, will accomplish their work as desired, but there may be some who may fail forcing the organization to think of giving them specialized training, or find replacement for them. Authority conflict is a common issue in organizational structures with multiple command officers like matrix and line and staff structures. Another benefit of line organization is that it is easier to make someone accountable and responsible for the task assigned to him or her so if any mistake happens one can easily pinpoint the person due to whom the mistake has happened and there is no scope for him or her putting blame on other persons of the company.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'letslearnfinance_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-letslearnfinance_com-medrectangle-4-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'letslearnfinance_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-letslearnfinance_com-banner-1-0');Since decisions are taken by the person at the top only the response time to any situation is quick and short besides there is a lot of flexibility due to the presence of a single authority which makes it easier to respond to any situations which may arise from time to time. (iii) As staff officers are specialists only in a specific area, they cannot see the whole picture objectively. Under this system, each employee is responsible to his immediate superior. And, every employee is directly responsible to his immediate superior. Further, if superiors were to make a wrong decision, it would still be carried out, because the subordinates are afraid of pointing out that the decision is wrong. Staff officers do not have the authority to implement their opinions and recommendations without the line officers approval. Authority and instructions pass on from the General Manager to the Plant Superintendent and from the Plant Superintendent to the Foreman and from the Foreman to the workers. The leaders follow the line, staff, and functional authority. Every unit is complete in itself as far as the functions are concerned. Line and staff structure is adapted by medium to large organizations with several employees. Line organisation is the basic framework for the whole organisation. Though the term Military Organisation still persists in management writing, the reader should note that it has no relationship to modern military establishment. In an industrial concern, for instance, a foreman neither receives any instructions from, nor issues commands to, another foreman. The simple organization is economical in operation. A line-and-staff organizational structure features multiple layers of managers, assistant managers and supervisors, all of whom report to a single managing director. The traditional chain of command makes decision-making more complex and does not allow for much flexibility. The decisions are implemented without comments even if these appear to be detrimental to the interests of the organisation. Under this system the departmental head is involved in taking and executing various decisions. 4. Under this system, authority flows from the men at the top to the lowest man vertically. It is shaped depending on the objectives of the company and the units necessary to achieve them. Vertical Organizations A "vertical" company is known for having a large staff of middle managers between the CEO and the front line. Coordination: Since each department is controlled by one man, complete coordination throughout the department is assured. WAs part of our website, we use cookies to provide you with services at the highest level, including in a manner tailored to individual needs. The line officers cannot be experts in every line of business. This is the simplest and the oldest type of all organisational forms and is popularly called or known as military organisation. The staff offers specialized/technical suggestions, advice and ideas to the senior management. For example, the person heading the marketing department will have the knowledge and skill necessary to carry the process with full responsibility and successfully run his team. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. It is extremely difficult for one person to handle activities of diverse nature. In setting the departments, the similarity of function is taken into account. Simplicity: Line organisation is simple to establish and can be easily understood by the employees. 5. Flexibility- Since each departmental head has sole responsibility for his department, he can easily adjust the organization to changes in business situation. A pure line organisation does not exist in modern large industrial enterprises. There is also a lack of grooming the new persons for taking up important work. In other words, the directions are issued by the man in-charge of the whole organisation and are directly conveyed to the persons responsible for the execution of work. (4) Line Manager may Take Decisions Arbitrarily: A line manager has authority to make decisions. First, a few definitions so you understand what I'm talking about. 2. They are willing to adopt a dictatorial approach. 2. B. outsourcing. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". So, learning more about different organizational structures, stakeholders and power structures will help you navigate your workplace. 1. Conflict between Line and Staff: One more important disadvantage is the conflict between the line and staff officers. Ideally, it distributes the power, supports knowledge sharing, and encourages employee accountability. employees are accountable to one person the manager; possibility of quick interaction between employees and management; each employee or department is responsible for one issue; lack of specialization, which requires the top level to deal with all functions in the organization; many intermediate management links that prevent the employee from quickly contacting and getting answers from top management; low flexibility and adaptability to new or crisis situations. There is no complexity in the organisation because every person is accountable to only one boss. A line of credit is usually cheaper than using a credit card. Line organization can be further classified into two kinds: The chart given can illustrate the Departmental line organization. Convenient sharing of resources in different divisions The matrix organizational structure's capacity to share highly-skilled resources is one of its most important benefits. They are only required to do as told to them by respective managers. 2. Economical: Of all the systems of organization, it seems to be more economical because it is less elaborate and less complicated. The first and foremost advantage of line organization is that it is very simple to understand and implement in the organization and hence there is no need to give extensive training to employees about the structure of the organization as all employees will know that flow of authority will be in a line and that too from top to bottom so there is Staff and line are names given to different types of functions in organizations. Since all work is done according to the wishes of one person alone, the efficiency of the whole department will come to depend upon the qualities of management displayed by the head of that department. Line should value the special skills of staff and similarly the staff should try to appreciate the difficulties in implementing new ideas. As such, they can not devote sufficient time to creative functions. Under it, the persons having the greater decision-making authority are placed at the top, and those having the least decision-making authority at the bottom. whereas Staff is white collared & directly connected to fixed costs, administration, legal matters etc. Prohibited Content 3. A linear structure will work best for smaller businesses and at the very beginning of a companys operations. This may become the reason for lack of co-ordination among different departments. Line or Military Organization: Structure, Features, Characteristics, Merits, Demerits, Suitability and Branches, With Features, Conditions for Success, Merits, Demerits and Suitability, Hierarchy of Authority Levels, Branches of Line Organisation, Merits, Demerits and Suitability of Line Organisation, Flow of Authority from Top to Bottom; Accountability of Each Subordinate, Department Managers Function Independently of One Another, Subordinates can only Approach Immediate Superior, (2) Clear Division of Authority and Responsibility, Line managers are required to both plan and execute the tasks and duties assigned to them. Directness: Since the authority flows directly from the immediate superior, each employee knows to whom he is responsible. Disadvantages of Line and Staff Organisation. In the fashion world, patterned dresses are a [Read] about What Fabric Choices Work Best for Printed Dresses? This type is also known as scalar organisation. (ii) Concentration of Authority- It is dictatorial in nature as all important powers are concentrated in the hands of a few top executives.
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