Your post only showed your first name and I have been trying to place you. Johnston was a kind gentleman, and a caring Doctor. My email is My second son was born at Mercy Hospital. For anyone interested in helping out in any way to rehab the property, let us know so we can meet and make some plans. I have a picture of her but do not know anything else about her. He was a General Practice physician and delivered babies. I delivered babies there 1980-1983. By the way, if you know anyone even speaking of trying to go in and walk through, be sure you let them know that we will prosecute to the fullest extent!! Resolution Places Kuhn under Urban renewal Process, Another step towarfds demolotion. Required fields are marked *. Thanks again, China, Dr Said Elisa, and Dr Lemia. Contact . .Dr. Located in Laurel, this abandoned hospital in Mississippi not only looks totally creepy, but is, not surprisingly, believed to be haunted. Originally created to care for injured sailors working on the Mississippi River, this hospital was a campus of six . Would love to go back when I have more time. The fact that this year was different and presented challenges helped shape my leadership and taught me valuable lessons in time management and team coordination. We were considered as the Mayo Clinic of the South. There were MANY unique and lovely aspects of the care provided and the relationships among staff and prisoners. I would like to know where she is buried. Judy, I remember your mom very well and of course I remember all the doctors you mention. If I recall correctly, the hospital is not owned by the state anymore but a private developer. This is a very interesting article that shows the history of Vicksburg and the contents within the beautiful. happy memories of the hospital and Mercy Hospital Street Memorial School of Nursing.I retired from Nursing in 2005. I graduated from Mercy in 1960. - Authorities are investigating after a group of ghost hunters found a body at an old abandoned hospital in Mississippi, reports The Vicksburg . Such fond memories at Mercy. It later tended to Civil War soldiers and lost several staff members during the Yellow Fever outbreak in 1878. Kuhn has stood vacant for the two decades since this article, and as you can see in the pictures below, the results arent pretty. I was born at Kuhn in 1970. I went to nursing school there. We at first lived in the nursing home on Cherry Street and moved to the nurses home on campus at the hospital about 1960. That hospital/clinic was like another home to me. I could have delivered you! The experience I had at Kuhn led me to a life long love for medicine and a 30 year career as a Registered Nurse in the operating room. I had a child there in 1980. My friend, caucasion, reared at Holly Bluff, Yazoo County, Mississippi A beautiful chapel, constructed from private funds, is adjacent to the hospital and is accessible by means of a covered walk from the main building and to sisters and student nurses passing to and fro. Charles, see if you can find any information on a hospital called The Pest House. Found out he was buried at Cedar Lawn. I did not deliver you on December 30, 1980. It took its place at this location, then a suburban estate with a substantial house in 1847. Weve been searching.for the right building for over two years and weve seen some buildings in really bad shape. Author. We did have a golf cart that would help transport people from the bottom of the hill to the top of the hill, but it wasnt always enough. See note above did not read far enough before I posted. Fort Massachusetts 30.21236, -88.97214 History: In 1847, the United States declared the Ship Island a military reservation, and Congress authorized the construction of a fort nine years later. Ghost hunters searching an abandoned Mississippi hospital for the paranormal found the body of a missing 69-year-old woman. Stayed on working at Mercy (45 years) til I retired in 2003. . One of the first babies to survive the surgeries he had. Any suggestions on who to contact for permission to go through the buildings? We even had insurance and payed our bills!!! I had two great aunts that died and state hospitals for the insane and Texas. Janne, Awesome, I hope you find it and would like to keep in touch with you to hear all about Kuhn. Plan on going back to take more pictures at night time. for many years. Urban explorers took a tour of an abandoned hospital which has stood empty for 20 years and still has vials of blood and surgical equipment inside. The true history is quite splendid better than fiction actually. Janne, I married a man from Vicksburg and we talked about the Pest House and drove past the driveway many times. Even if the hospital were to be demolished any asbestos would still be subject to remediation and the associated expense. At that time We had a burial of a time capsule and an old New Orleans type parade on the campus. In those days so did the doctors. As a local paranormal investigator this place has intrigued me since I found out about it.Not being originally from here, I viewed it as just another building with a history to investigate. as i was told there was on nurse that never gave up and brought my sister back to life.Jessica Lanne Smith .Mother was Sara Lynn Smith..Our step mother Was Cynthia Renee dickerson.. my mother knew a wonderful black woman named Bootsie who was like a surrogate mom to many of the student nurses around 1941. Vicksburgs building inspector gave the owners, a foundation in Yazoo City, 120 days on September 18th to decide what to do with it. On Friday, state funding runs out for Kuhn, causing the charity institution to shut its doors. Anyone know about her? I only lived there until I was 8 and we moved to Brookhaven but spend every summer there with my grandmother. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to posts author and Preservation in Mississippi with appropriate and specific direction and links to the original content. I have always wanted to be a paranormal investigator. Those sound like such valuable records, it would be a shame for them to be lost in the shuffle of time. Keep your heads up on the place. In his will, Kuhn directed that a 7-person committee composed of three Jews, two Catholics, and two Protestants be formed to decide the best way to disburse the money. It turned out to be a vast amount of informaton. I am visiting Vicksburg now and I was looking for the old hospital site when I ran across this article. Yes, it needs cleaning and some replacement of stolen plumbing, but overall, its is great condition. Did you deliver a baby on May 29,1985. Did you deliver a baby boy in 80 to the name of Robearra Augusta Smith. :) In 1985, I was Dr. Potnis and Johnny Johnsons secretary. Change). still a long way and bad roads. Dr. Ting was from China. Preservation in Mississippi, 2009-2017. Trial Set; Man Indicted in Kuhn Killing; by Alama Norris; The Man Accused of Stalking, Raping, Abducting and Killing Sharen Wilson in Jejune 2015, is set to Stand Trial in June, 2016. According to police, the group of individuals, who have not been identified, made the discovery at the abandoned Kuhn Memorial State Hospital in . We heard YEARS ago that some attorneys from Jackson purchased it. I wandered through the ruins remembering myself hurrying along the hallways to deliver a baby or to see a patient in the emergency department. Preservation has a long history in the Magnolia State, and we hope this blog will help build a stronger community of local and state preservationists. The derelict almost haunted Kuhn Memorial State Hospital lies abandoned on 1422 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd in Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi. I remember wonderful things about the people who worked at Kuhn. Ruth Thornton was the OR RN supervisor who likewise taught and allowed me to observe my first surgeries. Effective November 1, the City of Vicksburg owns the property. If you remember me please message me on Facebook. Mabus, a Democrat, wants to close Matty Hersee Hospital in Meridian, South Mississippi State Hospital in Laurel and Kuhn Memorial State Hospital in Vicksburg. We walked the whole hospital and took pictures, got alot of orbs and several apreritions , got black shadows and voices. A few days before Mr B died I was asking for help. and Sister Mary Eva. I never entered the medical field after High School which is when I worked at Mercy I went into mechanical industry. Dr Lee. I would really like to hear your stories!! I moved to Wildwood in 1995 and boy was it convenient with working at Mervy. thank you so much! authorities began their search Friday at Kuhn Memorial Hospital, going through each building on the property flor by floor, but found nothing. I would be interested and maybe talking to you on facebook Messenger about some of the things you may have witnessed. Some of them lived in our subdivision, Wildwood. I have been retired from nursing since 2003. Space is provided for main lobby and waiting rooms, admitting office, Social services office, Information, PBX and tube room. Johnnie Taylor worked the emergency room day shift until she retired.Long about 86 not sure of exact date.. she has since passed away.. Abandoned Hospitals and Mental Institutions Photo Gallery Kuhn State Hospital started life as Vicksburgs City Hospital back in 1832, in response to a smallpox outbreak. Kuhn continues to be a symbol of incompetence and negligence on the part of so many parties that it would take far too long to list all those responsible, Judy, did your mom and dad live on China Street at one time? The bones of steel and concrete are solid. I suggest everyone go and explore while you still can This place is gonna be demolished sometime in January or February of this coming year. Just curious as to whether this was the hospital.. Welcome to Preservation in Mississippi, a blog about historic buildings, places, and even a few people in Mississippi. As for the paranormal, it IS home to many, many spirits. Dr. Jarrett was my pediatrician and he had a nurse (sister of Mercy) that was referred to as Bobo. Any photos posted would be great ! I was born in that hospital in 1981, wish I had money to save it. But the massive building is no longer a hive of activity, instead walled off from the community it once served by a high fence with razor wire on top. Youngest child born in Hosptial in Yazoo City,. Just curious. My first encounter with Mercy Hospital was when Dr. Messina placed my mother In the hospital for breast cancer and surgery. It made me proud to work at such a facility. Learn how your comment data is processed. The abandoned hospital then became a subject of local lore. My neighbor and friend at that time was a nurse midwife and her name was Polly. Hey Shirley, In the years since, shes had the privilege of having her articles appear in several publications, such as Parents & Kids Magazine and Girl Meets Strong. Janice and I were in the same graduating class at SFXA in 1957 and Peggy was just right behind us. I only wish I could remember her last name so that I could try to find her! The Taborian Hospital in Mound Bayou, Mississippi was a famous African-American hospital funded by a fraternal organization called the International Order of Twelve Knights and Daughters of Tabor. Find the answers at ", Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Buddy Butts Park, 6180 McRaven Rd, Jackson, MS 39209, USA. Left me with fond memories. Are there any other abandoned places in Mississippi? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He married Magprgaret Webb who was a dietitian and she lived in the same house as us-the student nurses. I am just now reading this because Ive been so busy since January 1 with a sick sister. Just wanted to thank you.i dont know if you delivered me but Im sure you my know the person who did. They both have passed away within the last 2 years. I would love to see the inside of that beautiful old building again. Rachel was delivered by Calvin Poole, and her pediatricians were Bobby Ford and Dan Barnes.